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Posts posted by slay

  1. like i told you guys in one of our various email exchanges, i can't book right now, i will have to sort it out early december! but i did already look into flights etc.

    if i dont have anything seriously important during that time (which i dont know right now), i will be in

    edit: I forgot to say, maybe someone can call TANFOGLIO, because he's not really reading all the emails, I guess ;) otherwise I will call him, but I have really very little time right now.

  2. I may add, after '45 germany's debt was also "erased" and look where we are today (and have been for the past decade) -> world's exporteur Nr. 1, even though we have 1/4 of the US population and 1/12 of the chinese; we are one of the most influencial countries in the world, al the WW2 winners are far behind usin terms of technology and accumulated knowledge (even though much of our knowledge was stolen after WW2) (who's making the best cars in the world? who's making the best tanks in the world? who's making the best guns in the world that even the americans are buying for their army?).

    So just because a monetary system is failing, that does not mean you will lose your status as a superpower.

    Germany is the living example of a country that got toally fcuked and rose back up to being a superpower in no-time

  3. I will be doing the most patriotic thing I can think of tomorrow.

    I will be writing in Dr. Ron Paul. He is the only person who will look you in the eye and tell you how utterly F'd this country is if we dont make VERY painful CHANGE soon. Notice how neither of the big guys up for election tomorrow will even touch the issue of national debt.

    Begin rant: The US only has about 15-25 more years before it is effectively bankrupt. In the near future all of the taxes you pay to the govt. will go to paying interest on debt. If you think a credit crisis concentrated on retail banks and investment banks has been bad, how do you think we (and the world for that matter) will fare when the real BIG one hits The US Treasury, IRS, Federal Reserve, etc? By the way, there will be at least one major, possibly more financial crises before this ultimate biggy hits.

    (stepping down from soapbox)

    Please get out and vote.

    I wonder how you are going to write anything into those electronic voting machines which the republicans like to use to manipulate elections.

    Plus, Ron Paul might be right in what he's saying (and his adviser, peter schiff pretty much predicted the crisis of today a few years ago -> google him, look at youtube videos;), BUT if you ask me, its impossible to repay the debt the united states currently has without ruining its economy/population.

    I think it will all come down to a total failure of the US monetary system and the creditors will NOT get their money back, or at least not in the coming 100 years. This would be the best thing to happen to all americans. All the debt would be wiped out, they could start from scratch.

    There is NO WAY america can pay back 35.000$ per american without ruiining itself. Or it takes them 500 years.

    How is Ron Paul going to pay the debt, if he (or those who influence his capmain) are known tax protesters? He wants to lower taxes to almost nothing (or completely eliminate them), so how is america going to pay for the basic neads of the people such as healthcare, education and so on?

    Should we make everyone responsible for himself? You know where this would lead us? The streets would be FULL with sick, uneducated, criminal kids who have no perspective and who CAN NOT compete on the world labor market. Soon america would become even dumber as it already is and even the "rich" elite would decease over time. Soon the whole economy would colapse, because there is no competitive workforce that is able to produce value

    Your tax dollars pay for a country to be more or less CLEAN from SCUM. Just look at the countries where the taxes do not raise enough money to pay for the stuff that Ron Paul and his fellows want to privatize (meaning everyone has to pay for it himself) -> these countries are SH1THOLES.

    Or do you want america to become like uganda??

    ----> Ron Paul words have turth in them, but the measures he wants to adopt would ruin america

  4. I would chose neither'

    I think this creature would do a better job then any of the above options if not he would still be better then Bush.


    Say Hello to option 3 a crazy jailed monkey.

    Palin = Stupid, no discussion

    Bush = might act stupid, but somehow he graduated from yale (even if he was just average); maybe the cocaine&booze messed with his brain? love or hate his politics, I think he was one of the funniest presidents. but a puppet IMO

    McCain = definitely not a stupid man, but also not really a genuis

    Obama = definitely one of the smartest guys in politics; graduated from Harvard (so did his wife), WITHOUT his daddy/momy being influencial. At least with him we know he achieved this himself!

    Biden = dont know much about him, but from what I have seen, he seems like a very smart guy. plus he's the kind of guy I like, when someone asks him stupid stuff, he calls them out on it. though apparently americans dont like it when you make fun of someone because he's being a retard (caution, i said "being a retard" not "is a retard"!)

    So, concluding this, based on education and their apparent intelligence, the Obama/Biden ticket IS the smartest way to go with

  5. what the F*CUK is up with your stupid oversized, enoormously large signature? just because i have a huge c*ck, does not mean i whip it out infront of everyone on the street and swing it around like ronald mcdonald!

    regarding topic, i think you got ripped by "trusty" and paid way too much. not so trusty afterall, this "trusty" guy!

  6. Ha... that's funny about Hublot being cheap themselves... that sounds about right.

    Let me ask, you mention "Hublot's documentation where they repeatedly say they're using the 7750" - where exactly can I find that?

    I don't know anybody more qualified than Dan Spitz besides the actual Hublot factory...

    JC Biver (big boss of Hublot) and the other US Hublot guy confirmed that it is a 7750 with added module. Thats also the reason why the datewheel is a little bit sunken on the gen. They don't call it 7750 officially, because firms like Hublot like to give their movements fancy names to make it appear they created them themselves while in reality the just used 400$ ebauche from ETA which is nothing special.

    Just go on TimeZone and search for it.

  7. I found some Videos of how german customs check all those packages that come in. Looks really scary, seems like they open almost everything, even little envelopes.

    X-Ray scanners are no myth, they really use those. The video also busts a few myths that are circulating on how to avoid getting caught. Unfortunately its in german, but the pictures say it all:


    There is a whole series of those videos, this one is about how they find passports in the packages. Gives you a good insight into how customs work!

    This is the first video of the series: http://www.spiegel.de/video/video-38099.html

    They show what packages get through without being opened, and they are also saying how some people avoid being charged by having multiple items sent to different addresses, but with same names. They show packages from a guy who has been doing this for about a year (they say) and they even know his name.

    So, even if nothing happens to you (for a year!) that does not mean you are safe. They are watching, those feds even know the names of those guys already, they are letting the packages through, but this guy can be sure to get busted in a while!

    Those videos give more insight into the feds work than you can imagine. I'm surprised they were allowed to film this

  8. you know WHY it has so much RAM? because windows mobile is so awfully slow that their newly developed UI (which is not native windows mobile!) is extremely laggy. On the iPhone, you press your finger an an App, and its just there. You dont have to wait 5 seconds for anything to load. It just works.

    What about the Blackberry Storm 9530? I'm very keen to try out that one!

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