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Posts posted by Corgi

  1. Once I was in an AD and the salesperson offered me a Daytona for $12,000 instead of the listed $15,000 without having been prompted by me in any way... but this watch had been sitting in the shelf for over two years... Maybe you can ask the salesperson to tell you which timepiece he would give the greatest discount on?

  2. here in NY going 10 over the speed limit to keep up with the flow of traffic (if your on a major highway) is 'acceptable' but i-95 just happens to be the biggest speed trap in the US

    Sure... its like that over here too (on every road really because our speed limits are quite unusually low, they used to be 20 or so km/h higher in the 80s). But regardless I always drive about 5 under the limit, of course the drivers behind me have hissy fits; honk, yell at me, wave their arms out the window, and do everything short of exiting their vehicles and strangling me through the window with my own seatbelt! I once saw a driver behind me pounding his steering wheel and dashboard to oblivion with his fist... when it turned to a double lane he floored his crappy SUV and I gave him one of the biggest and most satisfying smiles ever! :bleh:

    ....to me going slow is even more fun than going fast because watching people get disgruntled and frustrated (especially hillbillies) is greatly amusing.

    I have illegally parked a few times though... never gotten a ticket for it though, but I have had some close calls...

    I doubt I would stand a chance navigating New York though, that takes chutzpah.

  3. Unless you live in Fashionville I sincerely doubt anyone would notice one of your watches, they are all pretty tame and I've learned from experience that the general public pays very very little attention to timepieces in comparison to us - the watch-lovers. Wear what you want... I suggest the one in which you feel most comfortable or one which has brought you good luck.

    Oh, and I hope you weren't really speeding, because I have a really short patience for people who break traffic laws and think their high and mighty enough to get away with it.

  4. Wow. That is a really, really super-cool watch.

    Imagine someone asking for a timer, and you take this behemoth off your wrist, and then open those protective hatches and pass it to them. Gosh... I'm surprised Arnie has such good taste.

  5. Is it fantasy or is it based on a real watch?

    This is about as fantasy as you can get. Nevertheless, I think its a great watch considering the price. It is, after all, my #1 favorite brand. However, I would abstain from walking into a Patek Philippe dealership with it on your wrist - I think the employees would beat you to a pulp since it really is a very, very loose interpretation of their models.

  6. I remember last year's delays weren't so bad. The undersea earthquake was much, much worse if I recall. Everything is pretty much dead for a week and then re-starts as normal. Really, unless you are doing business with China, for personal purchases like most of us do it shouldn't be too big a problem.

    Unless some of us are so intense we buy 1 watch per week... hmmmm... not going to mention any names........

  7. .... want the blink to look as gen as possible under all lighting conditions like diamonds if possible.


    I am sorry to disappoint you, but fake diamonds will never, ever look like real ones regardless of how "finely cut" they are or whatever "exotic" country they supposedly come from. If you decide to buy a watch with diamonds, you will look like a joke.. everyone will see you walking around with a fake blink blink, and everyone will think: "gosh, whats this guy think he is, a billionnaire? what a joke!"

    They are tempting. The DayDate with full diamonds (face, bezel, case, midlinks, etc) will twinkle phenomenally. To the untrained eye, like myself, I couldn't tell real diamonds from fake ones. Nevertheless, it will not look like real. It won't even be sufficient to fool the dumbest hillbilly, because everyone will assume instantly that a diamond Rolex (or other lux brand) is fake. Do you know how much these types of watches retail for? $100,000+ and that's the base models.

    You're new here, and I know where you are coming from. I see this very often, and so do many other members here. For their first watch, everyone wants gold & diamonds. ...and they want the diamonds to look REAL. This indicates that you don't just want a "fun" watch, you are serious. Please listen to me, and save your money (and your dignity). The diamonds look fake from a mile away, and the gold will wear off faster than you can say "LOOK EVERYONE IM A RAPPER HEY HEY..... HEY...... GUYS?"


  8. The problem I see in this crown is that it's pretty difficult to manually wind when you want to start it...

    A thin piece of fabric, like a shirt or bedsheet over your fingers and then wind it and it should be no hassle. I was irritated with this as well at first.

    But the Thai MBK quality is just so much "above" the other Chinese watches I have, even the really good ones. It's just so tight, so solid, so perfect.

  9. I have the Cartier Santos 100, standard ETA 2824 with no complications. It is a lovely watch, and if you're looking for class, there's no competition between your two options. The Cartier wins hands down.

    Tag Heuer is a great "sports and athletics enthusiast brand," which makes it the opposite of dressy. I definitely suggest you go with the Cartier on this...

  10. Narikaa reported to me direct from the markets, and in comparing the MBK Nautilus to the chinese "MBK" Nautilus - he said it was "close but no cigar". Overall, the quality is much better even though the accuracy is closer appearance-wise on the china model.

    I think its the same case here. What can you expect of a "rep of a rep?" Why not just get the original rep? I will never understand someone who spends their hard-earned money otherwise.

  11. Yes, that is a very complicated watch.

    Just try turning the crown clockwise about 20-30 times in its regular closed position. You should do this slowly, and hear the sounds made by the gears turning and winding. Also, try to set the time by moving the hands around the face more than once. Another idea I hear sometimes work is pushing the crown in and out a few times, shaking it up a little. Just remember never hit the watch.

    I would contact your dealer if the problem persists... that is unacceptable and the watch should be replaced.

    Good luck.

  12. Patek 5970 :wub:




    Hahaha... keep dreaming Brad... this is my favorite watch in the whole wide world actually. There is no way that this could be repped... absolutely no way. The only option would be to disable most of the features but then it would be pretty useless. But keep dreaming... I'll keep fingers crossed for both of us haha!

    My picks are a little tamer, but the below are watches that I know many people would love to own. Frankly I'm stunned that they haven't been repped yet.

    1. Patek Philippe 5146


    -Available in many different versions, makers could re-use parts to make many versions and maximize their distribution... and profit!

    -Features are possible in available movements!

    -One of the most desirable wristwatches on the planet... would sell at insane speed!

    2. Blancpain Le Brassus Calendar


    -Where have we seen these complications before?? That's right, on countless Asian 21J reps! This would be very easy to make movement-wise!

    -How many accurate Blancpain reps exist? If you said "zero" - then you're my hero! Imagine how well the only available one would sell. Dealers could easily over-price it and they would still fly off the shelves... everyone loves Blancpain, but nobody sells them!

    -The case could be re-used to make other models... that's superior efficiency!

    3. Rolex Daytona with reliable seconds at six movement.


    -"Corgi, what are you, simple? Dont we already have countless Daytonas available?" I hear you cry... but how many of us have experienced woe with the movement? Very many. A reliable model (the technology is already available for this) would let Daytona fans upgrade their collections, and let all of the worried buyers like myself finally get a taste of this prestigious watch!

    -Literally everything is available; cases, dials, hands, and even the movement can now be created a-la Breitling seconds-at-3. It's just a question of putting it all together!

    -This would be a great way of replica officials to finally be able to ship out Daytonas without having to worry about disgruntled customers wanting re-funds after they arrive dead. Also arguments after they die in a few months could be completely circumvented. Incredible.

    I would be happy to buy all three of the above watches if they were ever repped correctly. The shocking thing is that it hasn't happened yet!

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