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Everything posted by TwoTone

  1. Greg: My apologies if I mis-read [mis-interpreted] your post... PM Sent... TT
  2. @DT4 No agenda... Except for honesty, integrity, and trustworthiness... Gota problem with that? TT
  3. @DT4 Your sarcasm is not appreciated... We happen to take the Integrity and Ethics of our Dealers very seriously... This issue is being discussed in our Admin, as well as with the Dealers in question... A decision will be forth coming... Thanks for your input and support, Two Tone
  4. @Kruzer Neil was addressing the Admin over at RWI... Not here... TT
  5. Speaking of Brazilians... Did you here the one...
  6. Not quite the quality of Chief, Neil, & Bazz But here's my 231... TT
  7. Just an FYI~ This Thread and it's contents are being discussed in Admin... We take these things seriously... And are considering the proper response/action to the question's raised here... We appreciate the participation in this Thread... Thanks, The RWG Admin Team PS: We also truly appreciate that this Thread has been handled in a very professional manner!
  8. Subject: Hell Explained By A Chemistry Student HELL EXPLAINED BY CHEMISTRY STUDENT The following is an actual question given on a University of Washington chemistry mid-term. The answer by one student was so "profound" that the professor shared it with colleagues, via the Internet, which is, of course, why we now have the pleasure of enjoying it as well: Bonus Question: Is Hell exothermic (gives off heat) or endothermic (absorbs heat)? Most of the students wrote proofs of their beliefs using Boyle's Law (gas cools when it expands and heats when it is compressed) or some variant. One student, however, wrote the following: First, we need to know how the mass of Hell is changing in time. So we need to know the rate at which souls are moving into Hell and the rate at which they are leaving. I think that we can safely assume that once a soul gets to Hell, it will not leave. Therefore, no souls are leaving. As for how many souls are entering Hell, let's look at the different religions that exist in the world today. Most of these religions state that if you are not a member of their religion, you will go to Hell. Since there is more than one of these religions and since people do not belong to more than one religion, we can project that all souls go to Hell. With birth and death rates as they are, we can expect the number of souls in Hell to increase exponentially. Now, we look at the rate of change of the volume in Hell because Boyle's Law states that in order for the temperature and pressure in Hell to stay the same, the volume of Hell has to expand proportionately as souls are added. This gives two possibilities: 1. If Hell is expanding at a slower rate than the rate at which souls enter Hell, then the temperature and pressure in Hell will increase until all Hell breaks loose. 2. If Hell is expanding at a rate faster than the increase of souls in Hell, then the temperature and pressure will drop until Hell freezes over. So which is it? If we accept the postulate given to me by Teresa during my Freshman year that, "It will be a cold day in Hell before I sleep with you," and take into account the fact that I slept with her last night, then number two must be true, and thus I am sure that Hell is exothermic and has already frozen over. The corollary of this theory is that since Hell has frozen over, it follows that it is not accepting any more souls and is therefore, extinct......leaving only Heaven, thereby proving the existence of a divine being which explains why, last night, Teresa kept shouting "Oh my God." THIS STUDENT RECEIVED THE ONLY "A"
  9. I traveled 70k Air Miles last year, and have spent countless hours in Airport Boardrooms... I actually enjoy sparking up conversations with peeps... I come right and say "hey nice [fill in brand]"... Folks like talking about there pieces... It's a source of pride I guess... Had a wonderful conversation last month in the Cabo Airport with a guy who had a PAM 111 on... Where People Gather, Life Happens... And I for one happen to enjoy talking with total strangers about there Watches... justmy2centsforwhatitsworth TT
  10. @Bryan Thanks for your research... It's truly appreciated... I personally have Cable and am very happy with it... It's my son who is outside of any Cable & DSL service that I was inquiring for... We will take a look at Plan B now... TT
  11. That's because rep air was used to fill them... TT
  12. @Scoop You may not be a WIS... But you're definitely a PIS... TT
  13. It's that extra male chromosome... TT
  14. Fiddy... A standard for any collection... TT
  15. No one here uses Clear Wire? TT
  16. Here are some shots of a Genuine for comparission... TT
  17. ROTFLMAO Ken... TT
  18. @Neil I don't appreciate you using my personal picture in your photos... Please remove it... TT
  19. Agreed... I can't help but think about a Dealer that recently got punted for "So Called" false advertising on RWI... Double Standards if you ask me... Maybe we should take a hard look at the Marketing of said product and the Privilege of selling on this Forum? Dealers - You reading THIS Thread... TT
  20. Or not so rare [now]...
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