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Posts posted by Devedander

  1. I'd be interested to know the cost to manufacture these bags... likely under $25-50... someone in China is making a lot of money :)

    Go to any major store from Walmart to Macy's and track down what any Asian made products production cost/markup is... it's scary.

    Also why these guys charge what they do for bags... becuase:

    They can.

    They need to.

    They want to.

    Any of those or a combination.

    Pricing (unless you are buying something from your buddy) is not solely determined by cost of production... especially with illegal stuff. Remember these guys are here to make money too... I wish they would pass on their goods at cost, but that's not really reasonable to ask of them. The market decides the price. If no one will pay $500 for a leather bag, they won't charge that for long. But if someone thinks it's wroth $500 for the bag that would either cost them:

    $3000 in a store

    $1500 plane ticket, days of searching and dealing with unscrupulous people and sneaking it back through customs

    Hours/days/weeks finding and building relations with whoever deals these bags to our sellers and doing business with those people

    then I would be surprised if they change their pricing...

    For the record I think anything over $200 for a bag is rediculous and won't pay it, but I think I understand why they charge that much.

  2. Hmmm... interesting... I have not spent over $200 on a rep yet since that is a lot of money to me and I am not sure I could be ok writing it off if something goes wrong... but it does make you wonder what you get for the extra few hundred when it's almost the same movement and raw material value of sub $200 reps...

    But I can definitely see how it's expecting too much to have a definitive yes no answer to this type of question...

  3. This brings up (tangentially) a question I have about higher priced reps, which is:

    How do they compare fit and finish wise?

    Sorry to thread jack but I think it's somehwat relevant.

    So for those who have bought the higher priced/higher end reps, let's forget movement reliability or detail accuracy for a few minutes... how do they compare in terms of fit and finish?

    In other words if I took some $300 nice dept store watch (and remove all branding) and then a $300 rep (again remove all branding and it's not a rep that you have ever seen the gen of so you have no direct comparison) do you think there would be a difference that would lead you to spot the rep? On their own faults do they feel as good as what you get in a dept store?

    Basically if I took a $300 rep, unbranded but good quality for the price and not one you recognized in terms of what it was trying to rep, do you think you would feel all else being equal it's fit and finish and overall feel would make it worth $300?

    In other words, are the $300 reps $300 watches with brand names and modelling applied, or are then $100 watches which you pay $200 to have look like brand names?

    I ask because I am constantly astonished at the quality of what is at my local dept stores... even at discount stores like walmart and Ross a few minutes at the watch counter turns up one or two very nice looking, solid feeling, good finish watches for the sub $100 range and if I get into the $300 range I can get very nice looking, comfortable automatic watches with good looking gold plating or nice feeling steel.

    I think for those who don't know reps, we assume gens are some mythical beast that makes our dept store watches feel rough and unpolished and cheap... that combined with the very flattering pictures many dealers have up may give the impression that reps quality (not talking mechanical, but rather aesthetic) is higher than it may be...

  4. @ TTK I know about the watchsmith ttk... but thought it would be better/interesting to give it a crack myself as believe it or not I am also running into frowns when I ask about reps at watch shops around me (I know, don't ask, but there is no way they won't know in the end and I have already been asking for from a previous issue with another watch, so too late for that now)...

    @ Tourb I know it's probaby something stupid stickied right in front of my face, but I am not seeing it, can you link to The Zigmeisters 21j post? Thanks

  5. That's always possible...

    I have been in almost constant contact with them for the last month or so (big order with lots of complications) and so have noticed it on a daily basis... but still getting responses and good ones at that so I think its just busy season.

    But I did get an email today from them so they are still there and alive (probably freezing their a**es off) :rolleyes:

  6. I think they must be getting more busy lately... about a month ago I got regular 24 hours turnaround on emails, now it's taking closer to 2-3 days... but they do seem to get back...

    If you haven't, resend the email, they have missed a few of mine (just lost in the hord of email I suppose) so it can't hurt.

    Judging by how they have gotten back to me I can say in general they are very good about getting back in a reasonable period of time (I think 3 days on the long end is reasonable especially in Dec).

    If it comes down to it though, buy from another dealer... I don't think they will take it personally or anything :)

  7. Why is it your responsbility if it's his money? Are you making a profit off this or something?

    If you are not making money off it and just doing your buddy a favor, I would make sure to let him kno wthe risks associated (although with narikaa and PT I can't imagine many) and tell him it's his call.

    If you are making a profit, welcome to the world of business :)

  8. I almost bought the Seiko Flight Chrono you linked to but bought the mentioned Tissot instead for 2 reasons. The Seiko is gold electroplate and will fade, the Tissot is titanium nitride PVD golded and will last a lifetime, and the dial is very small on the Seiko. It looked insignificant compared to the slide bezel.

    The quartz accuracy you mentioned is not unusual. I pulled out a very low cost Lorus from a drawer after 2-3 years and it was off by 15 seconds. Just amazing.

    And sorry to thread jack here, but what is the term for the 1/5 quartz? I thought it was micro quartz but I am not getting anything for it...

    Do any of our reps come with 1/5 quartz?

  9. Incredibly I have a quartz Citizen that a few YEARS ago I synced against my computer (which was matched via internet time). It got lost in boxes and clothing duringa move and sat in who knows what position in what kind of wheater etc for 3 years.

    I found it a few months back... synced my computer to internet time... it was 6 seconds off...

    It could well be total luck but that blew me away...

    That said I am interested in the 1/5 second quartz movements.... that would provide a decently smooth sweep second but quartz accuracy...

    Very nav looking (right down to the slide rule) but quartz and 1/5 second chrono http://www.jcpenney.com/jcp/Products.aspx?...iteID=210054369

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