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Posts posted by PPN

  1. Comparatively priced you should also try FengTony and Polo and TB All good guys to deal with as is, in my experience, Angus ...

    But we all here have had issues with one dealer or another.... all for many different reasons and sometimes not only because of the seller but also the buyer but thats all part of this great hobby... and although problems and issues do occur the measure of a good dealer is how he responds to that...

    I have no problem with any member saying and giving his experience of individual dealers on this forum and indeed thats what we are all here for... to share and enjoy this hobby...

    However I do object to seeing this sort of thread being placed in this section.... Angus is not a scammer and it is unfair to paint him as such... now dont get me wrong I aint saying whats happened is right or good service but that doesnt make him a scammer and his reputation and work in this hobby deserves some credit before we cast such a serious criticism at him.. Given also that there are no details or clarification of why they are thieves (again another outrageous statement to make about someone) I think its inappropriate to make such a post and then walk away.... even accepting any language issues... there are ways and means

    There are plenty of sections where this can be discussed and hopefully resolved and procedures you can follow with the modderation team here also before such a thread is posted in this section...

    I suggest you contact the mods if you feel you have exhausted all avenues with Angus and are still not getting anywhere.... or try using his reviews section etc

    I know you feel angry and frustrated and I am sure as with all complaints there are 2 sides, again I aint saying you are making this up etc, far from it.... I just feel it aint right to make such a serious statement about a trusted dealer without first following all avenues...or at least justifying your statement to the readers..

    Certainly there has been a few comments recently about Nikki etc and you could say indications arent good if founded when compared say to ET etc and what happened there but we are a long way off that point and a dealers capability or rather a lack of it due to individual staff or overall service does not make a dealer a scammer...

    I hope it gets resolved soon and wish you luck..

    +1 from me. Although, like I said before, I certainly needed to extend my patience with Angus a little more than I did for other dealers so far.

  2. There are enough complaints over the course of several months to take this complaint seriously. As far as I can tell, Angus has helpers who are not very good at customer service, and they regularly ignore forum members who have purchase issues.

    I currently have an order with Angus. To give you an idea on how patient i've been, I paid for the order in full two weeks ago. Over this time period, I've had to reject QC pics three times because of wrong datewheel colors and crooked dial/hour markers. It normally takes 2-3 days to get a reply from Angus, so each iteration can be quite frustrating.

    I was emailing them all week, but they chose to not reply until the night before China's one-week holiday to send me "updated" QC pics, which were obviously recycled pictures from the first time.

    Now, I will have to wait another week due to the holiday before there is any activity from them again. So it will be three weeks in total with still no guarantee that they have the watch as advertised on their website.

    Customer service is very polite, but ineffective. Angus is a nice guy, but I wasn't really here to make friends; I just want the right watch shipped ASAP. This was my first transaction with PT, and so far I am far from being impressed. Other dealers would have the watch in my hands within 4-5 days or so. I'm really trying, but my patience is really running thin.

    • Like 3
  3. Don't hear much about this model around these parts. I was wondering if there are any owners who have this rep and could comment? How's the accuracy of the Ti color, lume, CG, etc. Do the reps also come with a Ti tang buckle like gen?


  4. Hey guys, sorry for the newb question, but I just got a 328. Awesome bracelet, but I was thinking about putting it on straps to lighten the weight.

    I've only used the classic cases before, and this one is really different. Can someone smarter than me please give me some pointers? I'm not even sure if the end link on the bracelet is supposed to come out.


  5. Mr C thats a great plan you have. I also like the finish and qualety feeling on the mbw more then the cartel one!!!

    Now if it will work i dont know my knowleg is about 2 on a 10 scale but i realy think it will work. I dont think you will have problems with the dateoverly but the crown position can be a problem.

    I would realy like to see how this goes, very cool plan!!!

    Pleas keep us updated!

    Is the MBK finish really that much better? How about for the bracelet? The solid cb sort of bugs me, but not a huge deal.

    For me, the accuracy of the blue dial seems to be more of an issue, wouldn't it?

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