it is a gen box! it has the little lock which only gen boxes have!
also who told you it doesnt have superlume and A/R coating? it is worth the exact same, the case is the same, it has sapphire and so on... the only thing which might be an issue is water resistancy but i think that has been done too (its a job every watchmaker can do
the only thing you dont have might be genuine papers! but i say [censored] them papers! be smart and do the franken pam yourself, then you dont have to pay top dollars for something like that! its a freakin watch to wear, NOONE will every be able to tell its part fake (probably not even an AD! after inspection) and you got a great watch which doesnt lack anything compared to the one with genuine papers!
i still dont think the seller even knows its fake, [censored] i wouldnt know and honestly i wouldnt care if i saw movement is gen and everything else seems about right!
if you want something solid, dont buy of freakin ebay, go to an AD and buy there, than you dont get grey market stuff without S/N or anything like that