There is a small seconds sub-dial located at the 9 o'clock position, and the additional arrow-head hand that indicates when the GMT is in AM or PM mode.
You can use this as a learning experience. I've not purchased a replica but if I was going to it would be from the trusted dealers. I have looked over their watches and some of them seem to be very close to the gens. You will never find a perfect replica for sale. I guess it depends on what imperfections you can live with. I recently purchased a ceramic Submariner for a friend. When he receives it I am going to compare it to my genuine. I am sure there will be imperfections but most people will probably not notice them. I've seen some wonderful replicas on the forum that members have modded as close to the original as possible. I would guess that some of the mods I have seen performed bring the replica within the price range of a gen.
If the second hand sweeps smoothly it is not a quartz. There is a quart movement that sweeps smoothly, but you won't find it in any replicas. If you open the case back you will easily be able to identify the movement, or post pictures here so that it may be identified. You can open the case back with a ball of duct tape if you don't have a caseback tool. I would be surprised if the sub-dials actually worked.
I have the 5D Mark II, but I rarely use the camera. I prefer to use my iPhone for quick snaps. The last time I used the Mark II was on vacation in Europe and South America. The Camera+ app on the iPhone has quickly become my go to application for quick shots. I enjoy the set of filters and borders included with the app.
I don't think I would ever risk taking a rep into a pool or the ocean, you can never be 100% sure of the quality of the watch. I am so anal I don't even take my divers into the water. Sometimes I wonder why I purchase diving watches.
Any computer can be infected with a virus. It doesn't matter if you have a MAC, PC, Linux, or Unix. It's more than likely and quite possible that any dealer has has a break-in and are not aware. However, if this was the case I would expect to see more posts like this one.
From what I have gathered the 'trusted dealers' all carry the same merchandise. Meaning, that the watches are created in the same factories. I believe the only difference is in customer service and pricing. I could be completely wrong, but this is what I gather from reading the forums.