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Posts posted by Corgi

  1. Please take your Fossil and give it to Good Will or better yet throw it in the garbage/fire.

    I have six watches, all of them are lovely, and choosing which to wear is never a problem. I ask myself,

    -Where am I going today? Business function, formal affair, opera, strip club?

    -Who will I meet/see there today? My friends, my cooworkers, my superior, my client?

    -What am I wearing? A suit? A shirt and tie? A underpants only?

    Usually the watches chooses itself after.

  2. Narikaa sold me me three pen cases - I love them they are excellent quality and the price is unbeatable. I went to the store and honestly I could feel little difference.... very good pen cases indeed. Only thing is you have to buy a pen to buy a case. But for me that's no biggie!!

    I would try a bag from Joshua for instance but its hard to justify $165 for a friggin BAG.

    I was also really itching to buy one of Kenberg's Armani suits but... the problem is always 'will it fit?'. It would be a tragedy to shell out the dough and find out its a no-go.

  3. I thought of this little question today, and was curious to see what other members would choose. Suppose you are set up on a blind date with a woman whom you have never met, what would you wear? Would you wear something different if you knew her beforehand thereby curtailing your timepiece to her taste? Would you choose a recognized brand or go for connoisseur's pieces? Would you wear one of you gens, even if it wasn't as impressive as one of your reps? Think about it and let me know.

    I would choose my two-toned Rolex turn-o-graph. It does both sporty, classy, recognized, and most important of all, not overly blingy.

  4. "REO" is already a name shared by many companies... you would have a bonanza of lawyers after you if your watch ever made it big.

    why on earth does it have to end in "EO" anyway?

    If I were you I would go with the patriotic angle, call it the "FREEDOM" or "PATRIOT" and give it a unique american twist. You could design watches after historical military operations or famous landmarks... Americans would buy that! I know I would! The symbol could be an eagle head... I see it now... with a flag-engraved caseback....

  5. I have read this entire topic and the majority of you believe that a good rule of thumb is to never wear an implausible rep (too expensive for your lifestyle). While I agree that in certain situations this makes sense, I have to say that it could mean losing out on a lot of fun watches.

    One of my favorite pieces is my replica Patek Philippe Sky-Moon Tourbillion. I like it because of the design, because its the most comfortable in my collection, because it gives me the day, date, and month in an easily-readable format, and because its clasp is easy to use. I've worn in on many occasions, and have received dozens of complements from strangers, friends, and family - most of whom have never heard of the brand, and especially the watch. And even though it retails for over one million US dollars, I feel absolutely no remorse in wearing it everywhere I can. If a connoisseur recognized it and thought something unpleasant about me, who cares? If a vigilant, particularly cranky jeweler decided to call it out, what would I do? It depends on my mood, but I would always say 'it's the best watch I've ever owned'. Because it is. And frankly being unable to wear it would be more upsetting than occasionally being perceived as looking silly.

    That's not to say I don't enjoy fooling ADs with my other believable and near-flawless reps! I do, a lot!

  6. I bought two of these from Joshua along with two Cartier fountain pens. Although they aren't the best fountains you can buy in terms of writing precision, they are wonderful pieces of jewelry to own if you're a man. Especially these models which, when closed, are nearly indistinguishable from their counterparts (unless you happen to run into a high-ranking Mont Blanc employee from Germany). I got the grey+gold+diamond combo and I get complement after complement. It's weight is really a testament to its quality, and unlike the pens offered by some of our board's less-popular collectors, unscrew and feel very realistic.

    The main problem with these pens is not their quality or closeness to original. No, what really is disappointing is how few of them are offered by some of the larger-scale dealers. For months Josh and Andrew (and even wo-mart) have stuck to several examples with no expansion in sight. I hope that someone will one day realize that there is a market for this type of stuff, especially when its offered at competitive prices such as those from the dealers above....

  7. Hello.

    I am looking for a single winder to keep my multi-complications Breguet running without my having to wear it. I am looking for a few criteria:

    1. Battery Operated

    2. Quiet

    3. Inexpensive

    4. Must be from ebay

    5. Must be overall 'good quality'.

    If I can hint at the target price, the breguet was 100 bucks US, so this should be considerably less - like 20-40. I saw a few already on the bay, but, I don't want to rush to conclusions as to which is the best one...

    If anyone can help me out it would be much appreciated!


  8. If I can get my hands on several issues, I will post when I get back and give them away to whomever wants one.

    Believe me...they are a great bathroom read, if you know what i mean. :whistling:

    Put me on that list, friend!


    I wish we had these wristwatch and jewelry galas in my community. Sadly, in my neck of the woods, the most respect is given to the pickup truck with the biggest wheels at our local automotive jamboree.

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