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Posts posted by hiker01

  1. The 111h is a specific model and is a black sandwich dial. Does Superlume matter? It depends. Do you care how much your watch glows at night? If not, it doesn't matter. If it matters, does it matter enough to pay $100 extra for it?

    Superlume is just improved lume that glows better and is usable at night or in the dark for more hours. Standard lume glows bright for 30s after charge but fades quick and is essentially unusable after an hour or more depending on the quality. My Ziggified true RC Tritec Superluminova watches are bright enough to read War and Peace to in a dim room. I love it...others couldn't care less.

    Can you get a good looking 111h for around $150? It all depends on your level of pickiness. Some people will double the price of the rep to get a flatter crown guard pin, a different crown guard and possibly a slightly thicker crown. It all depends on your priorities.

    The problem with the forums are they are filled with watch nuts. Watch nuts see things others wouldn't and spend time and money on things that non-watch folks wouldn't even notice if you pointed the issue out to them at 500x magnification and circled the problem area in red.

    Some people go nuts about date fonts or pearl quality, others lume, others polished vs. brushed details. I'm not sure where you're at in your purchase or level of pursuit of accuracy.

    How to deal with the Mrs? Get her a nice watch.

    Welcome to RWG and sickness that entails. ;)

    Spoken like a Pro! I love it!

    Thanks for the info...get the girlfriend a watch...never occured to me. That would shut her up... this month. As far as my level of pickiness goes, I am more concerned with the function and durability of the watch. I am no perfectionist and wouldn't notice most flaws. I just want a watch that I can wear and that looks good from a few feet away. I don't plan on trying to fool anyone...myself included. If I was looking for perfect, I would throw one of these things on the AMEX and not look back. I will probably be picking up a gen Mont Blanc Timewalker b/c I wear a suit to work and the watch is just so tasteful and classy...and affordable relatively speaking. But the Pam is a different story. I am the Operations Manager of large manufactoring company, so I am in the plant some of the day. SO this thing may take a beating. That is why I have grown fond of these watches. They look rugged and refined at the same time. Plus I doubt if any 10/hr laborer is going to know the difference. I can't wear the Timewalker out here though, it would get smashed for sure. So I just want to know if you think i can get a good rep for 150? One that will work properly and that doesn't feel like a cheap piece of garbage when you hold it. Thanks man.

    My take......don't be so Anal like some folks! If it's close enough, it's good enough, my mantra! Just get some good straps for your PAMs and they're good to go!

    Here's two examples of the PAM111, first one is a DSN H...



    and one I just built for around $150....not counting the strap!



    and both side by side:


    Which one do you go for?

    Hope that helps!


  2. RWG Joke of the Day:

    Mujibar was trying to get a job in India ..

    The Personnel Manager said, 'Mujibar,

    you have passed all the tests, except one.

    Unless you pass it , you cannot qualify for this job.'

    Mujibar said, 'I am ready.'

    The manager said,

    'Make a sentence using the words

    Yellow, Pink, and Green .'

    Mujibar thought for a few minutes and said,

    'Mister manager, I am ready'

    The manager said, 'Go ahead.'

    Mujibar said,

    'The telephone goes green, green ,

    and I pink it up, and say,

    Yellow, this is Mujibar..'

    Mujibar now works at a call center.

    No doubt you have spoken to him.

    I know I have.


  3. Sorry to hear about the flooding... Could you not epoxy the crystal into place rather than returning it? I wouldn't like to say what kind of depth rating you might achieve, but the crystal on my vintage sub is epoxied in place, and that stands up to both the faucet on full force, and strong swimming, so maybe worth a try? :good:

    I was thinking about! I have a bottle, but I think I should get a waterproof one! I think Loctite makes one!

    Thanks! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  4. Thanks everyone who had commented! I appreciate all the inputs!

    Nicely done Hike :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    What is your impression of those cases as compared the the usual fare :g:

    Hey dluddy! Read below!~

    Did you happen to snap some photos of the build process? Would love to see them!

    Red......sorry Dude! I find it distracting taking shots while I'm working on these babies! I'm not like

    TJ who's ambidextrous! :rofl::victory:

    I believe a lot have been posted already by our more experienced Builders/modders! But experienced wise

    during this build:

    - it was a pain (always is for me) putting in the second hand!!! :black_eye::yuk:

    - I popped the keyless works twice..... :lol: , too excited I guess, but you get better the more you do the repair!

    - It took me two cuts of the stem to get the perfect length!

    Anyho.....an update, and to update some questions:

    - Case is comparable to the ones used by our dealers here!The crown guard and lever are pretty solid! I could say

    that it's actually better than some of the usual cheaper PAMs around!

    Now the sad/frustrating part:

    - I just came back from my watchsmith to have it waterresistance tested and the sucker failed at 1ATM! :bangin:

    That's a bummer! Now I can't even shower with it....it fogs up by just running it under the faucet!

    - Watchsmith and I think its the crystal gasket, so we popped it, and lo and behold, it was kinked! :thumbdown:

    This is what I'm tokin 'bout:





    Now I gotta send it back (the case)! Jezzzzzzzz! It's like having sax and then withdraw at the last moment! That

    kind of feeling! :bangin:

    Well, I'll let you guys know how this one turns out! The other two cases I got from them were fine in the water

    torture test!

  5. Here's my third foray into the watch building/assembling hobby of ours!I spent Sunday night building this.....the new PAM111Hike!

    All watch parts came from getat-watch.com except for the dial (got it from one of our members here!).

    Goal is to build a new PAM REP as an all around weekend beater.....and this is how it came out......

    BTW: all these shots were taken with natural light and camera set to Aperture Priority and ISO1600....these new DSLR are blowing

    me away.....hardly any noise at all on all my shots......Amazing! Enough rumbling:






    with it's twin:



    and the wristie:


    Thanks for looking!


  6. Finally took some time to shoot some pics of my photo studio set-up. I have a large diffuser tent and a large copy stand for shooting horizontal shots straight on.



    Nice set....you're making me jealous!

    Rule number one: Aperture Priority, every time. :victory:

    If my selector was broken and stuck on Aperture Priority and broken in every other setting, I don't even know if I'd notice. :)

    I'm with you on the AP A-.......

    BTW: Got the Lady Pam today! I've got some cleaning up to do! :thumbsupsmileyanim:


  7. Great pics! I especially like the perspective through the lens...


    R-, Thanks!

    Nice photos Hike! :thumbsupsmileyanim:


    Great photos Hike, thanks for sharing.

    PS: I still have that video of the twins for you ;)

    Stephane, I'll PM you tonite! Thanks!

    I just picked one up a few days ago...that's why I picked up on it. :) Great artistic concept on the pics.

    Toad, you need some pix of that soon! Thanks!

  8. Agreed...nice shot. I think you meant 6263 for the first shot though.

    Toad! I stand corrected! Thanks!

    Very nice Hike !!



    Thanks, Brah! I hope you're recovering well! Back to the Gym yet.......or is this a stupid question? :D

    Have a Nice weekend!



    why dya sell it? These two are a few of my keepers......not the best, but good enough for me. I'm not too anal! :rolleyes:

  9. Buy yourself a Cape Cod polishing cloth. That will remove any stains. As long as it dries off the hard water shouldn't hurt.

    Don't you Yanks belive in rain water tanks? That's the std for off the water grid living here. Beats the hell out of bore water.


    Mate! We don't trust rain water here! We think it sucks up all the junk in the air going up and carries all the junk in the air on the way down! :yuk::wounded1:

    And then we're afraid we gonna all look like this two: :Jumpy::pardon:

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