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Everything posted by therebel

  1. Ok, I've had just about every dial color gen and rep fish. I really think you should try a black sharkskin. Trust me, it looks AMAZING, especially with the white dial. I'll find some pictures when I get back to my comp and post for you.
  2. I'll be in the OC tomorrow night, cash in hand....let's strike a deal.
  3. Patek Calatrava - for an heirloom it can not be beaten. IMO the most classic watch you could ever purchase. Congrats on the big day my friend.
  4. therebel

    Cape Cod

    The difference between listing as scratched and LNIB is huge. One looks like it's been kept in a safety deposit box while the other looks like it's been worn playing sports and mowing the lawn. I've been a browser/buyer/seller of rep/gen forums for a long time. The cleaner watches always demands a premium. If you know that a cape cod cloth can honestly make your watch look new...then you go and buy one before listing and sell at a 10+% premium to the other scratched up watches. The 'bc they don't have one excuse' is what bugs me. They should just type that they are willing to take a couple hundred hit bc they're too gd lazy to order a 5 dollar rag and spend 15 minutes before listing their watch. That or the scratches are serious enough that a cape cod cloth wouldn't actually bring it back to new.
  5. therebel

    Cape Cod

    Serious comment coming..... On rep and gen forums alike, people mention 90% of the time in their for sale ads "easily polished out w/ cape cod cloth". If it's so easy, then why not do it yourself and advertise as LNIB or 95%+, instead of the usual red flag 'light scratches'. Just curious...this always bugs me.
  6. Robbie, I've had both the reps and gens of these two versions. I kept the gen black dialed steelfish. I wouldn't sell the fish, you'll just end up buying it back in a couple weeks (happened to me).
  7. I actually had this rep before purchasing the gen as a good beater, I actually have two now. There are actually two of these on timezone right now for $500 and $600. Great prices to snag a gen.
  8. Definitely a pitbull. In my life I have owned many different breeds and never found one that comes close to a pitbull in personality, loyalty, obedience, etc, etc, etc. I could rant for days on the subject. I'm on my laptop and don't have many pictures. Here's one of the big boy, can't keep his eyes open...it's too early in the morning (10AM)
  9. My VacFish for the next week, while I'm on vacation in the ocean
  10. This should answer your question....let me know who is selling it and I will buy it immediately.
  11. therebel

    T - crowns

    Count me in for one SS for the manual wind. Congrats on a great job.
  12. I would jump all over this if it was released. I've always loved the DD/DJ etc but can't stand the size. Hell, I'd buy one in every color and combo available.
  13. You may want to look into some keto diets. I'm not a big fan of them but everybody is different. Don't do any extreme keto diets (atkins, etc) because from what I've seen you lose to much hard earned mass. There are 'less' strict keto diets that still allow enough carbs to retain some of your muscle. If you lose weight quickly your going to lose some muscle...no real way around it. Again, the main points are to work on your diet. There's no easy way around it, you just have to adjust your calorie levels until you find the perfect amount to safely lose the weight. Since your not going for any competitions...take it easy. Weight loss shouldn't be overnight. That's why I suggest staying away from fad no carb diets and just do it over time. Eat a well balanced clean diet. You have a much better chance at retaining your muscle this way. Cardio cardio cardio. It sucks, but it's the only way to see those abs. To retain your muscles through a cutting phase I like to eat a pretty healthy diet without cutting a bunch of calories to make sure you feed your muscles...then bust your ass with some HIIT.
  14. I think supplements for the most part are a waste. I was a competitive power lifter prior to a rough motorcycle wreck and it makes me sick knowing that kids are wasting their hard earned cash on the crap from ads in muscle mags. The secrets to getting in shape and not breaking your wallet: Sleep Water Crea Mono - 5g a day, loading is a bunch of shi* and not necessary (remember more expensive is not better, you're just paying for marketing) Whey - The only must have supplement (same as above, you don't need the most expensive on the market) Multi-Vitamin Meal replacements? Yeah, it's called canned tuna and .50 a pop at the grocery store. If your dedicated to busting your ass at the gym then be dedicated enough to spend 15 minutes every night to cook chicken/veggies/fish and put it in zip lock containers to eat 5-6 meals a day. I think all energy drinks are a waste of money too. You can buy off brand pure caffeine pills for 5 bucks a bottle if you really need an extra edge. I don't like the topic of roids even being discussed. 99% of the population won't understand how to use them and use them to their potential. Too many young kids get hooked with the idea of fast gains. They read about how to cycle and what to take in recovery to negate any side effects but miss the most important part.... Where people screw up when taking them is the diet part. You need to be eating more than you thought humanly possible (clean, not cheeseburgers) while cycling, then eat almost as much post cycle to limit the loss of mass you gained while on the cycle. I guess what I'm trying to say is diet is the number 1 part of getting big. Most people can have what some consider 'steroid' like results with whey protein and a perfectly fine tuned diet. It takes time and hard work, but I would spend as much time in the gym as I would tweaking my diet to see exactly how many calories and protein my body needs to maximize results. I hope this helps a little bit. The one thing I'm trying to get across is that you should not spend more than $30 a month on supplements. Most are crap and a lot of money can be saved by a quick trip to the grocery store. Muscle mass is made in the kitchen and at the gym...not at GNC.
  15. EDIT I'm a moron.
  16. I still have plenty of 44mm+ watches in my stable but...I have noticed that I'm wearing the 40-42 range a lot more lately. I've been having to attend meetings and wearing suits a lot lately so fat super avengers just don't work. I never thought I would say this but I'm starting to agree with By-Tor that the 40-42's do seem more balanced and just sit well on the average persons wrist. My 44 and bigger requirement days are over, now I'm a lot more open to smaller watches.
  17. I'll dumb down the argument a little with some simple thoughts on this subject. -Regulating firearms does nothing. Criminals will always be able to get their hands on guns very easily on the black market. -I believe guns should be available for protection and sport, it's our right. If the criminals can get them so should law abiding citizens. -I'd rather be shot than carved up by a crack head with a knife. -Any statistics of firearm deaths in the US vs. other countries is stupid. Violent crimes happen with or without them. Google stabbings and *insert random gun banned country*
  18. Great pick up. I'd love to have one of those in my collection. One of the nicest dress watches I've seen.
  19. I'd say the average price listed for a good condition PO would be $1900-$2100, with a little haggling anywhere in the $1700-$2000 range. Now, a watch from your brother? $500 and a night of beer. Your doing a good deed supplying him with liquid cash, letting him forget his worries for the night, and you've got a nice gen. A win/win situation for both parties.
  20. I believe we can make this happen, it will be a lot of hard work, but it can happen. -Get a group of respected Pam nuts who are willing to work with a dealer to make this project happen. -Offer to provide a gen base series (probably the biggest seller and easiest to get going) Pam for the dealer to take to a factory to copy from. -Work with the dealer on prototypes to correct flaws. -Offer an intial upfront group buy (should be very easy between the forums), so that the dealer knows he will make a solid return for his work. It would be hard work for a couple members, but in my mind, it is very doable. If we show the initiative and prove that there would be a large market for this, it may convince the dealers to work with us. I'd be more than willing to help make this work. As Pug said, the super lume just isn't going to happen, but if we could get a great Pam base that only needs to be re-lumed, then the majority of people would be happy.
  21. Hell of a start! Congrats on your new pieces, and hobby.
  22. The guys you see with a lot of money made it just putting in the hours and grinding. When you see a guy bring out 3k to play with...this is not his roll. If he's a regular pro then that represents just a small portion of his roll. If the grind takes too long to build a working roll like that up at the poker tables, then you need to work until you do have that much in free cash. Trust me it can be done, it just takes patience, hard work, and a knack for the game. I've been a pro for 5-6 years and started at 1-2 NL and moved my way up to some of the highest stakes cash games in the country and a couple world series final tables to add to the resume. You can get there, it's just going to take you a while. Since you didn't agree with me on the bankroll management thing, I suggest you do a little research on google regarding bankroll management. A lot of players have it down to a science. A good rule of thumb is never play with more than 5% of your roll (very conservative but a good start). This doesn't apply to players who play for fun. You on the other hand are making money to pay the bills. If you don't correct this it's going to be an endless cycle and you'll be in the exact same place 5 years down the road. I've been out of town for the past 2 days but will be back in town on Thursday. Come up to the Rio convention center anytime to the 100/200/400 PLO/NL game and ask anyone there for rebel, they'll point you in the right direction. I'd be happy to let you sweat me in the game and go grab coffee or something.
  23. If you ever want to make it playing cards your going to have to completely quit gambling in the pit and the machines. I've seen literally hundreds of winning poker players go broke. Also, maybe even more important than your skill at poker is bankroll management. You should never sit at a table with that much of your free cash on the line. Again, I've seen many great players go broke from playing to high. Poker is a game of variance. Even if you can crush the 2/5 game, eventually your going to have a down swing that will leave you absolutely broke playing with your roll. The games you are playing are extremely beatable with plenty of tourist. You need to keep working your job and start playing 1/2 to build your game up. Not so much to make a living, but to become better. Your not going to get better until you put in 100's of hourse and see 1000's of hands. I've read your hand postings and most all of the hands could have been played better. Get with another player who you see at the tables everyday and go to dinner with them afterwards. Discuss hands and stategy. It may sound dumb but this will improve your game more than any book will. Try reading the 2+2 forums, it's a great place to talk with players and analyze hands. Many of the guys are live players in Vegas and they can help you to improve your game. If you would like to talk, then just shoot me a PM. I'd be more than happy to have lunch with you somewhere or maybe in play for a while to just help you out.
  24. Nice watch. Although, you should have purchased the one from TZ that you have a pic of. Word is he's a great guy
  25. Had this beater on today as I layed around in the hot tub.
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