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Posts posted by Devedander

  1. Well the value isn't a particularly important issue as I wasn't looking to sell it, would have been nice to be worth a lot but no big loss if it's not :)

    The oldness (along with the hope of reasonably easy repair) are making me happy at the moment.

    I searched on the net and believe it or not found a review someone wrote saying they had their waltham serviced at a local jewlery store not 5 miles from me and the store did a good job... It's just one review, but it's a start...

  2. Well I took one more look to see if I could figure out how to open the back... and amazingly it was already cracked open a bit... I have no idea how as I swear I have pulled at it numerous times and never got it open... guess it just wanted to be open now...

    It just swings open and I got a snapshot of the insides... it's actually pretty simplistic looking and not what I would think is particularly decorated :(

    I wouldn't expect it to be worth a LOT, especially considering it's condition, but I didn't even realize Waltham was a popular watch company up until about 2 hours ago so it's gained signficant value (I thought maybe it wouldn't even be worth servicing originaly)...

    Here's the inside...


    BTW I don't think those scribbles are a date as there is an H and 2 numbers in the twenties... doesn't seem like that could be a date...

    If that is a serial number on the movement, then according to the chart at the pocketwatchsite it predates my grandmother by a bit... I hope it does start working with a service, something cool about a working 100 year old watch!

  3. Thanks for the information!

    I would probably guess this watch is between 70-100 years old considering my Grandmothers age. But I don't know if she owned it new or if it was passed down to her, I will have to ask my mother.

    If these Waltham watches are popular hopefully that will make it easier to get it fixed up... $75 does not sound at all unreasonable. I have no idea what kind of movement is inside... I can't even figure out how to open it up... but when the second hand goes it seems pretty smooth...

    I would assume it's solid gold... I just figured watches from back then tended to be... I have attached some more pictures of the engraving but I am not sure what you are looking for to find out...

    I am not particularly interseted in selling it, but do you think it's worth a considerable sum? If it is I would like to know so I can protect it properly... for quite a while now it has rattled around in boxes and storage etc...

    Thanks for any more input!

    EDIT I noticed the inside of the back covering has some numbers, I would guess model number (I will go leg work that on the internet) and someone scribbled something on it :( I wonder if that can be buffed out... picture included to show this stuff.




  4. I found my grandmothers old pocketwatch, which is in a very poor state of repair, and wondered if it's reasonable to try and fix up such a damaged watch. It's not so much that I want to carry a pocket watch, but rather that it's a nice memory of her, and if it would run it would be even nicer so it could be like it was when she had it.

    The watch winds, and will tick for a few seconds if you shake it a bit, but never runs for long (maybe a few minutes tops) before jamming up.

    Also the cover is broken off and missing... I am doubtful that it can be easily replaed but it wouldn't be so necessary as it won't be in any pockets (it will proabably be on a shelf or in a box).

    I don't know much about this watch (or any watch) but assume it's a normal manual wind inside... but considering it's kind of old is there anything tricky about these or anything you guys suggest asking or looking into in particular?

    I don't think it's a rep, but I figured with the watchheads around here (and considering I am not a member at any gen watch forums) it was worth asking...

    Thanks for any advice...




  5. That sucks... sorry to hear :(

    Bear in mind it's entirely possible he didn't know he was paying with counterfeit bills either... I once got change at a store and it turned on 2 of the 20's were counterfeit...

    Bank said they can do nothing, same as you becuase they cannot go tracing down counterfeit bills to where they come from (unless it's large sums like thousands, and then only if cops get involved). They just can't honor them as cash or give them back for obvious reasons.

    If the bills turned yellow with the pen they were probably good fakes (reps?) and might have fooled the buyer.

    Might want to contact him and see what he has to say, doubt he will give you more money, but if he is legitimally unkonwing it might save him some grief of he has other monies similar...

    FWIW when I don't do much cash business, but what I do I try to keep the cash out of the bank... just hold it to spend in a store or something...

  6. No apologies necessary and not an intrusion at all!

    Interesting to know and I will keep it in mind... not sure about removing and replacing cyclopses and what that entails so I will probably just be happy with mine, and it has occured to me that pictures lie sometimes and most of my experience with Subs is via pictures, not hands on time.

  7. Mine has many issues all around the edges... it's probably got some level of dial problem over about 40% of the surface, although most of it is minor. If you can't see it in a loupe, I don't think you have it.

    See the attached for an example of some of my dial problems. In some cases the issue extends over 10+ minutes so it's noticeable. In the shot included (bad focus I know) you can see issues from around 8-12 minutes and then from 13-20 minutes (it actually continues sporadically all they way to 25 minutes but you can't see in this pic).

    I suggest under decent lighting look at the place where dial meets metal, look for an change in the color of the reflection of the minute ticks on the metal.

    BUT! If you are happy with your watch right now maybe it's best you DONT LOOK!

    UPDATE: Got some better pics of the dial.. had to resort to a flash but you know.



  8. Good to know.. bad to find out... will have to keep that in mind if it's that prevelant...

    As for how bad... it's bad. The picks don't do it near justice.

    Let's just say I didn't notice them on the first day becuase I was only interested in dial checking... I saw them today when I was showing my friend my watch box... very poor lighting (5PM overcast and under some trees) the watch box was on top of my car and he was looking at one of my watches (not one of the ones being protected from Jay mind you) and out of the corner of my eye, from 5 feet away it jumped right at me... it's bad enough I almost thought it was an intentional part of the design that was MEANT to be seen.

    Yeah... anyhow thanks for anwering my question!

  9. I wasn't versed on your past with Jay... but I definitely understand.

    From my dealings with him so far (maybe with Angel, who knows... them anyway) they are so nice to deal with I almost want to say "hey don't worry abou the watch problems"... but I can't quite do that ;)

    I know a lot of noobs come along and generally screw things up right off the bat, the ironic thing is it seems almost like everyone gets a noob lashing at least once... just because... I would never take it personally.

    Now back to the question, is that how the rep is supposed to look or is that a flaw? :)

  10. Hey Deve,

    I thought you knew of the potential flaws of this model,

    from the GB thread ?

    Anyway Jay is returning those for good ones...

    {by the way, was not your first Ingen returned due to customs charges...?}

    If so this is placing quite a bit of negative hole charges onto Jay, that totally

    wiped out his small profit long ago.... so please be aware... -_-

    I was aware there were some potential flaws but may have missed something. That is why I want to check this out before reporting it to Jay as a problem.

    I think we decided that the dial flaws (despite being an know flaw in this particular rep) were not considered acceptable due to the nature of the group buy assurances.

    This seems like a rather significant flaw that I do not recall seeing mentioned before so I wanted to get my facts straight. I thought we agreed that simply being a group buy did not mean the acceptable level of quality was changed...

    And to be fair, I added to my Ingy order bringing the total of my order to around the $800 range, so while I can imagine profit margins on the Ingy are not high at this point, I am not trying to bring Jay into the red.

    In truth I was trying to guage if I could provide Jay with a more favorable alternative than replacing the whole watch (maybe a dial or just parts of the watch or something) however irregardless of this bumps issue I decided I would probably not do anyhone a favor by doing so and should just let Jay decide the best way to resolve this.

    Not trying to do anyone any unjustices or damage anyone unecessarily... just trying to get my facts straight so I don't mistakes where it counts. :unsure:

    To be fair, I have recieved 4 watches (only part of my order) and all 4 had noteable issues. I have not mentioned any of them nor written any review because I want to give Jay the opportunity to do as he sees fit on his own with no pressure. I even went so far as to put all the watches directly into my watch box and have refrained from wearing any of them so that should Jay decide to swap any of them, I will not be returning a worn or used product. It's not an easy thing to do to get your order of reps what with all the excitement and then just put them in a box and not even wearh them out of respec to the dealers interest. I would hope that says something in that I am doing my best to show restraint and be fair to all concerned. Jay has been very pleasant and continues to be even in a situation where my patience would wear thin. I do not mean this as any negativity in his direction, it is legitimately just asking if it's normal or if it's something I should be aware of wand watching for.

    And no Ingy was returned, due to the complexitiy and number of watches in my order there has been a significant delay in getting my order shipped (this was not unreasonable all things considered and will be covered in my dealer review when all is said and done). This is my first Ingy and the customs issue you are referring to is that I got slapped with a $74 import tax. This did not result in a return or resend and will also be covered in my dealer review.

    I know I am a noob and I have made some very strongly stated opinion posts, but believe me I respect our dealers and the situation overall dealing with reps and am trying earnestly to be as fair and restrained as possible. I think you would be surprised the number of things I have NOT said vs the things I have brought up...

  11. So I got an Ingeniur and noticed it has some dial chip issues. I put it in my watch box and contacted the dealer to see about what to do.

    Since it's in my box I didn't examine it much beyond the dial and noticed today a rather strange issue that on the case at both 6 and 12 there are odd dimples in the metal... it looks almost like what happens when you strike sheet metal from behind with a sharp object...

    This strikes me as odd becuase I don't see it pics of the gen (if this is accurate there are none: http://www.chronometrie.com/sihh2005/iwc/I...omaticfull.jpg), but they are so symmetrical and similar that it looks intentional... I think they are not supposed to be there but wanted to check... here are some pics:

    These are the 6 o clock side



    These are the 12 of clock side (you can see I even left the plastic on this side once I noticed the dial issue...



    Sorry for the bad focus, I will try to get some better ones but my cam always wants to focus on the shiny parts.

    It looks pretty small but it's very noticeable when it casts a shadow.

    Thanks for any input...

  12. They're great, eh? I love my Noobmariner too. :wub:

    It's a superb watch to practice photography with. Lighting and photographing it starts off easy with a very smooth learning curve.

    Yeah... I actually usually can turn out a decent pic, but lately work runs me late and my lighting indoors is poor... if I didn't already have a dozen other hobbies vying for time and 3 jobs I would get one of those little light booths setup by now :)

    As it is my lighting is usually generated by a 5 flourescent bulb 70's style lamp... I know... I know :bangin:

  13. I think there needs to be some serious thought put into it (now that I think of it more) as responsibility will be passed around and there would be maintenance necessary for such a list as people come and go...

    If the forum owners/mods want to take on responsibility then I think it could definitely be a legitimate service the forum chould provide to supporters (maybe a special section could be made for people like dealers but who were "Repair valets" or something who's make it a sort of part time job to take delivery of and oversee repair of watches in their region), but I think that would only be fair if the forum really adds value to the list... if it's just a list of helpful members willing to help others out I think it might be more righteous to leave it open to anyone who buys from our dealers... since our dealers support the forum with their dues, it seems fair that supporting the products that make their profit (and hence their dues) possible should be enough to get a basic level of community help.

    Community is sometimes something best kept unbought....

    But no matter what I would like to see what kind of input people have on this idea as it's likely complicated enough that a collaboration of minds would be valuable.

  14. doesn't get much better than that for a rep

    nice, review nice photos - very nice addition to the board


    Yeah when it's all lined up like that I doubt that's a difference I could tell with my naked eye unless they were right next to each other, and even then I would probably only notice it as a subliminal feeling...

    I am too new to reps to call out how good of a rep it is, but I can say I am impressed overall!

  15. For comparison....here is another side by side...

    Gen on top

    Noob on bottom

    Best I can make it it might be a TINY bit off, but I do think most of it was what I had in my head it should look like vs what it really should look like... I think all the spot a fake guides that talk about how big the date should be have pushed my mind to go a bit past real...


  16. Good review...thanks.

    But I'm not so sure about the "date issue" that members constantly talk about. I can't see much difference in the date mag and the cyclops. Here's two genuine pictures for reference:

    Agreed that those pics make it look ver similar... somehow despite looking totally right in the pictures, in real life it looks small. This is likely due to my lack of hands on time with gen subs... sometimes pictures lie :)

    The Rep GMT is how I thought the sub should feel IRL, but obviously is not what it should really look like.

    Either way it's very clear and easy to read and well aligned so I am very happy with that aspect.

    Thanks for reading my review... heck you are the reason I have the watch to review :)

  17. 152430-14493.jpg

    Preface: I am a noob to watches and reps alike, so take everything I say with a grain of salt as I may well be way off base. Most of what I say are probably "noob" impressions and more seasoned rep enthusiasts may know better. Please feel free to comment and correct me on any points!

    Today I finally received the much touted Noobmariner from TTK (Dealer review here). Now ByTors review makes almost any other review unecessary, so I will keep the color commentary to a minimum.

    At first impression it's a very nice watch and the steps TTKs watches go through are of of course appreciated. The watch is a little lighter than my Daytona but still feels very nice and solid. The bracelet has a nice brushed finish and clast and bezel both function well with a very acceptable level of resistance.

    By Tor nailed most of the impressive aspects of this watch in his review and for the most part he was spot on. However I noticed a few noteable issues that I feel are worth mentioning - bear in mind that I am focusing on the negatives pretty exclusively here becuase By Tors review covered the positives so well. Please keep this in consideration as I am not trying to slam this watch while ignoring the positive aspects, By Tor just covered the positives so well it would be silly to cover the same ground again. If you have not read ByTors Review then I strongly suggest you do (as well as many of his other reviews - Thanks By-Tor!)

    First off the date mag does look small to me, however I have virtually no hands on time with gen subs so it may be more accurate than I think... however I believe the date is supposed to fill the date mag almost completely, which from the picture below, it falls some short of; as well as appearing to be ever so slightly crooked


    Also of note was that one of the SELs has what appears to be some welding issues



    This is one actually stands out quite a bit under sunlight (these pics are poor indoor lighting - I know Pugwash... I know!) and is rather disparaging because, being near so many tight, straight lines brings it out and makes it seem more significant than it should for it's size.

    Moving on to the clasp there is a rather odd divet that appears similarly on bothsides and appears possibly to be a result of the forming of the clasp


    Last thing I noticed on my first impression is that the inside of the clasp has a decidedly dirty and rough appearance


    which is pretty minor as I doubt many people will be seeing that part of the watch ever.

    Overall the watch has a sharpness and the bracelet edges are VERY sharp (which I figure a few minutes with some sandpaper will help resolve) which will probably get some attention to give it a more finished feel.

    Other than those issues it seems that the watch is a very nice rep! Feels good on the wrist (other than the afore mentioned sharpness) and is very attractive. For just over $100 it seems like a very solid value and it's nice to know that it has been checked and should be functioning to a reasonable standard.

    I don't think I will be selling anyone on this watch that By Tor didn't already sell, but for what it's worth, it seems like a solid value even with the little issues here and there. I am considering asking TTK if anything can be done about the SELs but even so it's quite a nice watch. I believe you could probably get a better overall fit and polish for a few hundred more (or a gen for a few grand more ;) ), but if $100 is your price range and you are in the market for a sub I don't think you will be dissapointed with the noobmariner. I think this will be getting some good wrist time in the upcomming days.

    Apologies for the poor pictures. I can't find the charger for my "good" camera and so these are shot with my spare camera.

    Overall fit and finish: Good

    Accuracy: Good

    Value: Very Good

    Recommend: Yes

    Must do: Take some tape and sandpaper and soften up the edges; ESPECIALLY the crown which will bite the back of your hand if you dont!

    UPDATE: Now the exact same watch is offered by many dealers under other similar names such as Nympho Mariner and Beginnamariner.

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