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Posts posted by Corgi

  1. Let's make no misunderstanding, ssurfer, I agree with you - Josh is an excellent dealer. I bought the majority of my pieces from him and all are fantastic. When one arrived dead, he made it right... he is somebody who really devotes individual care and attention to his customer's needs.

    As a watch aficionado whose collection is made up almost entirely of reps, some of which are super, but most of which are fairly good value for the money, I have to say that I find myself at least somewhat knowledgeable with regard to the cost of manufacture of some of these things. As a result, I simply don't feel the need for such a tremendous increase. Granted, it's a nice watch... but I keep asking myself; "hmm... I wonder how much I would pay if I bought this direct from a merchant at some market in Guangzhou?" I don't know... I'm happy to own the watch but, it seems odd for this to be more expensive than a Swiss entry-level Rolex at the same site.

  2. Hello

    A few months ago I purchased a replica Panerai Luminor Power Reserve 44mm from Josh. It runs well, keeps great time and uses a very respectable and well-built 21J asian movement. I recommend this watch to anyone seeking an entry level Pan, since it has been one of my favorites. It only cost $118 and came with a neat bracelet, too.

    My dad actually liked the watch so much he wanted one for himself! So, yesterday I checked back to PC '88' and started searching for the watch. It couldn't be found, in fact, there were no Pan's with power reserves at that price. I thought at first the site may be broken... until I found it. The price, however, went up to 218$. I thought; 'well, it's more expensive, but with the swiss movement it will be very very reliable and even more longer lasting than the regular asian one'. Great!

    Then I saw that it used the same, asian, 21J movement my watch uses! Strange!

    So now I own a $218 watch for $118. I'm very pleased, but at the same time concerned... what if all of Josh's models will have $100 added to their price tags in the near future? Just look at his new pens... beautiful as they are, they're almost double that of his standard ones. Maybe they are superpens?



    (I didn't want to post any links but I'm sure you can find it for yourselves... just search for "PN power" [without quotes] on Josh's homesite.)

  3. I live near Brighton and therefore see gay pride occuring in what is as far as I know, the gay capital of England?

    I have never understood why being gay is celebrated (and this isn't meant to come across wrongly), purely that I cannot imagine celebrating being straight!

    I think gays justify these types of events claiming they have been 'persecuted' and 'discriminated against' throughout history. It's sort of like initiatives against cancer some hospitals hold where they have rallies with individuals supporting more aid in cancer research. I suppose pride is the same deal except with AIDS.

    I usually stay home when this stuff is going on... I don't wanna catch anything...

  4. Hello everyone,

    Problem #1

    I recently received a new watch. It has a problem, though. Although it tells time fairly accurately when being worn and in motion, it will only run for about thirty minutes to an hour before stopping (seconds hand stops in the exact same spot every time). The place where it stops is the watch's main "problem area". Even when it is working, the seconds hand will begin to sweep very unusually smoothly for about 5 seconds in this location, slow down almost to a stop, and then jolt back into place.

    Quirk #1

    Another problem is with setting the time. When I pull out the crown, the seconds hand keeps going for about five seconds before stopping. When I click the crown back in after setting the time, it will jolt a few seconds ahead as if to counter balance the time lost while it was pulled out.

    Problem #2

    Another problem is on the opposite side of problem area #1, so we'll call it problem area #2. The seconds hand sweeps normally here, except on certain beats it will pause for half-a-second longer. It's as if something is preventing it from going, and it has to fight its way to continue sweeping. This problem area, however, never fully stops the mechanism unlike problem area #1 which can and does stop it very frequently (sometimes even when stationary during wear).

    Now, I have witnessed it stop on several occasions and usually a gentle jolt will let it keep going.

    My question is as follows: is this a normal, non-serious issue that will eventually 'smoothing itself out' during the watch's break-in period? Or, is it a serious malfunction that could prove severely detrimental to its overall life in the long run?

    DIY solutions, advice, questions, etc are welcome.

    Thanks for Reading!

  5. This would be very difficult to find.. the only thing I can suggest is for you to establish a friendship with one of the forum's local collectors and then request this to be privately sourced for you from asian replica accessory markets. I think Kenberg would be able to do this... Narikaa as well perhaps....... but don't get your hopes up.

    (Personally I would spare the hassle and cost, instead use the money towards the purchase of another watch but its your money so...)

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