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Posts posted by Legend

  1. Alvin it was a partial G UP , gees mate i represent my clients in courts almost once a week, I know what misrepresentation means

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    fine, like I said, since you did not press a challenge or insist on specifics of the disagreement, I am totally cool with it.

    You get your leeway, and I get the relieved of the onerous task of going into specifics.

    My intention was never to make you look bad, but just a reminder for you to be more aware of what you are posting.

    Yes, I do agree with you that you never meant any harm to anyone, and that your post could have been made in a light-hearted manner.


    I'm quite done here for now mate. Have your fun, but please be mindful about the points I mentioned. Thank you kindly.

  2. 1. My slot are Full was a Frivelous G up as last Friday as it was My Birthday, as stated ! thanks for the wishes by the way was wonderful :p

    2. You can Sleuth your way through the internet all you wish, mate i dont mind........ that Alinghi pic predates to 2007 actually and that pic has been used many times over.

    3. Ive outted many Ebayers times over that have used my pics on Auctions.

    4. Would you like names and numbers of various sellers off Forums i've bought watches from seriously ?

    5. Did i set out to treat you ? as a Clown ? of course not !

    6. I think a G up post is far harmless, than someone selling on here something that's not what it appears.

    7. You can dig up what you like Alvin, im not concerned at all.  Was i coming at you ? NO i was not.

    8. Your other findings ? mate id love too know, what your implying here.

    Well, like I said, if you are not being defensive, and you get my points, its fine by me. Your reply is acceptable to me as long as its not a specific or direct challenge for me to escalate the matter.

    I am not going to spend time to dig up on your past or transactions or veracity of your claims, its quite a waste of time if unnecessary. At the end of the day, it does not prove anything either way, whether the claims are true or false.

    We would just write this off unless you have further concerns, and I hope that you would refrain from further misrepresentations.


    I think we have a good understanding about this mate, and I would harass you no further because I think you get it. My apologies if I made you feel bad in any way. I was against the act of misrepresentation, not against you personally.  

  3. MR A,  Daytona , and Anyone Else,


    1. I've bought and sold many watches in the last 20 years, some i still have some i do not. 

    2. Absolutely i've lent my gens to my friends here in OZ, why not ?

    3. What i have left and what i've sold is rather irrelevent to anyone but me.

    4. I don't mind being picked on that's ok too, but getting personal and making requests is rather unreasonable, considering this is a forum and ive never met any members in person.

    5. Ive been a long standing member on many gen watch forums as some of you also would probably be.

    6. Yes i do wear watches on left and right arm's is that an issue for you ?

    7. The Slots if you read my post from a few days ago, was a combination of watches owned by fellow friends over this side of the world, does it matter if i we put a tray together  and took some pics ?

    8. If you or anyone else here thinks i may have deliberately set out to lets say "deceive" into thinking i have everything, then your vastly mistaken.

    9. FWIW i can name a few Forums where you'll find my pics, the internet is full of watch pics of some of mine and some of others i've sold, is it really that important to you all ?

    10. FYI , my Everrose was purchased through Topnotchwatch NY City......yes pic dates back too 2008 ? So what ?

    11. I also have a life and a business i run and own, i'm not here to satisfy everyone's cravings or prove any points to anyone.


    Seriously guys ! the aggression is warranted,


    Mr A,  i don't mind being picked but seriously, how many pieces have i bought off you ? 4+ and your having a swing at me ? what have i done too you mate, and you never reply to my emails either.



    Hello D,


    Nobody is "taking a swing at you" like you put it.


    1. But obviously, your thread was started with with ostentatious intentions, as per the title "My slots are full", implying explicitly, that the watches are all yours. If the watches belong to you and your friends, then why would your "slots" be full, after your friends all take their watches back, and you added only a new DSSD? 


    2. This is an open forum, with the purpose of sharing pics, watch info, purchases etc. You have, of your own free will, shared info of your watches, and pics. If the pics and information do not add up, some more discerning members are sure to seek clarification, and to you,  the requests and questions suddenly become "aggressive" or "unreasonable". I do not buy that. You obviously want to project yourself as a guy who owns numerous genuine watches, from your posts. If so, then stand your ground and continue to share like you always have. If I have a genuine ROO Alinghi for example, I would be more than happy to offer detailed pics of it, along with other watches I own, if I were to initiate the information at the start. Is this not one of the purposes of this forum?


    3. If you are not out to deceive, can you kindly explain why the pic of the ROO Alinghi is taken from an eBay site please, and implied as yours? Do you seriously want me to list the sites which the other pictures are taken from?


    4. I suggest you stand down right now, rather than show aggression in a situation where you know in your heart of hearts that you cannot come out looking good. I will let this one slide out of goodwill, but if you insist, I shall continue along posting my other findings as well and at the end, things would really start to look ugly for you, trust me.


    5. It is irrelevant how many watches you bought from me. You pay and I deliver. They were transactions done and everything was good. But I would not sit and watch you try to deceive the rest of us with pictures that do not add up.


    Ask yourself, do you really want to escalate this? At this juncture, I would advise you to back down and we forget this entire affair with a good laugh. But if you choose to want to take me on by proving me wrong, I would tell you upfront that it would be a very unwise thing to do. It does not matter how many other forums you are a member of, or how many gens you own. The simple fact is, there were definitely various misrepresentation in your post, and I would be willing to leave it at that if you just quit trying to be defensive, AND not to repeat this type of post again. Like you mentioned, if you think that picture requests are too personal and aggressive, then what about not inviting them by initiating posts about your watches that arouse the intrigue, curiosity and interest of others in the first place? If you want to challenge me to list every irregularity in the post, I will do so in detail, and you would no doubt try to defend each irregularity. Is this what you wish for?


    My point, at the end of the day is this: I appreciate your posts and you sharing, but I do not appreciate you trying to treat us as stupid and gullible fellow members through any form of misrepresentation, gullible or otherwise.


    To put your words in another way, yes I respect the fact that you have a life and privacy. But you chose to partially give up your privacy when you brashly put up a post and pictures about your watch slots being full. You then wish to backpaddle and claim your privacy back when members notice and bring up the irregularities. You and I know in our hearts if your explanations and defense would stand under further probing, so I advise you to stand down, and let us all let this episode rest and laugh it off. Or you can fill yourself with bravado and come at me. I will then detail and dig up the history of each watch shown in your pic. You decide what is good for you mate, and if you are wise, drop the matter now and quit being defensive. 


    We are all here to enjoy a hobby together, and learn what we can, not make life hard for one another. You decide how much more attention you want mate. But please be forewarned politely: If you try to escalate this case, I will cease being polite and everything will burn. You watched how I take some jokers apart. Which side would you choose to be on mate? Friend or adversary? I have offered you a graceful way out of this, we shall laugh it off as a joke and move on. Or do you seriously want us to dissect the situation further mate? The choice, as always, is yours. 



  4. I received this watch about 2 weeks back and I must say that I am happy with the purchase, and impressed with the build and quality of the watch. 


    First off, one thing which you would notice immediately when handling the watch is that it comes with a very wearable strap. Being a collector of ROO gens and reps from the Noob hey days, I must say that this is a plus point for the rep from JF. Of course, I do not expect everyone to feel the same way as me where the strap is concerned. But personally, I feel that it is presentable enough to wear with the watch. I personally also like the fact that the new 2014 ROOs use a 20mm tang buckle instead of a 18mm deployant clasp. It just wears more comfortably for me. The tang buckle finish is reasonable, not superb in my opinion. But no egregious or unforgivable flaw either. 


    The JF ROO stainless steel case is another major area which it surpasses the Noob SS case. The case is brushed stainless steel, sturdy, and very well finished, with a gen-like satin sheen to the metal. The bezel screws are of the correct size, well-aligned, and ever so slightly recessed like the gen. I like the classy compliment the ceramic pushers and crown add to the case. Engravings on caseback are done nicely. When the wrist moves with light playing on the sheen of the bezel, the resulting shine is aesthetically pleasing to me. 


    The dial of the watch is crisp, and the tapisseries are well defined around the borders. The updated AP logo is testament to the attention the maker pays to detail. The number markers are well-defined and contrasts rather sharply with the glossy black dial, accentuated by the silver rings around the sub dials, the red chrono and subdial hands, and the red tachyring. The subdials are properly recessed, and the number and letter fonts are well crafted and well-placed against the gen watch.

    The hand pinion stack of the new 2014 ROOs are more accurate against the gen counterpart compared with the traditional noob 42mm ROO reps. Though still a little tad wider at the stack base than the gen watch, it is definitely more subtle than the pre-2014 42mm ROO reps, and unless a detailed side by side comparison is done, one would be hard pressed to spot this as a tell.


    The usual flaws of the date window position exists, though for this model, the surrounding black of the dial and the black of the datewheel makes this less noticeable. The datewheel window is surrounded by a thin silver circle, another nice subtle detail which adds to the overall sportiness of the dial. The datewheel font can be improved, and it is the lone weakness of the dial from my observation. 


    The entire dial is viewed through the single AR crystal. The crystal is accurate to gen, though many owners opt for the double AR treatment. I would say that this is unnecessary. The factory crystal is colorless and has remarkable clarity. From some angles, the crystal can vanish from sight like it has double AR.


    Turn the watch over, and the see-through caseback gives the watch away with the A7750 movement exposed. But the movement rotor is exquisitely engraved, and no ugly blue screws show, a minor relief for us all. The watch uses the traditional A7750 sec@12 movement used in all "ultimate" grade ROO reps. The power reserve on my watch is surprisingly good, keeping time for about 45hrs before succumbing to inertia. This specific watch keeps time to about +3sec a day, which is accurate enough for me.


    If you are thinking of getting this watch, do so, you would not regret it. The color theme makes it a friendly, everyday watch to wear be it to the office in a suit or to a social gathering with friends dressed casually in T shirt and jeans.


     The weaknesses of this watch lie in the date font and the open caseback. It is otherwise a very accurate rep, as far as ROO reps go.  The other usual flaws like case thickness, and crown/pusher alignments, just could not be helped but they can be lived with in this model. 


    Some pics to share:


    On the wrist



    Open caseback, well-engraved rotor, no blue screws!



    Tang buckle, good for comfort and smaller wrists



    Stock factory hornback strap...surprisingly wearable. Sporty red stitching lie brazenly against the black leather



    The newly updated AP logo on dial. Much better than before. :)







  5. My watch Slots are now Full, ive added a New DSSD Blue today , Enjoy



    So mate, 


    Which are the gens you do own now? I am merely curious. 

    The trays of watches in your first show a lot of watches that are not in the "list that you currently own" on page 2.

    Also, the list on page 2 contains watches, like the AP ROO Safari, that is not shown in the trays.


    I would also like to know if you wear your watches on both wrists, and whether your arm could look drastically different from day to day.

    Lastly, the pics you posted in page 2 seem to be taken off various internet sources.


    You have made us curious about these inconsistencies, and like Daytona1984 mentioned, you could very well be kidding with us all in one way or another. ;)

    But do share the punchline with us mate, and don't keep us all guessing! :lol:


    We want group shot! We want group shot!

  6. Here's Some pics Mr A of my current Gens.



    The AP ROO Safari looks like its worn on a different arm mate. Do you often lend watches to friends as well? ;)


    Can we have a group shot of the gens you own? They are very lovely pieces and we would like to show them the proper appreciation. 

    Love the RG Alinghi especially!

  7. There is no point, am not big fan of AP, just so impress the rep I have seen. Perhaps I need to study more about JF factory. Hard to believe the rep quality now.

    You are correct, the AP ROO 26400 forged carbon 44mm is a very lovely piece in the flesh. :)


    The JF factory has lately been producing pieces that are built with commendable quality, although there has been a few that missed the mark.

  8. The converted low-beat movements sometimes display accuracy issues. I had a modified 21,600bph diver that ran about 20min fast per day. I had it serviced and it became good again. Like what panerai153 mentioned, this problem strangely occurs in the gen diver as well. I owned briefly a stainless steel diver, but sold it to buy the v3.5 and keep the remainder of the cash. That watch would run about 5-7min fast suddenly on some days, and accurately like a champ on most of the other days. I have no idea what the issue is. I did read somewhere that the 28,800bph movement is more accurate and stable overall, but I do not know enough to make a learned opinion here.

    What I do know is that I would leave my next rep diver movement unmodded @ 28,800bph, to avoid this issue. :)  

  9. Yes, you have every right to be annoyed at what I would call an apparent breach of trust or poor communication.

    The guy or his wife could have posted the item and it could have gotten lost in the mail. That happens.

    But in this game, bad blood have been spilled for far greater amounts and whole watches.


    You may be justified theoretically in getting pissed off, but you are also lucky that its just a 3 GBP lesson.


    Buy the seller first next time. :)

  10. Its because of the position of the crown. If its turned slihtly more it will appear bigger because of the hexagonal design. Its coinsidence...

    Yes I do see what you mean but I pictured the crown turning till the edges would look the widest from top view, and still I see that the gaps would not be filled nicely.

    I have emailed one of the TDs to get a confirmation and I hope you are right about this.. been waiting to buy this for quite a while now. :)

  11. I am writing this post because the customer has just threatened (through my sales rep) to smear me on our forum if the issue is not settled in the way he wants.


    The story...


    Customer bought a Steve bag, this is a $300 bag and another item.


    From the start I have him a hefty discount and when he paid I shipped the items.


    The Steve bag was he received was perfect in every way and the correct size and colour, however the inside layout was different.


    The bag he requested had an inside pocket at the back the one we sent had the pocket at the front.


    Most would have been happy with such a small mistake but this customer was not and as it was a genuine mistake on our part I accepted that he return the bag for a swap.


    Ok this is where the whole thing goes South, the customer (who lives in a Sub tropic Asian country) posted the bag back to China in the middle of Summer without taking the slightest care to wrap the bag well.


    This is what we received back....




    The customer through a total lack of care destroyed this $300 bag as surely as he would have if he had taken a box knife and cut it up!


    My sales rep is responsible for sending wrong items so she replaces out of her own pocket, Cathy makes less in a Month than what most of you do in a week so it is essential that she has an item she can resell to recoup some loss, obviously that is not the case here.


    The offer to this customer was that he pay $50 and he will get a new Steve bag, to do this I need to help Cathy out of my own pocket as she just doesn't have this kind of money to give away.


    So there you have it that is the very best offer I intend to give, the other offer would be what your local store would say if you tried to return an item in that condition!



    I think that you have been fair towards the buyer Ken. I have dealt with you on a few occasions in the past and I am familiar with your way of handling issues. I am generally very pleased with your communication and service. 

    The equation is simple. If buyer orders X and receives X1, then he should return X in the original condition that it has been received and the rest of the process could play itself out from there. If X is received in a severely damaged condition, it no longer qualifies as X, and the value should be adjusted accordingly.

    Is this not the clearest and simplest way of reasoning this out?

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