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Posts posted by Devedander

  1. Mine is somewhere over the Pacific right now... went back to Jay recently due to dial problems and he says my replacement is being checked and will be sent soon... crossing my fingers on all going smoothly!

    Sadly I still have 0 wrist time with an ingy... hopefully makes it all the better when the time comes!

  2. I think they covered some of how they get the parts by mentioning that companies that outsource to China end up having their goods ripped off by those same factories...

    ie they contract for 2 8 hour shifts a day and pay for the product.

    Factory then hires 1 more 8 hour shift (or just forces each of the 2 shifts to work 12 hours but be paid for 8 or whatever) and during that other 8 hours cranks out parts that they sell on the black market, albeit for less, it's still more $$$ than just letting the machiens go cold at night and I would be what they get paid by legit companies isn't much higher than what they make off black market watches... the companies are the ones who get the markup, not the factory.

    And as racist as it sounds, I think Chinese people do excel at finding ways to efficiently and accurately do repetitive exactings tasks... being one I have always found that when I was given a task like "tri fold 2000 fliers" I actually liked it as I got to figure out how best to prefold so the folding went smoothly and I got a lot of satisfaction out of perfect stacks (I know sad) while most of my coworkers groaned and cranked out the most crooked ugly work you could imagine...

  3. after playing A LOT of counterstrike a couple of years ago, FPS games are a lot better on a PC....

    I spent a good few years playing CS probably 8+ hours a day 6-7 days a week... I got off work at 11pm or so, shower and off to the office where kept my gaming pc in the back (to take advantage of the office DSL) and usually the thing that stopped me was the sun comming up... about 10am off to bed, back up at 4 to go to work and repeat.

    I once added up all the hours I spent playing CS... at minimum wage I could have earned enough to buy a new car.

    might have to do some more modifications than flash the dvd-drive with new ROM ;)

    Firmware ;)

    I have modded all my consoles since the PSX (thanks to goldenfinger for getting me started) and the only thing stopping me from getting the 360 and modding it is that I am convinced MS will start banning as soon as they feel comfortable against he PS3... which I think will be any time this year :( And Live is a huge part of the 360 experience if you ask me.

    But all it's gonna take is one good sale and I think my resolve will die... just upgraded my projector and 720p 95 inch screen is just screaming for something better than my OG xbox...

  4. I would think they will be back... when the time comes to completely make them a thing of the past everyone (esp our dealers) will know... you can ask almost anyone on the street about blackmarket DVDs in my city in China and they know that they are not to be found without a lot of legwork now where as just 4 years ago you couldn't cross a major street without seeing someone selling them.

    I would imagine there are basements and storage lockers bursting with watches right now just waiting for the appropriate bribe opportunity to pop up.

  5. tvt it's discouraging to hear for sure, but that sounds just like how things work in China...

    One week it's just a matter of a little bribe to a cop here and there and the next you have to be a blood relative of someone to find the goods.

    In the city I live in many of the buildings that used to house DVDs/videogames and PC stuff just stand empy and falling apart.

    I am sure in GZ it's a bit more exagerated but I really wouldn't be surprised if closing down watch shops just resulted in huge empty buildings for decades.

  6. In my book:

    Fake watch = looks like watch, but is not ie doesn't function or doesn't tell time etc

    Replica watch = watch made to replicate the appearance and functionality of another watch

    As for why buy a watch that replicates one I can't afford? Just because I can't afford it doesn't mean I don't like how it looks, feels or functions.

  7. Wow... interesting read... and that does sound really odd...

    I think it's hilarious that he took time to dig through your telephone system to leave you a message about wasting time.

    I am by no means a businses dynamo, but I would never do anything like this to any of my customers... and if i did I would expect to loose a lot of business over it.

    I swear, the I am constantly amazed by the way some people can be and keep in business... I guess there must just be a lot of people out there who don't mind the abuse or something...

  8. I find if it's comming from China that http://www.ems.com.cn/ tends to get the tracking info before other places...

    That said often the tracking is horrible delayed and you may get your item before you see the tracking info.

    Fortunately based on his reputation I think it's safe to say that Trusty is more reliable than EMS tracking :)

    I probably wouldn't worry for another week or so at least. Worst case something is wrong and I would think Trusty will make it right.

  9. Not a Thread Jack in the least...

    Open discussion about Bags, Prices, Quality, and places to purchase...

    Push HERE for Trusty's selection...

    Password: comein


    Thanks for the link.

    Some guy was in my work tonight with that exact LV cardholder... he also has a diamond studded watch of some kind and he can pull them off... but I have to wonder if he isn't smart enough to be saving money on reps :)

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