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Posts posted by Corgi

  1. I think pawn shop owners are very careful in accepting watches... but wouldn't it be nice to fool one with a really perfect Planet Ocean? Yes, it would be nice - unless they require you to show photo ID upon leaving your item. When he finds out its a fake, watch out - the police may not do anything as you could go in there completely clueless and say 'I didn't even know what Omega was!' but you can be sure the pawn shop owner's 'friends' would have something to say about it!!

  2. Pen/bag - yes

    Watch - no

    There are enough people wearing Rolexes already... reps are becoming too popular as it is. We don't need to introduce more people to the hobby. I'm tired of seeing every 10th person on the street wearing a Rolex.

  3. Be nice... he used one of those auto-translator machines. One of my friends is a highschool teacher and every year at least one student in his French class hands in an entire paper translated with one of these things.

    After you read them it feels like you dropped a few IQ points...

  4. Hello,

    I just want to say that I had a conversation with him over e-mail literally two or three days ago and Joshua is still selling watches.

    I bought an Omega from him about a week and a half ago, it arrived on Friday and runs perfectly...

    So something may be malfunctioning on your end.

  5. The sad thing is TTK would probably talk sh* t about the BB after he sold to you: "Well newb, thanks for the buy and good luck with those 27 screws...Ill be playing my bagpipes all the way to the bank with my dealer parts shop Ferrari pam on while you sift through your soup for missing BB pieces".


    It would read more like this:

    look at what i solded you...... a watch... take a look at it..... up close..... do you see it stupid person??? wow.... all wrong... you buy it.... spend money.... get mistakes... what do i care.... i sit here in front of my.... computer...... and it rain outside..... what I say?>?>????? rain.................. i hate rain so much......... and i hate you....................................................

  6. Just wondering.... are you on some kind of bash the HBB campain or something? every single thread on the HBB that I've looked at contains a post from you slagging it off, I don't get it, if you really don't like it why even bother opening HBB threads? :bangin:

    Well, there is a good reason for this. I am a watch-lover, watches are in my blood... and replicas, well, I love those, too. Unfortunately, my taste in watches is quite particular. There are so many beautiful ones out there that for some reason do not get replicated. The two biggest travesties are the Rolex Daytona Seconds at 9:00 (which has yet to appear with a 7750b1 movement) and a Breitling Chronomat Evolution in true two-tone (with TT bracelet).

    Then, when these two beautiful and really easy easy things to make remain unmade, and somebody devotes so much time into making a literally near-perfect 1:1 example of a watch that makes me barf every time I look at, my dissapointment cannot be contained.

    I take my comments to these threads because I think the followers of the Hublot Big Bang are letting its accolades speak instead of its true self. I know that beauty is a subjective thing, but how can somebody look at that watch - complemented of course by the el cheapo rubber strap and outlandish, unjustifiable price tag, and still want one?? Just because it costs $400-$550 doesn't mean the extra money you spend makes it good, it's a regular 7750 like we have in the excellent Omega SMP rep which costs half the price!! It's unfathomabe to me personally... You must understand that my rage has to go somewhere, because my therapist says if I keep it bottled up, it could be unhealthy.

  7. So you are saying it is OK to shove a rep under the nose of an employee in an AD because they are going to be too stupid to notice? - Very dangerous! For every 3 or 4 "uneducated" sales people, there is going to be 1 who knows his/her stuff. Showing a rep in an AD - it's not big and it's not clever !! :thumbdown:

    You see, another thing about the people here, and from my experience Canadian vendors in general, is that unless you are a 'somebody' they will treat you like crap. Now, the best way to become one of these 'somebodies,' is to use their stupidity to your advantage. I'll never forget the day I flashed my Rolex in front of this one Rolex AD. (Flash here just means I swapped it from left to right wrist as I was trying on one of his models, he noticed... I didnt parade it right under his nose.) My god, did his mood ever change. He took me on a tour of the entire store, notebooks in hand, until we collected three nice watches on his little plate. When I inquired about one of them coming in two-tone, he left me and the three timepieces, each about $10,000, completely unsupervised in the store as he went into the back room to check the safe for the model I inquired about. When he returned of course he brought the wrong kind.... but that's beside the point. I was offered a special discount on account of being "familiar with the Rolex brand" (he suppossedly thought I bought the watch at his store for some reason). When I was there before I started on my hobby of collecting reps, the employees were so obstinate and unfriendly that asking them to so much as show me a watch would plunge them into a tone tantamount to someone just having been asked to do the biggest favor in the world....

    Now, on one thing I have to agree, your wristwatch should never end up in the hands of an authorized dealer. There are many reasons for this, but mainly I wouldn't want it to get dropped... it would be a big waste, and a tremendous embarassment.

    I have to be fair... there was only one authorized dealer who was knowledgeable about watches. He was also the only individual I regretted dissapointing after I walked out with 5 booklets and no watch :(

    This brings me to a question for you: what do you say when the dealer comes to that critical juncture and asks if you are ready to purchase a watch?

    My line is a little depressing: I make big puppydog eyes, tilt my head gently, and softly proclaim: You've given me a LOT to think about, I know that I will have a hard time making this decision. Every time I give that line, I see the dealer die a little inside.

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