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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. i so don't have teh tools to tweak around :(

    anyhows im jus gonna find a watchsmith.. lol i'd actually just junk this and get a new rep but i had the crystal double ar'd and would hate not to use it, lol

    Bro, the only tools you'd need are a pair of dish-washing rubber gloves, and a cocktail stick/tooth pick :)

    Put the gloves on, and, with gradual thumb pressure, unscrew the caseback.

    Remove the gloves, so you have better fine controll, and with the tooth pick, gently ease the 'needle' of the regulator over to the right by 3 'points' on the engraved scale. (I believe that would translate to speeding the movement by five minutes per mark, so 15 minutes overall)

    Put the gloves back on, and replace the caseback. (just make sure the o ring is properly seated before replacing the caseback)

    You might want to initially try moving the 'needle' a single point at a time, just to double check the results, but honestly, it's very easy to do, and doesn't require specialist tools :)

    Best of luck :):good:

  2. Congrats TJ! Those first little repairs are the most rewarding...I've been there! (Actually, I'm still there haha)

    Glad to hear your PAM's ok

    They sure are rewarding :) Baby steps, for sure, but, all building for bigger and better things :) Now I'm really looking forwards to my planned custom-build PAM project, and movement transplants :)

    It feels good to do it your self doesnt it!

    It sure does :lol: Oh the projects I now have planned ^_^

  3. ...and the patient survived :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    When winding my 113, I noticed that when letting go of the crown, it sounded like it was 'un-winding' a little, with the 'big wheel' slipping back (I'm not too sure of the proper part names) At first, I was looking at the 'catch' which stops the 'big wheel' reversing on itself, and wondered if the small 'beak' on it might have worn away, meaning it wasn't interacting with the wheel's teeth properly. However, on a closer inspection, I saw that the 'beak' was actually passing under the teeth, so, very carefully, I pressed down on the 'big wheel', and tightened it's screw...

    The movement now winds properly again, without any 'unwinding' :victory:

    Only a simply thing, I know, but I'm really pleased that I managed to diagnose the fault and fix it myself, without killing the movement ^_^

  4. Not quite the usual wristy, but my wife took this at a costume party we went to last night :) (was a great time until the obligatory irritating drunk got a full head of steam going... Oh well, I'm sure someone will have eventually given them a slap after we left, when someone gets that drunk, and that irritating, it's a foregone conclusion that someone's going to lay them out :lol: )


  5. I agree, it's easier. :)

    But a pretty decent improvement of the manual is under editor's examination right now... ;)

    Excellent ^_^

    Gentlemen, the answer to the question is......Someone else starts wearing all your watches.

    Now that, is very true :lol:

    i heard somewhere muslim people are promised to get exact amount of 72 virgins if they go to heaven... B) pretty cool, hope some hot virgins

    Sorry, but it's just anti-Islamic propoganda spread by the media to reduce Muslims to the status of sex-hungry degenerates... ;) There is no such reference anywhere in the Qur'an making that promise (Nor did the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, ever make such a promise) so don't worry about that ;) Besides, virgins are the worst fucks anyway, so who'd want that for eternity? :lol:

  6. Let me look around in my spares... I may have a bunch of keyless works parts I can send you. If I do... I'll let you know. At least you'd have the option of rebuilding if you wanted to.

    That's really good of you, but honestly, I couldn't repair the movement itself, so I'll just replace it entirely when I'm able to :) That said, if the remains of my movement would be of any use to you, you'd be very welcome to them :) It still keeps time and works, it's just a bit iffy on winding :)

  7. Sure, my friend. :) Consciousness is relevant for a very small percentage of our whole being.

    Between 1 and 5%, I would say.

    Of course, one needs to bear in mind (no pun intended :lol: ) that there are different states of consciousness, deep medatative trances, for example :) Modern medicine knows so little about the workings of the Human mind, it's easier to 'learn as you go' rather than trying to 'read the manual' (which hasn't been completed yet :lol: ) ;)

  8. Correct question. Allucinations and dreams are not consciousness.

    Absolutely correct, yet, we are still able to experience them ;)

    well i dont know others but i hope i go to heaven with 72 virgins :rolleyes:

    Only 72? Why not 73 or 80? ;)

    I guess ya have to blow up something really big to get that many B)

    Well, the Qur'an specifically forbids suicide, and never actually mentions the number of 'virgins' a person will have in heaven (the closest is reference to [people in general] having wives of perfect purity [which could really be interepreted a lot of ways) so anyone misguided enough to believe that such actions would lead to such rewards, really needs to re-check with the source material ;)

  9. Thanks for the input, guys :) I don't really have the tools (or the knowledge :lol: )to think about rebuilding the keyless works, and to be honest, too lazy to strip the two watches again to test further stem theories, so I'll just be transplating in a new movement when I have one available :) Might be a while (unless someone decides to buy my canvas ;):lol: ) but I'm in no hurry. The watch still works for the purpose of telling the time, and, despite it's sentimental value, doesn't see much wrist time, so it's not an essential repair to be done now, it's more a case of I wanted to find out what issues I was dealing with for when the time comes to get down to full on repairs :) Thanks again :good:

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