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Posts posted by Corgi

  1. This is interesting... the one in the very top right hand corner - it's a Patek Calastrava, no? Curious thing about your watch is the hour markers - they are surprisingly correct, nice and short instead of elongated. May I ask you to give some closer pics and perhaps mail me the name of the dealer? So far the only store I know for a fact carries this is wo-mart but its solid gold and costs upwards of $1700.

    Nice collection, how do you decide what to wear in the morning with all of them? I only have 8 and its still tough to choose!!!

  2. Getting spare parts can be difficult. Replica watches are prone to have problems from time to time and many of us like to experiment with or modify our watches so, there is a need for this service. The problem is no dealer is going to stock the thousands of parts that might be requested.

    In my opinion, they should at least store the parts that break frequently. For example, the bezel ring and pearls from Rolex sports models... each Rolex submariner loses its bezel ring sooner or later... unless you are lucky and can find it after the tumble, you have a useless watch left over...

  3. I sincerely doubt that Joshua and his friends have hundreds of watches lying around there houses. Narikaa might, and he seems to follow your general thesis - owning only a classic flying tourbillon and gold Breitling, both excellent reps.

    I can tell you that anyone who lives in a place like China, even if they are a rep collector or not, are more than likely not going to be impressed by any "high end" watch unless it is something of true uniqueness and value. I mean really, the watches we buy here can be purchased for much less on any street-corner in Guangzhou, Shuanzhou, Kung Pow , or wherevertheheck... at least I assume...

  4. Hi,

    Because the Cape Cod cloth is extremely strong... it is wise only to use it on polished stainless steel surfaces. Using it on any gold plate/wrap could be very harmful to the watch, as it would scrape the gold clean off. Of course, using it on solid gold is alright.

    You may want to try it on thick gold plating, but rub very gently and frequently inspect the item during cleaning.

    Good luck...

  5. I would love to see some photos of your watch. Here's an inside tip, stay in a well-lit area and use the "close up" or "macro" feature on your camera to take a nice zoomed in, high definition photo of the watch. Avoid using flash, and keep the camera on a tripod while using a delay timer to make the picture crisp and free of intrusive reflections.

    Good luck!

  6. Hi,

    I'm sure a lot of members can help you with your query but can you be more specific? Can you post a picture of the watch and the specifications, also maybe who you plan to buy from?

    Regarding the Flyback...

    A flyback chronograph is a complication watch, which uses a single push of the button for stopping, resetting and restarting the chronograph function of the watch.


    * 1 Other names

    * 2 Overview

    * 3 Brief history

    [1] Other names

    The flyback function has also some other names:

    * Retour-en-vol (French: retour - to return; en - on; vol - fly)

    * Taylor system

    * Permanent zero setting

    [2] Overview

    The flyback function is a complication inspired by everyday life, just as some other complications: world time, universal time, power reserve.

    A flyback chronograph usually has the usual crown at 3 o'clock and 2 pushpieces at 2 and 4 o'clock. Usually the flyback function is controlled by the button at 4 o'clock whereas the one at 2 o'clock is used to stop the chronograph.

    Many chronographs are equipped with the flyback function, especially watches meant for pilots. It is much easier from the point of view of time saving, to instantly restart the chronograph with one push of the button, instead of three.

    [3] Brief history

    The appearance of the flyback function was catalyzed by the first watch with a separate chronograph button (the stop and reset functions were previously controlled by the winding-crown). This watch appeared in 1923 and was developed by Breitling.

    The chronographs have afterwards gained the form which they retained until today. In 1934 the Breitling chronographs received the second chronograph button with the function of returning the seconds hand to zero. Thus it became possible to measure short intervals of time using the add function. However the patent of the flyback chronograph belongs to Longines with its first flyback chronograph dating back to 1936.


  7. I have never seen any Blancpain offered by our dealers. My best suggestion to you is contact someone like Narikaa or Kenberg and ask them to source it for you, I am convinced Narikaa could find a Blancpain for certain... maybe not these specific examples.. but 'some' Blancpain.

    They are very rare in the rep world... but in the real world they are the same! I tried on the Le Brassus with diamonds - only five ever made, $300,000 flying tourbillon perpetual calendar... my goodness gracious.... it makes the best super duper rep with the brightest super duper lume look like super duper [censored].

  8. Who in their right mind wears one of these "Alain Silberstein" monstrosities? A follow up question to this must be, who in their right mind spends money to purchase an Alain Silberstein monstrosity?

    I am all for patriotism, I support the works and manufacture of the community to whom I belong, but even I would not wear this man's creations. Maybe on a boy, aged 12, they look appropriate - but to me they are pure clown watches! How can somebody take these embarrassing creations and show them off publicly? Why needlessly pursue such unspeakable personal humiliation??

  9. I have one family member who sleeps with her watch. Because I experiment with lucid dream induction, I am prone to often agitative and "mobile" behavior that sees me tossing, turning, and moving my arms during nightmares, vivid dreams, and suchthelike. I would not want to inadvertently bump the watch and cause an aesthetic or mechanical malfunction.

    For the safety of myself, and my expensive wristwatches, I always ensure my timepiece is taken off and placed into a secure holder during the night when I am asleep.

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