With all due respect, Bright, the point I was trying to make (by way of a joke) is that your watch has so many things wrong with it (&, by wrong, I mean inaccurate, low-end, damaged, cock-eyed, off-center..........the types of things I see on broken Canal Street watches that people bring in for repair & few of the things we normally see on any watch here)) that I saw nothing to be gained by itemizing its collective problems. And adding your brilliant vintagizing (which I have complemented you on elsewhere on the basis of a much better watch) is not going to turn this sow's ear into a silk purse. For better or worse, here, on RWG, I am used to seeing a much different (higher) level of rep. So, when you post a set of pics like these, it seemed to me that the only reasonable response (since I did not want to dump a litany of complaints & criticisms onto such a new member) was to post a light-hearted joke. And, again, I am sorry if the use of sarcasm offends you.