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Posts posted by slay

  1. As already stated...

    And as Slay(er) very well knows...

    JF is and has been at RWG1 since his departure here a long time ago...

    Slay, you posted close to 30 posts over there yesterday...

    It's impossible for you to not know that he's there...

    You're 28 now...

    Act your age for once...


    No I didnt, I havnt been on the old RWG for ages. And I'm also not 28! I dont know where you get your facts from, must be some kind of miracle source...

  2. Slay how did you get his real name?

    Also be very careful not to reveal it here please.


    oh, how could slay possibly know his name... did it ever come to you mind, that i may know him?!

    did i ever post someones personal details on this forum? i think not!

    you're on the wrong forum to see him - he's around on RWG1 most days :)

    he still is??! i dont know that!

  3. georgia attacked south osetia using rocket system "GRAD" they pretty much destroyed the city and several nearby vilages. then georgian troops moved in and started a "clean up", no one was spared" kids, women, wounded. there are reports of tanks driving over people (kids too); people locked up in buildings and set on fire alive. they shoot at vehicles trying to evacuate wounded. this is a genocyde against osetians. georgia considers that that land belongs to them. Georgia recieved multi-million funding from USA to purchase weapons and ammunition. What ever is told on TV by western media is completely different from what is going on over there right now. I just got off the phone with my family members ...

    And which secret FSB informant told you this....? Or have you been there yourself, undercover as a Georgian Spetsnaz?

  4. this is the single biggest problem. i am not sure what it will take for people to start thinking... blowing up buildings on 9/11 didnt seem to do a thing, attacking another country did n't do a thing (britney's problems still were more important), taking away peoples rights does not seem to do anything. you know, we can go on like this but we all agree that this is not going to lead us to a better place.

    watch this, this about sums it up best:


    "Fox News Host Refuses To Talk About Russia-Georgia War, Insists On Covering Edwards

  5. Hi,

    Can I check where did you get yours. I checked with a couple of dealers and they said the HBB Black Magic with full ceramic case is not from 1st factory. Would really be interested to get one made by first factory.


    The one I have is identical to all the 1st factory replicas (I have compared them).

    Its true that there are 2 full ceramics versions. One of them (the cheaper one) is made of very crappy quality. The one I have is very very good. Like any other 1st factory HBB rep.

  6. Based on the looks on the faces of Putin and Bush as they were chatting before the Olympics ceremony began no one looked particularly perturbed. I think this one dies down. Although Russia is heading back to the way it was (nationalizing all businesses, consolidating power, etc.) from what I read it sounded like Georgia was the aggressor. But who knows.

    This would be as if Alaska declares sovereignty and Canada helps them. Do you think amerika would just let Alaska go? DO you think Canada would have a right to give Canadian citizenship to all Alaskians? DO you think Canada has the right to attack the USA if the US sends troops to Alaska (and not to canada!) to claim its land back? I think not!

  7. All Russia is doing is protecting its borders from a hostile govt in Georgia and protecting the russian minority. The Georgians killed Russian Peacekeepers so for every action there is a reaction. What Georgians are getting now.

    Malodiats Putin.

    I think this is Georgias affair, isnt it? Russia does not want others to intervene when it comes to Chechnya but they do the same [censored].

    They should just stay the f.... out of countries that do not belong to them. Soviet Union is long gone, those are sovereign states!

  8. @Tourbi:

    Mind pointing out the significant flaws compared to these pictures of the genuine Blancpain Lemans Tourbillon you think are on the dial, because I can't find any comparing it to the gen? Take a real close look at the tourbillon escapement cage showing in your picture, it is not an ST80 or made by any other chinese tourbillon manufacturer. I can tell by the large center gear wheel which is as large as the balance spring gear and the large escapement & pinion wheel. None of these are common to the asian carousel tourbillons but are a defining mark of the genuine Blancpain carousel tourbillon. I say that is a picture of a genuine you've got there.


    Saying you've seen a rep. like that before and showing me where you've seen it before on the net are two different things.....................try researching if you can find it; as nothing would make me happier if an accurate Blancpain Tourbi rep. was really available. I claim it isn't and never was but I'd liked to be proven wrong.

    No, you got me wrong. I never said I saw a BP rep. I said I saw this movement in a different watch (like the one on the picture in the first post) with Tourby @12 and crown on the right!

    I dont know where though, its been some time since then!

  9. Well, bless my soul! :o That's the first indication that someone maybe was able to do it. Have never seen an asian one offered with the tourbillon escapement at 12. Are you sure that they didn't use a picture of a real one to represent the rep?

    hence my post...

  10. ehehe i get 6h+ on wlan using now my old thinkpad x60 ... i cant wait to upgrade to x200 ... regarding the mackbook air its well trash haha sorry coud not help myself ... love the mac os X do that is sweet!


    blah blah blah :D

    better mail me which dial you would like on your watch, the others are waiting for you haha ;)

  11. wow.. thats quite a deal. how did u manage that?

    eBay :D It was basically brand new!

    Um..yes they can. If you know what you are doing. When Apple moved to Intel they opened the floodgates, you can download OSX for Intel PCs if you know where to look. I have a Dell desktop running OSX.

    I know, I know, but its way too buggy if you ask me. I wouldnt reccomend it ;)

  12. not cheep that is for sure but i bet people are after the gen CGs for fiddys

    They are useles pieces of metall, because they have not been finished yet :) You would need to drill the hole for the CG lever and find a way to attach it to the CG... way too much work, not worth it!

    And the dial he is offering also looks like crap IMO. I say anyone who buys this crap to make a watch of it is plain stupid B) (but as you know, I've always known that Paneristi would even buy a turd-in-a-box if it said Panerai on the box!)

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