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Everything posted by CptTripps

  1. I may be an idiot...but why are you shooting through a baggy in the first few pics? Is there a mag in there?
  2. I'm throwing in the towel (temporarily) on a FR build. I've got all the pieces/parts, but nobody that can build it for me.<br /><br />Turned my efforts to working with a few members that have a FR to possibly buy one of theirs. More expensive by quite a bit, but less time/effort as well.<br /><br />I may play down the road, but for now, I'll take a shortcut ... through my wallet.
  3. Nope. 2001-2004 (D, E, F, G)<br /><br />http://www.paneraisource.com/watch_details/Contemporary_35.html<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
  4. My "Bose" analog was more about perception than reality. If I had a Bose Wavefront given to me, I wouldn't use it in the kids' bedroom for lulabys.<br /><br />My Wadia 860 was a $9,800 CD player, and you'd be surprised (or not) by the number of people that would see it, and then comment about some Best-Buy brand all-in-one that they thought was amazing.
  5. I always saw Rolex in the same light as Mercedes, Bose and Mont Blanc. You think it's the best, until you can afford it...and then realize that there are 100 brands that are better and more expensive. For that reason, I used to never wear a Rolex into a meeting with a new client. I could have a 10K Panerai on my wrist and they won't say a thing. I wear a $4K Submariner into a meeting, and I get a snide comment like "Jeez...looks like we're paying you too much!"
  6. I can appreciate this WAY more than most. I've run a lot of forums in the past, and still do. I have one that uses a constant 3-4MB and costs about $3K a month to run. I've found a few ways to monetize the site, without disrupting the normal corse of usage. I'll send you a PM in a bit. I may be able to help.
  7. ::: I would search...but the search function is broken ::: The rotor on my 1570 movement sounds...like it's growling. I was at a dealer today and my guy mentioned that it seemed like it just needed oiled. I am imagining it's not THAT simple...but I opened the case to take a look anyway. I have NO clue how to remove this rotor! I see the 3 blue screws that'll take that entire section off, but is that the best way? I don't want to open it and have a bunch of stuff spring out.
  8. Lots of dealers in the "Trusted Dealer" section...and information that you can read about this very subject. Read the reviews other people have left for the dealers and see who you fell most comfortable with. Cheers!
  9. Looks awesome. Any pics with the back open?
  10. I completely understand. I just need to celan/oil it maybe. (I was more upset that it was like this after he helped me source it, and built the watch...last week
  11. I'll take pics in a bit and upload. I was going to clean it today, so I'll take pics afterwards.
  12. I'm torn on this. I bought a case set from him last week, and while I was initially happy with it, the more I read, the more I want to check it against gen specs. It has a 1570 inside, so I know THAT part works, but the rotor on the movement he helped me source is making a funny noise. (Maybe it just needs oiled?) I dono...I was happy, but I think now that I'm learning more, I'm not as happy as I was.
  13. I am wearing my G-series gen today. MUCH classier than the 88 IMHO. I'm not sure what you mean by the CG geometry. I guess I'll go back and re-read later. That's a great rep though! (Gen)
  14. Can anyone PM me with a recommendation on someone state-side that can assist with making a Franken-Roo for me? Specifically the milling and such. I've got the movement, gen-dial, and donor watch. Domi isn't doing watches outside the EU right now. Zigmeister is laying-low...which tells me he's REAM busy. (And I'm a noob, so that never bodes well when I try to get in line.) Sorry to dig up an old topic, but I thought it might be appropriate.
  15. I'm in for 1 if you still have it available. Please PM me details. I just got a ROO-RC and a gen dial. I'm sure I'll need a white date-wheel at some point, so if it's available...I may as well!
  16. I was MINUTES from going that route...on more than one point. I'd have done it with buying a GEN 1675. I found 3-4 that I could grab for under $3,500, and if you think about what you could sell-off the parts for, it was almost a wash. On eBay, you'll get $200 for the bezel...$200 for the dial...$100 for the hands. Now you're at $3,000...but need to buy a GOOD bezel ($250) face ($250) and hands ($150). You're then at $3,600-ish and have a Franken that's got the wrong size crown and back. I was ALMOST ok with that, and honestly was going to do it 2-3 times. For me, to go THAT FAR and not have everything perfect, it was like running a marathon, and then borrowing rollerblades for the last hour. I've got more than that into this one, but have all the right pieces in place to feel like I've got a GEN on my wrist. If I was ever "called out" I'd have no problem telling them they were FOS.
  17. phillycheez: I think it's the angle. They don't seem to cut in that far. There's a contour to the case that makes it closer on one side than the other. ghost: I found a few movements actually. To be fair though, I was willing to spend the money to get something !NOW! and that certainly helped things along. In my haste, I ended up buying a few extra pieces-parts, so I have an extra set of HQ 1655 hands (Not the cheap-o ones on eBay) and an aftermarket saphire crystal that I was thinking of trying. I may pick up a "Trusty Time" 1655 to compare this one to for future builders. I'm not sure it'd be all that different from this one, and would certainly be a lot less $. (I'm in pretty deep on this one, but have a 90%+ GEN watch.) The ONLY thing that I'm nervous about are the lugs and pins. All my Panerai's and Bell & Ross' have big-ole-honkin' lugs to secure whatever strap I'm using. I've never been nervous about having a nato strap on a watch before. With this one, I'm nervous that the pins are going to pop off and I'll be out a watch! I suppose I'll get over it!
  18. ::: I'll take better crown pics in a bit. I have to charge the batt on my camera :::
  19. So here's what I've got... Phong's Case, Bezel, Dial. Gen movement, Crown, Tube, Hands, Crystal. I'm waiting on a Gen bracelet to arrive later this week...that'll complete it for me!
  20. I've decided to work on my "case modding" skills. Going to round all the edges out and see how I do at polishing. At the very least, it'll make for an interesting time. :-)
  21. I had it in my shopping cart 2-3 times today and couldn't go through with it. I do want an AP though.
  22. On another note: Look at how long that guy's middle finger is! Optical illusion?
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