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Mike on a bike

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Posts posted by Mike on a bike

  1. Well guys scored us a brandy new Golden Eye so will be in our Christmas raffle and I think maybe this one also if I can bear to let it go..................





    Oh link, limited special edition only get at Gnomon and there ain't no more...................




    You know guys we all love our reps but I do not give them as gifts for that I go gen and I am constantly giving watches to my buddies just for the hell of it ! So I tried to get us some nice gens to go with the reps to be generous with.

  2. My father never talked about it either ( combat Marine Korean war)..........

      And Uncle Joe whose transport was torpedoed : he floated on a log for three days before getting picked up by a PBY then did Guadalcanal he never ever said boo about that action having read about I do not need to wonder why,  Uncle Lou who fought with Patton's 3rd Army was captured by the Germans (battle of the bulge) but got away, Uncle Pat who made it through a full tour as B-17 fling fortress side gunner (very rare the attrition rate was ghastly) had three fingers on one hand due to touching metal at high altitude frost bite, Uncle Frank and Uncle Nicky who got lucky station in Hawaii after pearl Harbor for the duration of  WWII and Uncle Jim who was never the same after he went to save guys from a flaming crashed bomber at his airfield , saw a hand reaching out for help came out with just an arm in his hand screwed him up big time.

    I grew up very close to these men every Sunday we all ate at Grandmas the entire group on a long table  ( a sheet of plywood actually cover with a table cloth, we were poor) and another table for my 1st cousins , brother and I (17 of them!). Yes my family has severed and now my son does now, I have a lot to remember on that day.


    PS I only know these things because my Mother told me I never heard my Uncles talk about anything in the family group or alone in ones and twos out back in the yard after diner and drinks, hanging out smoking  (as the youngest of the cousins I was always under foot listening) and my cousins didn't either as we have talked about it.

    • Like 1
  3. " some wars have to be fought " so true, others not so much...............

    To this may I add it is not the reasons why or validity of the war as we see it, we honor the valor of those who served.

    " America in particular has seen too many body bags flown home from the Middle East in recent years. Most of whom where from blue collar families, not the rich elite that are keen on war. " 

       I spend my oldest on this and worry every day. My sister in-law derided me for letting him go (a flaming Hillary supporter) as if I could stop him and I said "if my boys do not defend your daughters who will." My brother has two girls I have two boys and a girl. He serves to protect us he is not wrapped up in flag waving,he knows why he does what he does.

  4. Doc not to worry this is America that will not happen here at this time. We are armed to the teeth (citizens I mean) and our armed forces are not of that mind set either. As far as your right wingers they do give me pause they think differently than us. We believe in more freedom less control by the government the present push to get illegals out of the country is just that they are here illegally period. There are no true Americans per say except the Indians we all came from somewhere so we are not against immigration just by the rules that should have been enforced. The blocking of people from countries where there is a large % of people who would like to do us harm is just common sense. We will send food stuffs and building material if needed ( most likely build it for them) even protect them abroad as a majority are just poor refugees but they ain't coming to our house,  this is compassionate while protecting your own. I consider it smart and a good moral thing to do.

      Our strong change in direction may in fact embolden your right who you feel are posed to take you back to Hitler like state that is for you guys to avoid but it does not make us like them.

  5. Droptopman ,  

                     Hear hear ! :notworthy:

       In addition they are still living of off our money and blood w/ all there social programs we wish we had , would you like me to post the % of GDP spent on defense & amount in total dollars. ( looked them up yesterday) 

    Jedi we are on the same page.....................;)

  6. " Nice step in a positive direction. "

                                       Bully well done.

    You know Cardoza I had penned something akin much earlier in this thread but never posted: he beat all the other Republicans ( bitch slapped them all), then took on the Hillary machine working w/ our media as accomplice and pulled it out and won! Not capable, does not have good instincts: whether you like him, his positions or not he is formidable guy and I am more than happy to have him at the helm of our country you think Putin going to pull one over I think not. It sure helps that I agree with most of his positions but there is no deigning he is on his game big time.

    • Like 1
  7. Looks like amazon CEO Jeff Bezos and Microsoft's Satya Nadella are walking it back, once openly hostile to Trump Bezos wanted to "shoot him to space" well they forgot about hugging trees and boys and girls sharing locker rooms depending on their sexual preference of the day and are thinking w/ their balance sheets. Mercantile capitalists .... well it seems we have a few more in the room. LOL



    Pay backs a bitch baby and Trump don't forget, start squirming.

  8. 55 minutes ago, dieselpower said:

    One thing's for sure, you were "caught between a rock and a hard place". Now where have I heard that before?...

    This was a vote against Hillary as much as for Trump the Dems were stupid, Joe Biden could have walked in no problem. I do not know about Sanders it would have stirred up a hornets nest as so far left but in truth the young vote might have put him in , they did not come out for Hillary in any numbers.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, dieselpower said:

    Well said Sogeha :clap2:

    +1     You see DP we agree at least when parsed this way. :)

       I am under no illusions on what I bought w/ my vote. Not being a progressive nor in favor of gun control or government control on sugar in your soda or salt on your french fries to name a few over the top ones I saw no common ground with you guys so this being RWG I let it be . Yes easy for me as in theory I got the candidate with those positions.

    Let me postulate this if your positions were akin to mine and Sogeha's assessment is pretty much on the money (not going to get lost in the weeds on minor points) you would be happy with the outcome also. So let it play out what's done is done we could spend countess hours attacking /defending Trump and Clinton to no agreement and those were the choices.

  10. 7 hours ago, Nanuq said:

    @DP, it's nice that you feel that way about Mike on a bike. Although he's punctuation-challenged.... :whistling:

    That's for sure.  :partytime:

      DP if I go by what you folks in the UK and EU think of our choices well you guys loved Obama my lord he was a rock star over there when he was running the first time and in fact was a complete and utter failure so if you guys think Trump stinks I guess I'm better off. As far as offensive goes let's call a spade a spade no PC crap .

    • Like 3
  11. 5 hours ago, fraggle42 said:

    Puppet on a string...?


    I can see why it happened, all the parties by and large stopped listening to the majority of the people, who got ticked off and voted like this to cause a shake up.

    Exactly what happened with Brexit over here.

    Problem is although it does shake the parties up and makes them aware, it also has unfortunate side effects!

    Needed to be done and yes there maybe some side effects but the alternative of letting our government become a self sustaining hierarchy out of common man's control is worse long term. A little house cleaning is healthy once in a while . In addition Clinton is a hawk in the neo-con vein more likely to get into a war with her than Trump if that's what worries you EU guys.


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