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Posts posted by slay

  1. Slay:

    I could be wrong, but I believe Fish is who V was writing about...

    And the above Post by Fish was his response to V...




    Okay, this wasnt quite clear to me, sometimes language is a barrier :) Like I said, sounded like sarcasm, but also didnt sound like sarcasm, I wasnt sure.

  2. The reason for all that happened was my gen parts sale which he considered basically a rip-off of the members here.

    Fair enough.. everyone is entitled to his own opinion. I don't agree but still I have asked to the Boss to delete the thread because that was not my intention.

    But that struck me in general and I thought that if a friend said all those things then many others who don't know me can say the same or worse about me...

    I think your prices (also for rep parts) are insane aswell. Does this make me a moron? I think not, its simply my opinion and I am sure I have the right to state my opinion. Long time member or not, does not matter, when someone has an opinion about a certain price, he should voice this opinion. No need to get pissy and offended.

    Havnt been around lately, so I dont know who said what, but if someone simply stated your prices were too high and a rip-off, thats not something that should offend you.

    If that was the case, I think its childish, opening a thread like this and crying for attention and others to tell you that the person who told you your prices were high is "wrong!!!1111!11!".

    But if he said something else, you might have the right and not be childish, but since the thread has been deleted, I cant say.

    So from the Information I collected from reading the first few posts I conclude:

    1. Someone called you out on your prices, someone said they are too high and a ripoff

    2. This someone was someone you thought was a friend
      ----> whats wrong with a friend telling you, that you are charging way too much? I consider those who voice their HONEST opinion FRIENDS and not those who are just saying "you are the best, whatever you do is sooo great". Such people are NOT true friends, they are morons that just WANT you to bei their friend, because they gain some kind of satisfaction from having you as a friend

    3. You are now opening a thread because you want some kind of affection/attention from exactly those who I just mentioned, those who are simply trying to suck up without knowing ANY of the facts. They have (clearly) no idea whatsoever you are talking about, still they have a biased opinion about who is right and who is wrong. This is IMO childish. Or maybe not childish, but in some way weak, because it shows that you desperately NEED someone to tell you that you were not wrong.

    Now dont be offended by this (I'm sure you will be, but I dont care, I will voice my opinion; remember what I just said, dont rely on those as "friends" who are simply sucking up..), its not my intention to offend you. My intention is to open your eyes. There is no absolute truth. And just because some here are trying to suck up, it does not mean something is more or less true.

  3. I agree with Slay - it may be the watch's perspective in the pictures, but the pushers look like they are symmetrically spaced from the crown. But the dial looks like a DW.

    could it be one of DW's daytonas with venus copy movement?!

  4. And think..i have two of these babies in a separate project right now :)

    Here is one of them


    New gen bezel + gen tropic on its way to be mounted.

    hmm, to me this doesnt seem like assymetric pushers/dw case? whats the lug size? 20mm? If it is, I'm not sure a gen bezel/crystal will fit on this watch!

  5. PS: Slay, come on, you should have called us...

    I wouldn't have any problem ending the night with a bunch of nice Hollanders.

    Of course it was cool to finish the night with Andy and Tribal...but, hmmm, you know, they are not as exiting in a hotel room :whistling:

    I was going to, but I did not stay long anyway (I thought by the time you guys would be back in the center, I would be about to leave)... it was more politeness because I havnt seen my dutch friend in over a year and I couldnt just leave without saying bye properly. But she will be visiting me in Rotterdam very soon :D

    Hope it wasnt too bad for you guys finishing the night without any females :p

    I love the look of that Daytona from the out side but looking inside it last night filled me with a bit of dread

    Tell me, what did you see? :)

  6. guys, did you go straight to the hotel afterwards? i was so friggin tired, sorry for that ;) but anna made it a fun trip back home B)

    i met up with my the other cute gal and spend some time in a club. i wanted to go straight home, but they didnt let me ;) anyway, arnheim has some great clubs. too bad i wasnt in a partying mood yesterday :) btw. she (the dutch one) told me to say hi to you guys and asked why you didnt join ;)

    PS sorry for not bringing my iphone ;) hope you all had a safe trip back home (especially andy on the bike)

  7. Yes...and the Cortebert's are both mine. :)

    One needed a simple clean and oil, the 616 was cleaned, and I had to install a new Balance wheel Staff, as the old one was broken. All assembled, with new mainsprings, etc, both run and keep great time..


    Do you have a source for balance staffs? I need one for one of my cortebert movements!

  8. was just playing with a mate's LG Prada the other day..... I have to tell you, its NOWHERE near the iPhone (from the Handling and surprisingly from the case material and feeling aswell.... not sth. you'd expect from sth. called PRADA). The difference is soooo huge, I dont expect anything similar within the next 2 years from LG!

    Previewing a photo takes 3 seconds, WTF??!

  9. Someone once built a Big Pilot rep with genuine dial and Fixed date.

    The Date was not sunken at all and it looked very much like the gen. But noone was interested, because the date was fixed at the 25th.

  10. Not likely now. It turns out her unmarried 17-year old Daughter was pregnant as well. She's now being lovingly forced into a shotgun wedding.

    I honestly think they might have staged this pregnancy in order to get the focus away from the other child. I mean it would be easy for them to make her daughter a pregnant-like belly and then just adopt a baby. Then everyone will think that the first baby was actually hers.

    I mean, I have seen pictures of Palin when she was 8 months pregnant, and she did NOT look like a pregnant woman.

    I really think the republicans are capable of doing this. If they can rig an election for a few vots, they sure as hell can do this. Her daughter being pregnant now is not as bad as her trying to cover a previous pregnancy up.

    I agree. It's about as important as someone getting a [censored], to be honest.

    you got a [censored]?

    why can pugwash write bl0w j0b but i cant??!?

  11. Sorry for the wrong statement. I stand corrected. Yes, longer range but less bandwidth.

    Haha, dont worry dude, you're studying like the hardest subject one can imagine (which means you are probably among the 10 smartest people on the forum) :p Hope it works out well for you! I could never see myself in that field :)

  12. I soooo hope that this kid is indeed her daughters and that she tried to cover it up and they will go DOWN.

    People like her who call homos sinners make me sick. Its people like her who were responsible for the killing of the jews, its people like her who were repsonsible for all the bad and evil that happened to humanity in the past 1000s of years.

    The wise man is powerless against the stupid. Thats a real shame. I'm thankful I'm not so narrow minded and not so intollerant like some others.

    And reading this thread really makes me built up some kind of cordial dislike a gainst certain people here, so I better get the hell out.

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