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Posts posted by Devedander

  1. How do you pronounce Rolex?

    I have been saying Roll-EEEEx but I know some people say R-AW-Leex and others say Roll-Axe. Som say R-ow-lex and others say R-ew-leeks. Someone please solve this crazy mystery!

    If people post legit responses I may just lose it.

    Proper Pronunciation of submariner (courtesy of http://webster.com/dictionary/submariner)

    Pronounce Submariner

    Proper pronunciation of Rolex (as per http://www.chronometrie.com/watchsounds/watchsoundspage.htm)

    Pronounce Rolex

    Let me know when you loose it tvt :bangin::bleh:

  2. Yup, read Andies instructions on these.. I don't mind that watches break, but the fact that they disappear on the way to my dealer so that they can be fixed is really sad. Especially when insurance won't cover them.

    Did you ask the dealer ahead of time what his policy was on seized/lost in mail watches?

  3. I didn't see this post at RWI (but will have to go look) but I tend to agree with what Phoband says (thanks for including me in your post... I feel special now! :p) especially about how ratings may lead to corruption...

    I disagree about the golden age of reps... I think we are in the silver age... I think the golden age is still comming with good end links, AR coating, reliable movements with correct subdials for almost anything... basically good dept store watch quality, with luxury watch appearance at dept store prices.

    @Admin it might be good to advertise that fact that RWG does not support or endorse any dealer or offer any kind of backing for them... what with all the talk of "stick to OUR dealers and you will be ok" it might be very easy for noobs to walk in thinking that OUR dealers are somehow a part of the site or that the site vouches for them somehow...

    I know that's what I thought when I first came in...

  4. Anyhow, I think you should say "sub-mare-in-er" if for no other reason than to show off your sophistication and knowledge. :)

    I wear fancy watches to show off my sophistication and knowledge B)

    This is my choice for post of the month!

    I've always wanted to know how to pronounce submariner, but was too chicken to ask.

    You will note :animal_rooster: made it into my OP...

    I figured someone wanted to know besides me :whistling:

  5. I nominate this for the single dumbest thread in the history of all threads about watches anywhere EVER.

    Come on TVT... don't hold back... tell us what you reall think :bleh:

    Well I think it's fair to ask, consider these words:




    The closest word I can think of to the "correct" pronunciation is Marinara (sauce) which still isn't quite the same...

    As for the European pronunciation... I live in the US so I would think I should use the US pronunciation... but then again Europeans invented the language... but then again again Rolex invented this particular watch...

    So I guess the way Rolex ADs say it, has to be the correct way (wonder how many jokes were cracked at the new Rolex Salesman who offered to show a client a submareener).

    You know what? Screw it all... I will just say "It's a sub" and be done with it! :3a:

  6. Looks very nice except for the crown guards andt seems the bezel numbers are poorly aligned/have their butts eaten off and the 4 is too narrow.... and the inserts red/blue doesn't line up right... instead of splitting the six and just crossing the 1 like it does in the top pic...

    Actually the whole bezel looks different around the edges too on the grip area (sorry, dunno what that's called) is the top pic a different version or something?

  7. I am glad to hear about that, thanks!

    I am sure we will have more transactions in the future :)

    Ironic the only place I posted your review was at a forum where you weren't a dealer...

    Besides the going broke part, I look foward to future business... just have to remember not to email you when I am tired :p

  8. Could be... but I blew it up in PS and my eye says the 1 oclock side of it is touching the triangle and is the side that wouldn't have a shadow, so if the light is playing a trick it's actually overlapping the triangle if anything...

    However on the backside I can make out a sliver of traingle... if it was touching on that side also there should be no way to see a sliver from any angle as it would be covered by the pearl holder...

    I've been fooled before, but usually I am pretty good at spotting tiny details like that...

  9. Once we get into removing the crappy rep coats and reapplying I think the demand will be there. The main issue is that most people don't want to remove crystals and that's probably what is preventing cheap mods like good magnifiers and good AR coating from really catching on. Even if we only do a few runs, that's fine. I have a handful of crystals that need to be taken care of. :)

    That makes me think... most of the reps I would want coated already come with "light AR"... I know one step at a time, but do you have a ballpark on what the likely cost difference is going to be to remove AR?

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