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Everything posted by Devedander

  1. Chicago cops get MP5s? Damn... the windy city must be worse off than I thought Some of the Omegas are pretty nice and might suite the dad... or even a nice TT yachtmaster. For cop brother maybe an Ingneiur? For other brother... I have no idea... But seriously... cops get MP5s in Chicago?
  2. Well no matter what you want to say there is some rather undeniable logic which is that there are watches with better QC and as good or better performance which visually copy the many of the same watches our gens do at your local dept store for less than we pay for reps... so since those can't be the reason one goes for reps, it leaves only a few other choices... and I think those choices were outlined above. Then again I also think it comes down to what you define as trying to fool people... obviously by simply wearing a rep you are trying to fool people, but I think most people here consider "trying to fool people" to deny when you are questioned if it's a fake... although technically that isn't what it means.
  3. You mean your chrono doesn't reset to zero when you push the 4:00 pusher? I had a watch taht didn't reset right once... pulled the crown one notch, pushed bottom pusher and each time advanced the chrono second 1 notch... not sure if this is bad for the watch though... seems like it would be... worked for me though.
  4. I guess it's one half dozen or the other... after all without the fake AR coating aren't you essentially one of those guys installing normal yellow headlamps trying to pretend you have HIDs?
  5. Just put in an order for the cheap versino of the white J12 from silix for the GF for xmas... if she really likes it I may get her the real ceramic one later on. After looking around I just coudln't find a lot of ladies watch selection but the J12 does seem classy and the small one is appropriately girly sized...
  6. Haha... nice! And very nice not to call him out on it. But then again any plane returnig from that Asia is probably full of fake watches that weren't on the incomming flight! I know the first thing everyone said to me when I said I was going to China was "Bring me back a Rolex!" I have found myself checking out peoples watches more and more (I work in a resteraunt on weekends so I see a lot of people) and I think most of them were gens, but I don't think even if they were fakes I coudl have spotted anything w without being obvious in doing so.
  7. I decided to add 4 more watches to my order with Jay so mine is going to be delayed another day probably... On the upside it's gonna be a huge package of watches for me in about a week! I know 50 pics of ingys is gonna be kind of repetitive but for those who get em I would love to keep seing pics... will keep me from gnawing through my arm while I wait for my watches BTW why is it that the most "Similar Topic" for this is always "Hot Married Woman Looking For Group Sex!" ? Was there some bonus I missed out on?
  8. Hehe yeah I got the xbox hooked up to the network and XBMC does a great job with slideshows so my vacation pics actually get looked at! Hopefully this week the new projector gets here and it gets bumped to around 100-110" Damn... between watches and electronic toys the old bank account is hurtin pretty bad
  9. I didn't mean it as harsh as I said when I said gens are just entry into some exclusive club... that's obviously not true but it does feel a lot like it sometimes considering the reliable and decent looking watches you can pick up at most dept stores these days for a few hundred. And even though I suspect most of us don't try to pull of our watches as gens I can't really see just blurting out to everyone who sees your watch "yeah that's fake" so I am surprised more people have not been noticed before they have a chance to declare the watch... So maybe I should try a different angle... have you ever spotted a good fake? I don't mean a RQLEK but rather a decent fake that only a rep fanatic would see?
  10. If that's where this thread is going then these look hot on my 85" 16:9 DLP Projector...
  11. Damn... I am not really so hot on Pams but that is one slick looking watch... Could definitely be better though... could be on my wrist
  12. Ouch... something tells me indeed the manager did.. I mean he might have just had enough class not to paw at you to see your watch (I appreciate a compliment on things but I don't think it's nice of sales peopel to clammer all over you even if it is in awe) but in that case he probably would have ordered his sales people to back off also. I wonder what they would have said had you just proclaimed it was a fake? I wonder what high end watch shops think of rep owners... especially if they are good reps... I mean if I walk in wearing a "Rolodex Queretual" digital watch obviously I fall under the radar and it's one of those "I am sorry, I am sure we don't have anything in your size" situations, but what do you suppose they think of the good reps? I mean on one side they must look down on them, but on the other I wonder if it makes them realize how bogus what they sell is (by this I mean they don't sell watches, they sell prestige and membership to an elite club, the watch is kind of a free memberhip card).
  13. Sounds great! And the date font was a known issue going in (I believe there is no Ingeniur with the correct font besides gen) so it sounds like you got as close to perfect as could be expected... I am seriously starting to suffer from the waiting... Jay just picked up my money today from WU so I am crossing my fingers my stuff makes it this week...
  14. Hmmm... I have to admit I am not very experienced spotting real AR so I will have to go look at some more gens but when I was in China I remember very clearly a $20 Breitling with strong AR that seemed to show all the signs of real AR... Blueish changed depending on angle you viewed it and such... Not saphire is rather negative but at least it wouldn't have that huge giveaway "no AR" look... Also if they can put this coating on the cheap reps (the one in OP I think was about $100 and there are others cheaper) would it be decent to have applied to the saphire ones even if it's not real AR? I mean it could be looked at as rep AR Passes for AR at quick glance due to blueness but wouldn't pass a solid inspection...
  15. Yes I have noticed this... in fact I was part of this until recently... The people who don't suspect a fake on my wrist usually say "You bought a Rolex? Why would you spend $1000 on a watch?" $1000 is the most I have heard anyone say... Most of my friends think a new Rolex probably goes for as much as $500-600 and Rolex is the only brand that might cost that much... the other "luxury" watches might cost as much as $300 and most of them (myself included until recently) think Omega is about on par with a Fossil. But all this does make me wonder... if you can get a cheap but decent looking rep for about $60-100 or a 95% for $400 is it really worth the extra $300? Because if you were going to fool someone, they probably didn't know much and were fooled the minute they saw "Rolex" and if you aren't going to fool someone the extra details don't really matter, they were going to catch you out one way or the other...
  16. I am not sure how much I like the "Asian" reference to how to solve this problem... can't count how many time US retailers have given me $$$ or % off my next purchase because something went wrong with this one... Besides, many of the trusted and reliable dealers from this site also offer a % off your next purchase sometimes when things go wrong...
  17. Hmm... so no one has been legitimately called out on their rep (I don't necesarrily mean someone was an ass about it, but I mean someone spotted it and let you know somehow)? I have the exact opposite problem as tvt... since I am not a watch guy and almost certainly wouldn't buy a Rolex most of the people who know me saw my rolex and before I eve gave them a close look said "so you pick it up at some stall in China?" It's not an interesting story, but I guess I was technically called out (probably a lot attributed to people konwing I just went ot China, then came back with a Rolex) and it does back up the theory that it's not the watches merrits that will be called out as a fake, but rather whether you can pull it off believeably...
  18. So it most of the Breitling reps out there seem to have pretty weak AR (barring the Avenger) but if this Is the same type of thing I saw in China, then that AR is really that bold... so I was wondering if you guys think it would be possible to pop that crystal out and put it into one of the breit reps around... From what I have heard AR coating your crystal at a lense store would cost about as much as a cheap rep and involve a lot of hassle with shipping cyrstals around... this might get you an AR crystal to your house, give you a cheap rep left over to play around with, or even better maybe give our dealers a source to do it before sale... I would just order it and try it myself but I don't have a crystal press (heck I have never even changed a watch battery) and can't afford a good breitling rep for a while... Hope this isn't too stupid of an idea but I thought I would throw it out there...
  19. Better grab it becaues it's a limited time offer... as opposed to most ebay auctions... which are good for months or years...
  20. So there are plenty of stories about fooling AD's and such... but considering how much money is paid (let's face it a few hundred just isn't chump change...) in the persuit of removing the tiniest flaws, I am wondering how that investment pays off. Namely in what happens when that investment is not available and you are wearing a watch with flaws... I would assume the majority of the time anyone gets caught out on an rep would be when you just happen to be wearing the same watch as someone else and get a comment like "Hey is that a 007 Omega Seamater? Nice! I have the same watch... wait... yours looks different somehow..." So if you have ever been outed wearing a rep, I would love to hear about it! The one about he wife outing the Sub was great, but there must be ones to top even that!
  21. Could you just paint a thin layer of lume over the existing crystal?
  22. That's awesome work! Relumes always seemed kind of expensive to me but damn if those aren't some incrdible results! BTW sorry to OT here, but what does it take to lume the pearl?
  23. The resolution was handled with integrity. You could well have left Art hanging high and dry. The actions that made the resolution necessary... not so much so. Why you chose to resolve this the way you did, and how you use this experience in the future will atrribute greatly to your character. Look at how some of the senior members treat Paul from Womart... remember it doesn't take much to brand yourself in a negative way... it takes a lot to remove that branding. Pauls apparently good service and quality products of late don't seem to be doing the job very quickly... and I would think this fiasco will take a far amount of effort on your side to counteract... but I hope you managed achieve that counteraction eventually. Integrity and character I think would go a long way towards that goal... toss a little humility in there and I think you will find the journey shortened considerably I honestly hope the best for you in all respects going foward. After all, there is nothing to be gained by anyone for wishing the worst on someone
  24. For all my eloquence, I couldn't have said it better myself! But to be fair... if how Arthur felt was really all that was important... you wouldn't have started this thread... you opened the door... I just walked through it. Integrity: A customer expresses dissatisfaction. Seller goes above and beyond what he had to do to make customer happy. The customer is happy. Character: Never putting yourself in a position where you have to prove your integrity.
  25. I would give more head to what Pug says than what I do... while I think I am still in the right, he has more expeience here and I think summed it up quite well. This whole ordeal is bell you can't unring. I hope you stay around and contribute to the forums the value you have shown you clearly can (more than I have contributed to say the least) but I also hope in the process you show that you have learned from this and moved on and hopefully it avoids future ringing of bells you would want to unring
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