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Posts posted by slay

  1. @everyone

    The phones that I might be offering here are THE BEST POSSIBLE quality now, made in Taiwan, not China.

    They come from the same person that got our Vertus so at least 20 members can vouch for quality speedy delivery etc.

    And these reps do have gen 8800 arte features like tap to see the clock and turn the phone to mute the call.

    I am 100% sure what we see in pics is what we would get.

    And it is even better than what Sead is offering at repgeek because "my" Artes have european keyboard without all chinese symbols all over there.

    And one more thing guys, some posts above may look like I am being accused of lies and scamming people with AAA+++ phones that do not exist.

    I hope you understand it is not an issue here.

    Noone sais you are a scammer. And I dont even doubt that the Vertu or the 8800 phones are the best on the market. I think the Vertu LOOKED superb. Unfortunately no real titanium. But the attention to detail was outstanding

    HOWEVER, please do not fall for the Taiwan lie. I would (almost) bet my penis that they are made in china and not in taiwan. Even computer processors are now made in china. It makes no sense to produce those phones in Taiwan. Only more risk, more expensive, not necessarily much better.

    I'm pretty sure if that your seller has the best 8800 copy that is available on the market (if its the one that also sold the vertu phones), but they are not going to be 100% perfect and probably also not from taiwan. Be cautious when you deal with chinese people, they will tell you everything to get you to buy their product! Observe and make unbiased rational judgements! Always ask yourself "Does it make sense?"

    Does it make sense that retired Hermes workers work as consultants for fake factories? Does it make sense that genuine iPhones or golf clubs get sneaked out of the original factory? Does it make sense if some stranger lures a kid into his car with promises of funny stories and candy?

  2. CGuy - Good deal. I hope you enjoy yours as much as I enjoy mine.

    Note that I fitted a gen crown/tube & pushers on mine (kept the original DW crystal though).

    why did you keep the DW crystal? All I have seen are very poor quality and crack easily. I will have to replace mine, cousins has generic T21 crystals for a few bucks..

    Pushers I dont mind, because I do not intend to play with the chronos.

    But I would really like some decent endlinks :(

  3. And BTW, Europe is in a bigger ditch than us and they have produced an entire generation that is not interested (or rather lost hope) in a brighter future. We just might get there with a new set of regulations and entitlements that will be passed soon.

    what? at least over here the average household doesnt have 35k+ debt... WE are able to buy our BMW's, mercedeses and VW's, its you guy that can't buy any more GM because you can't afford it ;)

  4. Slay those phones were suppose to come from Taiwan which is where the iPhones were being made and were supposedly back door items.

    I took the chance (and the hit) on them myself I didn't sell them to anyone.

    The golf equipment you bought was well after I stated publicly that I would not sell them because of misgivings I had with the dealer, there are many members that remember this and I can also pull up the thread to show this if need be.


    1. iPhones are not made in Taiwan, they are made in China. Regardless where they are made, it is a LIE that someone is able to sneak out items out of one of the safest and best guarded production facilities. Apple has extremely strict pilicies, way stricter than anyone else. This is impossible, and this is the kind of lying by chinese crooks that I was talking about and people like you, me and a bunch of others fell for.

    2. you were mainly quiting the golf thing, because I [censored] in your thread (lookin back at it, it was a good thing for YOU, otherwise you would have probably sold many of them to members here, IIRC many were interested). but you probably know it better, frankly I dont care, believe what you want, say what you want.

    But you simply dont get it, you think this is a pissing contest and try to defend yourself in every possible way, look Kenberg, it is NOT I'm simply trying to tell people that there is no such thing as "sneaked out items" and that they simply SHOULD NOT FALL FOR THIS LIE, including you (next time, when someone tells you this kind of bullcrap).

    It is the same as italian made rolexes with triple AAAA+ 65jewel movements, its a LIE and SCAM

  5. Um slay I don't recall kenberg falling for anything, all the products I sell have always been given the utmost approval of my customers and yes I have a supplier of these phones too but I am gaging members reation to the ones they have seen before I put them forward.

    If you are in fact referring to the golf equipment then kindly remember I chose not to sell them and you bought yours direct from the supplier.


    I'm not only referring to the golf equipment, I'm also referring to the iPhones. I remember quite well how you told us your supplier told you that those are from the same factory, and other stuff that was simply not true.

    I dont blame you for falling for it, hell so did I (at first). And may I kindly remind you, that you actually DID want to buy from this guy (at first) and you never (until I bought) thought that those clubs might not be legit. You insisted that they were genuine and that nothing would happen in customs. I can digg it out and quote you, but I dont think we need to start a pissing contest, I wasn't blaming you for anything right now, but please, dont try to deny that you believed the golf clubs and iphones were legit, this is simply untrue!

    There is no need to get offended her, I never implied you were misleading anyone, what I implied was, that lots of people fall for this kind of stuff

  6. Once payment was sent, have not heard since. The sites went down the next day and they where registered to some woman in the US. The name of the person to whom the money was sent was Nik Recob at Edingburgh, UK. So please very careful to whom you deal with.

    the name has to be real, because you need to pick it up with your ID. file a complaint with edinburgh police and they will most likely catch him

    or speak with Edge, he is from edinburgh, he may be able to help you.

    Nice city btw. if I was you, I would go there myself just for a visit and maybe you have the chance to find the guy, I'm sure the local mob will help you if you pay them a little "finder's fee", and believe me, it will be worth it to pay them 50% to see that crook getting his face blown up!

  7. @Jaymoi you fell for the same [censored] Kenberg fell for and so did I. we already discussed this here.


    Its a LIE, NO chinese manufacturer is able to sneak products out of the back, its NOT LIKE THAT they all tell this lie to sell their products, they will tell you any [censored] you can imagine and back it by "proof". BUT THIS IS NOT THE CASE

    or do you REALLY t hink that Joe Nobody is able to find real nokia cellphones for a fraction of costs on the internet and a huge congolmerate like Nokia is unaware that its factory is sneaking out phones through the backdoor (while risk getting losing a valuable contract and risk of being imprisoned) its BULL!

  8. the problem with those movements is NOT accuracy!

    I had a movement just like that and it broke after a while, because the material is really bad, the gears teeth will break off after some time.

    My newest DW also has a movement with PANERAI bridge, but I also have a DW movement with ROLEX bridge laying around here (which I have to send to dirk :D )

  9. @TeeJay I would probably not need any weapons when I'm in a state of bloodlust, that does not change the laws though. Many people here told me to be careful harming a burglar, because it could end up getting back at you. The "he's a criminal, so I should have the right to make the first move" analgoy is NOT valid here. You have to wait for him to stab you in the chest before you are allowed to hit back....!

    oh yeah, i dont have insurance, so they wont cover anything!

  10. Hold on, you didn't report it the morning you found out?

    Well, there really isn't much they can do. However, you'll need a crime number for the insurance, so I hope they at least gave you that.

    No, I didnt call the morning, because my first guess was that one of the 5 others took it during the night because he wanted to play in his room. At first I thought someone was making a joke, because ONLY the PS3 was gone, who's first thought is that someone broke into your house while 6 people were sleeping there, passed many rooms, went up to the 3rd floor, traight into the living room, singled out 2 ps3 games out of a huge pile of XBOX games and then just took EVERYTHING that belongs to the PS3?

    That is not logical!

    I told them the area is completely untouched. She said she does not believe me (WTF?). Like finger prints have some sort of best-before date.

  11. I called the police, the woman on the phone told me they would NOT come by and check for fingerprints or anything. She told me, because it was 1 night ago, they wouldn't do anything. The only thing I can do is go to the police office and report it

    I told her, that I was trying to make sure noone I know played a prank on me and that I tried to investigate the matter myself, but she would not listen. She got really pissy on the phone.

    When I asked her for the address, she could only tell me the street name, not even the number, I asked her what kind of police officer she is when she can't even tell me where the police station is nor be of any assitance in this matter.

    I'm really dissapointed at the police, one reason more to take matters into my own hand. But I know what they will say when there is 3 liters of blood on my living room floor: "why didnt you call us for assitance?" and then I will wind up being the criminal, I'm sure!

    All those suggestions for weapins are all nice and stuff, but I am a soldier, I know how to take people out, I would not need more than a little swiss army knife for that (though it would definitely give me more satisfaction to beat the sh*t out of that crook with a steel baton or a brick), but the thing is I didnt notice anyone breaking in, nor did the 5 other people who were sleeping here.

    And the laws here... I would probably get a sentence higher than the criminal if I harmed him. I'm sure he would get probabtion (if that) and then wait for me some night with 20 friends and beat the hell out of me. And I'm not allowed to carry anything for self defense with me (or have it in my house). No gas-gun (they shoot tear gas) and not even a telescopic baton. So If I took someone down with anything other than a kitchen knife (and probably even than) I would risk facing charges for having somthing illegal.

    Over here, even a waterpistol is illegal if it resembles a real gun. So I cant even use a BB gun or whatever to scare him. This would result in me getting charged with posetion of an illegal firearm.

  12. i think it must have been someone from the neighborhood or even those living across our house.

    my russian friends told me to leave the door open one night and hide with them and wait for the crook to come back for the rest and then get him.

    i will call sony and ask them if they can track my serial/PSN account.. i know microsoft does it, but i think sony doesnt :(

  13. he went to the 2nd (!) floor while 2 people where sleeping on the first, one on the 2nd and 3 on the 3rd floor, he went straight into the living room and picked out all my PS3 games, controllers and the PS3 and left.

    he did NOT take my TV, nor did he take my xbox (for which i have many more, better games) or any other valuable stuff. It happened at exactly 4:32 in the morning (he unplugged my router, i just had a look at the log files).

    i'm so freakin [censored] right now!!


    i'm still wondering what would have happened if had had woken up and seen him.

    i dont know what i should feel right now, happy because he didnt take my xbox360?, sad because my ps3 is gone, angry because i dont know who it was and can't get revenge?

    whats REALLY pissing me off though is that i got the ps3 with a cell phone contract and i will have to pay that thing off for the next 1.5 years!!

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