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Posts posted by slay

  1. How about buying a small hard drive that someone could copy them onto?

    Also I assume you want Apple Final Cut Studio v2 0 MAC OSX UB DVDR D1-DYNAMiCS - Apple Final Cut Studio v2 0 MAC OSX UB DVDR D9-DYNAMiCS ?

    EDIT: Oh and where are you located?

    If that is 9 discs with about 50Gigs with all the apps included, then yes ;)

    I'm in the netherlands and germany.

    I have no need to impress anyone whit fake watches :rolleyes: <-- and you are here because?

    And if you did not get it i was joking. <-- a roll eyes emoticon with a halo on its head. Yes, its incredibly obvious that your a world famous comedian ;)


  2. WTF? 52GB?

    Oh, I see. It has all the apps in it. Are you sure you need them all?

    Seeing as it requires dual-layer DVDs, I don't get enough of a success rate burning them to make it worthwhile. Sorry.

    I figured I might aswell get the full package and decide afterwards what I need and what I dont need ;)

    You have the full studio edition or the pro/express?

    wish there were 60GB USB sticks (affordable ones ;) ), I agree, DL is a pain in the butt, only tried it twice, and lets just say I wasnt happy with the result.

  3. Ok I don't want anyone to think I am trying to stifle competition here but I need to warn you that the prices here look far to cheap.

    By this I mean that my supplier owns the factory where they make the goods I sell and they can't come close to these prices, either the quality of these goods must be very low or the whole site is just another get rich quick set up.


    at least he told you that he owns the little sweat shop (which I doubt, but thats just my personal opinion and does not mean jack, maybe I'm totally wrogn, even if I'm not, it doesnt really matter, does it?), and I also don't think that chinese production prices are higher than on the website, HOWEVER (!) I think this site is a huge scam, simply because the prices might still be over production costs (a t-shirt cots less than 1$ in china, a pair of genuine (!) pumas costs 2.50$ in production), BUT it's sheer impossible to get those prices on the internet.

    I would stay FAAAR away. Believe me, cheap, chinese and website? it's 99.9% a scam. I would bet money on it. If you are really into fake clothing stick with kenberg

  4. I'm sorry, but one has to have a complete RETARDATION (imagine that in borat voice!) to make such a deduction.

    Copying is as much stealing as buying a replica. So YOU are guilty as charged. Just because something is free, doesnt mean I would also take it if it cost money. Only dumb people make such a connotation (or people who have some financial interest, but I dont see "one" to be an apple exec).

    And I for one (yeah, thats the douche's way if saying I!) can say, that I have spend enough money with Apple to copy Final Cut Studio. I wonder how much money YOU have costs Panerai and who not in "free" catalogues and wasted AD time, just because you wanted to impress them with your little fake watch. Of course I could just try to write a suck-up eMail to steve jobs and hope to get it for free, but I doubt this works twice!

  5. wow, this brings back memories!!

    I guess some peopel come&go and some stay.

    What can I say about my bursts of arousal? Action deserves reaction. I don't remember anyone from the forum insulting me in person, yet others do it on the internet, because of the distance-security. I doubt people from here would talk to others the same way if they knew who they were. Maybe that even includes me.

    But, I never started humiliating or offending anyone. And I never said things that I would not say to their face! Those who I called a-holes mostly deserved it (can say that with confidence!)

    BUT I have to admit, the language I used on the old RWG can't be used here. IMO the censorship and strict mod behavior accounts for MUCH less drama and conflicts here. If I (in reaction to something, of course!) call someone a [censored] or a [censored] or a [censored]face, he won't know what I said, and will probably react differently and leave it instead of calling me a donkey

  6. I would have normaly posted somthing yesterday but i was a bit busy, Most of you will never know how goot it feels to see the growing appeciation of the comon soldier that we see these days, 10 yeas ago if you went to rememberance service in the Uk there would be a lot of people but mostly older, the young never realy seamed to care, but what i am seeing today is that the younger generation and infact acros all ages are supporting the soldiers and remembering thost in the past. It makes a great difference to the man inthe field to know that he is thought of now and in the end!

    if that were just the case in my country... not only do you always have the DA behind you, but most people don't respect solders in any way.

    In america, random people will come up to you and greet you, if you wear a uniform. They'd offer you a beer on the house or salute.

    Over here I have heared things like "murderer" when I went shopping in Uniform! Even the police doesn't have the tinniest bit of respect. You figure they should treat you like colleagues, but it's more like they treat you like some sort of enemy.

    I really don't have the feeling we are respected here. Those who appear to respect us, seem more scared of our appearance than having actual respect for what we do and what we stand for.

    Noone thinks about the fact, that most soldiers have to move frequently and are seperated from their families from monday-friday, because they simply live so far away. In my unit, out of 120, there were maybe 10 that had their families close by, the rest either didnt have a family or could only see them during the weekend.

  7. I agree. Noone will ever doubt its genuine. But I hardly wear it, its more like a special occasion watch.

    But I can't get myself to sell it, because I think I will never come across such a well built replica (HBB doesnt compare! HBB might be 99.9% like the gen, but even the Gen is not so sphisticated)

  8. the guys from risti have not the knowledge to buy this vintage calibers... they bought all their parts from RWG members :D

    I hope this stupid Fred Sh. sufficates from all his angelus movements! I hate that [censored] so much.

    edit: wow, now I can't even say pr1ck no more, where are we goin here? is this forum going PG-13 or what?

  9. No I didn't bid on it as I had read a couple of days ago that one of our members was willing to go to a price I would not so why bid a friend up. The non-alarm Angelus will remain a dream for a long time. I next need to find a Rolex movement for the 3646 case and that is looking out of my league as well. Not to be a [censored] but I wouldn't mind it if those couple of Risti (not the folks around here of course :) ) who have been buying up all these movements at ridiculous prices felt enough economic pain to let go of a few of their dozens of movements. I am a believer that in the current difficult economic environment those who know who have the patience and know where to look will be rewarded.

    A while ago a PERFECT Rolex 618 sold on an eBay live auction for around 1200$. And I mean PERFECT, it looked like NOS, there was not even a hairline scratch. And it came in a solid gold casing.

    I lost the bid by 5$ because I wasn't home. I could still bite my own buttox!

  10. I have never seen a Panerai powered with those movements. They all have either Unitas6497 or venus copy. As a matter of fact, there are very very few manual Panerai chronos. Those that exist have been repped with Venus/Seagull movements. (at least 4 years ago when I got my first Panerai)

    The Panerai movements seem to be new, first (about 3 years ago) DW offered his watches with Rolex bridges. I remember lots of members here being crazy about those rolex bridges. AFAIR they sold for over 300-500$ on eBay. After a while they only came with blank bridges. Now I get one with Panerai bridge and a VERY rare old rolex signed movement. It even has "727" engraved under the balance wheel.

    Quite mysterious! I think nanuq might know more. Or Avitt. Maybe it will all remain a mystery forever!

  11. In what price range are those bracelets?

    btw. do you have any idea why some movements have panerai engraving on the bridges? there must be some secret source for those movements, I mean noone just produces those movements for 10 watches or so, and Panerai hasnt been around for very long (in the rep market), so they can't be NOS. Why have we never seen any reps with those movements?

    I'm still hoping for a properly sized DW with Venus movement, I know the subdial spacing is the same (I measured it a while ago with a ruler). If DW would just understand that he needs to use the proper case with 19mm lugs and fit the venus in there somehow....

  12. you know, the original 1st factory hublot maker literally fcuked himself.

    if he had taken ONE class in economics (which that idiot most likely didnt), he KNEW that a price tag of 1000$+ on such an easy rep would attract SO many new entrants. There are about 10 Hublot makers now.

    If he had set the price to around 300-400$, there would be NO competition and he would be the sole supplier. But he was greedy and he thought he was smart. In the end I hope all the other makers make more money on their cheaper watches through volume.

    And hey, its good for us, if the 1st factory would have sold for 300 we wouldnt see those bracelets now!

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