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Everything posted by TeeJay

  1. No problem at all, I'm happy to be of help He posts it to me, I post it to you, job done
  2. A shot along the lines of TMG's I'm not sure about the destro look... I'll see how I feel about it when I install a new dial
  3. I've dealt with PWC before with no issues, so I'll be happy to help you out Feel free to PM me if you haven't already had found someone to assist you
  4. The treatment he dished out to myself and others, I would consider unforgivable, but, his circumstances have settled that karmic debt, as I'm sure at some point something will settle mine. As I said before, I'm not wishing the guy ill, I'm just saying, he obviously doesn't take care of himself healthwise. I will say, that personally, I have found the forum a more pleasant place since his absence, I hope he doesn't wind up losing a foot, and I'll leave it at that, as far as I'm concerned, the debt is settled.
  5. I don't deny the contributions he made, but at the end of the day, the guy was a pathetic bully, so as far as I'm concerned, he well and truly earned whatever karma is throwing his way. That's not me wishing him ill, just saying, the way he acted towards people, well, lets just say payback's a bitch... As for any medical issues, he brings it on himself. He tried claiming that he was 'going blind' through blepharitis, and that the ointments made it nearly impossible to see... Yes. That's why other suffers use the ointment at night before going to sleep, rather than first thing in the morning... Not saying he deserves to get ill, but he obviously doesn't look after himself healthwise, so has no one but himself to blame... Here's hoping he doesn't have to lose a foot. Oh the fun of taking stuff out of context
  6. Looking good Would I be right in thinking that the dial is more of a cream/off-white rather than pure white? There's a special magic to a white-dialled watch
  7. No problem, I just like to promote tolerance of all lifestyles and sexualities Under other circumstances, I would have just said transsexuals, but given he's in Thailand, I thought best to use the local vernacular
  8. I've never owned... An IWC: And would rather like to get a Slevin A gold watch: Wouldn't want to... I've never been keen on the color, and wearing one brought me up in a rash... Easier to avoid A DJ of my own: Maybe one day
  9. Out of curiosity, did you use the same paint on the bezel insert as you did on the other ceramic insert mods?
  10. That's an excellent collection, with some real variety to the pieces
  11. Absolutely fantastic review This isn't a watch which has taken my fancy enough to buy, but it was a pleasure to see one so well presented and photographed Some interesting points, you raise as well, such as the bottom of the dial letters being a bit 'light on ink', which I'm sure is only noticeable under macro/loupe inspection, and indeed, the use of a glide-lock clasp. Absolutely top notch review, thanks for taking the time to put it together
  12. Ignore the blurriness, I'm talking purely about the color... How does this green match up to the text and hand on the GMTIIC? Thanks in advance
  13. I don't judge the company a man keeps, just suggesting a likely entourage given his location
  14. Probably sitting on a beach in Thailand surrounded by ladyboys
  15. I was lucky once, and was able to use electrician's tape to remove printing on an Omega AquaTerra dial. Since then though, it's been a case of inking over the lettering, which is itself still visible to a degree Best of luck
  16. Couldn't've said it any better myself, bro
  17. Oh man, I hope Day Two picks up If not, keep drinking
  18. From now on, all LV bezels must be set to this time, in honor of this pic
  19. Cool It's funny how the light can play tricks with colors and whatnot Either way, a fine watch
  20. Yeah, that is precisely what I was meaning, it's just my own personal perception, but all the time reps provide a recognizably similar watch, with a reliable movement (my vintage sub only gets set once a week, if that) that I don't have to worry about getting wet, that will always satisfy my desire to 'wear a watch', so quite simply, I have no need to get a gen As for building your own, I'm sure you will, when the time is right The fun part, is trying to come up with a trick custom design
  21. If you feel like collaborating on that guide, I'll certainly have some material to contribute, as not only will I be referencing my wife's DJ (or it's replacement ) but I've also got plans to get a very cheap LV Sub as soon as I'm able, which is way below the $108 figure which seems to be the lower threshold of 'recommended dealers'
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