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Posts posted by Legend

  1. I figured using the best sub title would act as a great trap for the newbies. Lol like shooting fish in a barrel, lol!

    We can fill that thread with anything they need to read. Haha

    "How to catch a newbie"

    LOL +1

    I nearly spilled my coffee when I saw "shooting fish in a barrel". Is that what newbies bring to mind these days? :lol:

    I couldn't have said it better myself. :notworthy:

    Sent from Mars using tapatalk

  2. there should be a sticky on this sub forum "Who has the Best Sub". That way maybe, just maybe, we could help direct a few newbs. I know, it won't save us from ALL of these types of threads but could help us link those people to the thread. Just a thought.

    I'll rather we have a sticky on "newbie etiquette and what not to ask". :lol:

    Sent from Mars using tapatalk

  3. Hi


    Who is currently selling the best rep Sub..?

    Hello Ernie


    Because I see that you are new here, I am going to be nice and explain to you that what you did, was a classic newbie misdemeanor, known appositely as the "Who has the best sub" syndrome. This happens when a newbie creates an account here, fails to introduce himself, and then goes on to ask the question that is most scorned by the members in RWG. Had the search button not existed, your question might be justified and could have some credibility, but please, I beseech you to do your own quiet and dignified search before asking this dreaded question. 


    We are not a curmudgeonly bunch waiting to pounce on you, but surely you do realise that this question has been asked to death by a slew of other newbies before you, before we see them slinking into cyber oblivion gleefully rubbing their palms together and rushing toward their preferred interpretation of the best sub. No interaction, no courtesies, no gratitude from them. Multiply these lack of cyber manners by approximately 159,293,306 times, and you would understand our natural reaction to the next newbie asking this question. 


    Your question may thus be innocuous, but I think the members were being judicious in telling you to go search for this on your own, arm yourself with the foundation knowledge, and perhaps learn to ask the question in a more creative manner, so that the responses would not be facetitious and more helpful. For example, asking "Would you choose a TC sub or a BP sub for your first rep?" is going to give you more insights than asking that classical questions newbies ask. Asking "who has the best sub?" here is like sticking your hand into the hornet's nest and then waving it around yelling "Merry Christmas guys, let me give you a hand!" You can imagine the resulting consequence.


    So do stay and learn, but please try not to ASK when you can SEARCH. We do not want the members to check the forums and find the first 63 threads asking variants of "Who has the best sub?", as you would kindly understand.


    Lastly, welcome to RWG! This is where you would find out who has the best sub, yes, but you have to do some work and sift through the accumulated wisdom and knowledge here, like I did. It would be helpful for you to introduce yourself, if you have not already done so. Say hello and be nice. Make friends with the wolf pack instead of learning to fend them off. Your stay here would be so much pleasant and enriching I promise.


    Have a lovely weekend sir. :)  

  4. That is essentially a stock RG ROO GP watch with FC parts and an LWO283 movement.

    No gen parts. I would value it at about $2k, without the additional straps, but that is just me.

    To give everyone a comparison, I know a franken ROO with gen dial, hands, LWO283 movement, and all the supporting mods cost between $3-6k depending on the parts. 

    So yes, it is overpriced in my opinion but if someone chooses to buy it at that price, then the watch is worth that price. There is a difference between value and worth. 


    So JordanF1, you gonna secretly take the plunge right? :lol:

  5. Each time I see a post like this, I am humbled and reminded somberly about the frail nature of human life. Like delicate flowers we invariably bud, blossom, wither and die. Nobody escapes the process. The difference is the beauty, happiness and meaningful values we bring to others during our existence.

    I feel for you Cats, I truly do. I have two young boys which I'm living for, which I love enough to give my life for. I salute you as a true warrior who has relentlessly trudged on against the odds, and I embrace you, a complete stranger, because compassion and kindness are universal gifts, given from the heart to anyone who needs them regardless of culture, distance or language.

    I wish you new strength to persevere on, for your boy and for yourself. I shall remember your boys in my prayers.

    If you do succumb at the end, I would have you know that you'll rest the sweet rest of the victorious and intrepid, showing what I am sure is a stalwart example to your boy on how to live life and how to love, a duty excellently done without regrets.

    Thank you for sharing and I render to you my heartfelt best wishes. Be strong and be brave like you have always been.

    We care.

    Sent from Mars using tapatalk

  6. Beautiful watch, and a super review my friend. I have one question, does the JFfactory make a white or silver dial version of this watch, I would definitely be in the market for one if they did.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

    My veritably humble friend, nice of you to drop by! :)

    The 2014 collection does not have a silver/white dial version though the safari is close, with a cream dial. Would you be keen on that? ;)

    Sent from Mars using tapatalk

  7. Daytona1984 , My Singapore Bro Alvin , and Martijnp,


    All good over this side of the Pond, lesson has been learn't about G ups and i wont make them about Watches next time :)  Alvin, always good to get you on the phone mate, i was missing our bizzare offbeat chats about wrestling there for a while too mate.


    Daytona, and Martijnp, any offense in anyway shape or form was unintentional also, so you have my apologies at you also, Alvin is correct in regards to Rep mentality, whilst ive learned everything i can regards the AP's etc, i still havent quite got the mentality just yet.


    Have a good one guys !



    All's good mate, all's good. 

    Both Daytona1984 and Martijn are very respected members of the board and you do not see them going around creating trouble for members right? 

    I hope you could be on the same side as us. We are all here to learn and enjoy ourselves, not to make lives miserable.

    You are a good guy, lets just move on already alright? :lol:

  8. Thanks for all who took the time to reply. Its a bit worrying when site go down. Any way Ive emailed Andew so hopefully he will respond to me. Ive tried to track the watch on UPS using the RC*********HK tracking number but cant trace it, anyone have any ideas. Ive tried to track on UPS UK amd UPS Hong Kong???

    Thank you


    Mark you need to relax and learn to breathe.


    I see that you are rather new to the game, and as such, I can understand your beginner anxiety. But chances are good that the parcel would reach you as intended. 

    Tracking numbers may or may not be updated in an ordinate manner, depending on the efficiency of the postal service used.


    But above all things, breathe, be patient, and learn to enjoy the game. ;)

  9. Hi

    I ordered my omega from ttw (Andrew) om the 10 sept.

    I have just tried to access the web site and it has been taken down and replaced with a link to a court statement. This is very worrying having not recieved my watch and handed over my hard earned. Does any body have any info and does it look like ive lost out here ???


    worried Mark

    Happens all the time Mark, relax and you will receive your order as per normal. Only the website is affected. The operations would not be. ;)

  10. Anyone know what is going on with the trustytime website? I get some rubbish about Chanel and copyright infringement. I've tried using a proxy to access it but that doesn't work either.

    The site has been seized by the legal representation of Chanel. A common, routine occurrence for sites selling replicas. 

    Don't worry, a new Trustytime will pop up soon. ;)

  11. They scream your name bro? :partytime:

    Mate, we just ended a fiasco, of which you have been accused as one of the 3 "shooters".

    Kindly do not start another war with me alright? I am kinda busy taking pics of animals mating for the forum to enjoy, as you could tell. :D  :D

    You ought to appreciate my efforts, its not easy doing what I do. haha.

  12. Thanks Guys, 


    In future ill keep my watch G ups a little more close to HOME :p when i get some time i will group shot my GENS and post for you.  Alvin, you know how to reach me bro !



    And with that, all's well that ends well.

    Here's one for you mate, to brighten your day. Stop being a grouch already!  :D




  13. g


    I bought a ZF 382 when it came out from  Puretime, and have loved it since the start.

    But recently it started to suddenly stop from time to time, then a shake and it went ticking again, also the power reserve was VERY low like it didn't autowind enough.


    This i got tired of, so i took matters into my own hands and took of the caseback - could feel/see/hear that the balance weight was running very tight as it almost couldn't turn.

    So i took of the autowind balance weight (this by unscrewing the center).


    The clone plate i also took off (see the two red circles, these holds the plate in place), to see if an loose items was laying there - lucky me nothing.

    Tighten all blue screws and movement holder screws, as some of them was VERY loose, put back on the clone plate.


    Then i took the balance weight, and cleaned it in a ultra sonic bath, cleaned it in water and dryed it.


    Put it all together again, and persto, balance weight is spinning with ease now, and the auto wind suddenly works like a charme now.


    Just an idea if your P9000 clone in your Bronzo stops from time to time.

    I wish that I have talent like yours. Congrats and well-done. Great watch btw, I own one too. :)

  14. Alvin,


    For the record, i do take the Baits quite well and you already know that, had it of been just you, considering out chats on the phone, id have swallowed gently but when other jump in, i was rather upset last night and couldnt sleep !  BTW where's my you know what ? is it done ?



    Dear Darren


    Yes for that, I do apologize, and please consider it a case discussed and closed. We shall all move on and handle it better next time shall we?


    For the ITEM, I just received it back. Its really an awesome piece, just give me some time to decide whether to sell it and the price if i do. :lol:

  15. Dear Daytona, I worked for the U.S. government in 1989-1997 to be correct and yes I was a field agent after I left the SAS here in OZ. I own a construction business and yes I represent clients that have faulty work done by builders these days mate.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    So no group shot mate? :D :D


    OK I jest.. there's no need to go away Darren, I don't think there was intention to ostracize or shame anyone.

    Let's practice mutual respect and kindness from now mate, which means treating others accordingly to how we would like to be treated.

    In our hobby, the collective discerning ability of members is not something to be scoffed at. If I were to post a rep submariner and claim it as a gen, I would be set upon by the wolves. If I show a pic of a watch from eBay and claim it as my own, I will be set on fire. And the list goes on.


    I enjoyed our exchanges, and I wish to see you stay and hang out with us. You are a good guy overall, and perhaps you have not settled fully into the rep collector mentality, which differs somehow from the mindset of a gen collector, which you may have been for years. ;)


    Martijn, Daytona1984 and I are not shooters and you are definitely not the target of deliberate intent sir. But we have been around long enough to automatically point our scopes and rifles in the direction of a potential "target". If my words made you feel bad or misunderstood, I am willing to apologize specifically for making you feel that way mate. But at the end of the day, I hope to share the forum with you and enjoy the journey together with you, regardless of your personal collection or past. Yes I can respect your privacy and sense of propietership, but only if you show that you wish to have them respected as well, by not flaunting ostentatiously or projecting an inflated image of yourself to impress. Let us just share this hobby together Darren and not let our individual pride, collections, and accomplishments be barriers in communication, fellowship or learning. Those belong to you by default, and when you choose to disclose them, the knowledge you share then belongs to the forum and is at the discretion of the members to process and respond to in various ways.


    For the record, I would respect you the same way whether you own just a $100 entry level rep, 20 frankens, or 150 gens, as long as you interact and share with us all in the same polite, respectful manner. Yes, you may have the money to buy a $100,000 watch. But you cannot buy respect in the same manner. 


    Thats all Darren. I wish you a lovely day ahead, and yes, a belated happy birthday buddy. Stay and grow with us. :)     

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