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Posts posted by Corgi

  1. Yes, elsewhere I once compared the coming apocalypse to the RIAA's attack on mp3 downloading. mp3 downloading was once so prevalent that it virtually put Tower Records (and other major retailers) out of the retail CD business. Within a few months, the RIAA's lawyers had virtually turned the tables on the mp3 downloading sites & downloaders, which effectively put a stop to the majority of (illegal) mp3 downloads. So a highly effective precedent (and legal blueprint for action) has been set & the clock is ticking.

    Unless they outlaw "the internet" and/or physically prevent you from using a computer, mp3 downloading is still very very prevalent. Not only, but now thanks to high speed connections film, television, software, etc can all be downloaded with ease. Peerguardian takes care of security.

    Back to topic:

    The fault is just as much that of the AD than of the person going in with a rep. Why do people walk into the watch store wearing a fake watch? Because they get better treatment. They get a catalogue... and timely assistance. People like to be treated nice and unfortunately store personnel are clearly told "pay more attention to customers who look like they are more willing to buy" which means "be nicer to rich people".

  2. The only thing you should be aware of is the top watch has some pretty big inaccuracies when compared to the genuine it is supposed to copy.

    The bottom watch is really one of the top sellers... makes an appearance at least once (usually more) in our periodical "wrist check" threads here. I think you'll enjoy it.

  3. You have to open the caseback and write down the movement and case numbers. Send those to Marguerite at PP and you can get registered, after which they send you the full size complete catalogue and subscribe you for free to the PP magazine.

    That's what I done did.

    By the way, nice watch!! These old Pateks have a mesmerizing history. Congratulations.

  4. I remember when Jellybean was younger... we left him for a bit on the front lawn when he saw some other critters in the bushes across from our house. Being a puppy who loves exploring he high-tailed it across the street and I immediately gave chase. Luckily an old lady was driving her Buick and slowed down for him, but if it was one of our redneck neighbors in his pickup truck Jelly would have been a goner. The fear you have at these kinds of times is nothing that can really be described in words. It's like a whirlwind of emotion paralyzing your whole body.

    I am so saddened by your loss, but hope that maybe other dog's lives can be saved by the importance of ensuring they are always properly leashed. I wish everyone could understand that collars are not always going to work, as resourceful dogs can easily wiggle out. It's nobody's fault but remains a very crucial thing to remember.

    Don't give up, Dave.

  5. I always wanted to join a gym but I'm too intimidated by all of those machines and half naked bodybuilders grunting all around me.. funny thing is I have a full all expense paid membership from work so I can go to a really good facility for free. I just don't really consider myself "gym material" so I've never been.

    I have considered purchasing some exercise equipment but then I just end up thinking 'what's the point?'

  6. I hope you're only referring to rep chronos when you say that and even if you are, that's such a ridiculous statement that I can't believe you said it not once but "many times".

    I think his logic is that when you reset the chrono with the seconds hand far away, say from 30 seconds, it gathers up a lot of speed on its way back home to zero and that can cause it to pop out of place. Obviously he meant this only for reps.

    It makes common sense but I've reset my chronos from far away many times and the seconds hand has always landed perfectly.

  7. I hate protesters so much, and I hate people who protest against America double! America is the nation of opportunity, rights, and freedom. They are a world leader with a sense of international responsibility who are NOT afraid to spread democracy to oppressed foreign nations. Protesters are either

    1) attention seeking youths, often from neglectful parents

    2) aging men and women wanting to relive their #1s from 40 years ago

    The NYCPD should be awarded medals for bringing these stupid hippies to justice. I bet they don't even know half of the truth of what is going on in the world, instead calling attention to their illogical "world peace" agenda. They make me sick.

    Canada is filled with these people. "Free Tibet" "Stop the War" "Impeach Harper".... my goodness, if you don't like it so much, WHY ARE YOU STILL LIVING HERE!?!?

    ...and don't get me started on that cow, Elizabeth May... moooo

  8. Is it just me or am I the only one pining for the new Rolex DDII?

    I am yet to see one in the flesh but in my opinion, these Rolex models are made to be classy dressy and elegant.

    The increase in size seems like another lame attempt by the manufacturer to "keep up with the trends".

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