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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. I'm sure he'll be able to trade his Sub for a prison-made shank ;) Maybe I should offer to design him a 'breakout tattoo' ;)

    I would say how bad this must all be on his wife, but, oh wait, that's right, he was found responsible for her death... He's getting what he's had coming for a long time now.

  2. I have one of those :) Well, I have an Asian version (with display caseback) which came from another dealer... :lol: I'd been calling it a PVD 111g, at least I now know what it's really called :good: Dealer asside, I would say think twice before buying one (from any dealer) While mine has the best lume of any of my watches (so great for paranormal investigations), it is not a particularly versatile watch. Putting it on a black stitched, black leather strap is about as 'smart' as it gets, and, while it does look nice on honey/tan tone straps, the watch itself doesn't always go with certain clothes. Looking back, this is the watch I probably wouldn't've acquired, had I thought more closely about it at the time, but, as it was a birthday gift last year from my wife, I won't get rid of it, for sentimental reasons :)

    Best of luck with your search :good:

  3. I got this cheap Nautilus Jumbo yesterday...I really like it, maybe I need to step up and get the nicer rep!


    Looks good :good:

    That's the watch I was considering getting for all my best men for when I get married next year :)

    Today and Sunday:

    My favorite watch, with my favorite strap for it. My 104 from Tony, and strap from Andy ^_^


  4. Have to admit, I'm rather liking the iPhone now I've been able to use one for an extended period :blush:

    Genius playlists... Literally, genius B) I spent the afternoon on iTunes blending a 123 track playlist into the optimal running order, so they all just flow together :) Then I find out, that airline companies don't like people using their phones in Aeroplane mode... <_< To add insult to injury, the iPod shuffle doesn't support playlists, so I'll be reduced to listening to either 'straight up albums', or total shuffles.. <_< Oh well, the iPhone has the list, which will be okay for car/train journeys and walking into town :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    I think it's safe to say that the iPhone does everything the iClones do, just better :) Such as turning the phone to landscape orientation and getting a scientific calculator. Awesome :) Wish I'd bought one sooner :good:

  5. I voted "collector", due to the amount of watches in my collection, but, I don't buy watches I don't intend to wear at some point (say a dress watch, or a watch for rough wear like camping) All my watches, at the time of purchase, were bought with the intention of wear (even if only for specific activities/times) I've never bought a watch solely with the intent of it being a paperweight in my collection (even if that's how it may wind up at some point :lol: ) That said, I do then keep the watches, even if only for sentimental reasons, so I guess that makes me a collector :)

    [edit to add]

    Having read Ubi's comment, I would have to call myself an "accumulator" rather than a "collector" :)

  6. Thanks for the replies guys, I thought best to check, as I didn't want to bake the battery by leaving it in the cradle if it would've kept drawing power :-D All the display phones I've seen have always had cradles, so I guess that should've been my clue :-D Thanks again :-) This post was made by iPhone via the home WiFi :-D

  7. Is it okay to keep an iPhone in its docking cradle (plugged into the mains) even when it has reached a full charge? The manual didn't clarify this, and I was wondering if it would harm the battery, or if it would simply not draw power it did not need...

    Thanks in advance :)

    PS: Yes, I finally caved in and got one :p My i32 HiPhone was getting pretty 'twitchy', and wouldn't hold a charge. I figured a new battery wouldn't solve the issue of its 'twitchiness', so it was as easy to replace, so, I bought a 6 month old non 3g iPhone off the Bay. It had only ever been used in a silicone sleeve, so it is in pristine condition B) I just wish I'd bought one earlier, rather than faffing about with clones :lol:

  8. If you are holding the watch so the '6' is nearest you, wind the crown away from you.

    If you are fully winding the watch, but it is only lasting a few hours, you might need it regulated (or just return it for replacement) The first 111h I bought had the same problem as yours: I would wind it fully, but it would only run for a few hours. I returned it. I haven't had the problem with any other PAMs though, so I think it was just a fault with that movement :) Best of luck :)

  9. Thanks for the suggestions :) Oiling the strap wouldn't be an issue, as the leather looks better the darker it gets :) Last time I went to Spain, I wore my 111h on the SS bracelet and didn't have a problem, and, although I could wear my 104 on it's SS bracelet, for some reason, I fancy keeping it on the above shown strap, as it's less 'showy' than the SS :)

    I'll try looking in the local leather stores to see what oils are available :)

  10. I know that some leather straps aren't waterproof at all, and some, which would possibly be ruined by immersion in salt water, but, I was wondering about what would be okay to get wet... Afterall, back in the day, Radiomirs were worn by divers on leather straps...

    Would a strap like this (which is leather, glue, and stitching) be okay to get wet? (ie would the glue be affected?)


    I have no plans for frequent swimming on my upcoming vacation to Spain, but, don't want to have to worry about getting the watch wet...

  11. TeeJay,

    I am no Pan owner (yet). Are these great big thick straps that you see on these pannies really wearable on a day to day basis?

    Or do they just get in your way?

    I think it depends on the person, and the clothes being worn. PAMs (especially the luminors) are thick watches, so personally, I feel a thick strap is needed to balance that. For example, a Radiomir strap (26/22) will fit the lugs on a 127 ( :good: ) but, in terms of thickness, it doesn't really look 'substantial enough' to be supporting a watch of that size. Anything of 3-4mm thickness will look about right on a Luminor. Anything thinner, can look a bit 'flimsy'. A good example, is the strap on the Ferrari PAMs. The 'lug ends' of the strap are quite thick and padded, and, as that follows most of the wrist, it looks like a decent strap. However, the 'buckle ends' of the strap, are relatively thin (maybe 1.5-2mm) and, while great to go through a deployant, a strap of that thickness would probably look a bit flimsy (as with the mentioned example of the Radiomir strap)

    That's the 'technical' aspect. The other, is the aesthetic (in terms of clothing) The thicker straps do tend to have a more 'casual' air to them, rather than 'formal', so that's another consideration. I certainly wouldn't wear a 5mm strap if I was wearing a suit. Rolled up sleeves and jeans, sure, but not suit and tie... With the Radiomirs, it's pretty much the reverse. Although they were originally made as military watches, nowadays, they're popular as dress watches, and, compared to the Luminors, quite a bit thinner. Thick straps can 'over power' the watch case, and look a bit funny, so thinner straps (upto maybe 4mm) are the order of the day. I admit, I do have plans to put a 5mm starp on a Radiomir, but, this is going to be a 'rugged wear watch', so I want a strap to meet that planned use :)

    I hope that's of help to you :)

  12. Do we know yet whether she was hot???

    Well, jewellery based stores have a tendency to employ attractive women, so chances are she was MILF material ;) The bimbo who I had to point out the Aquaracer to was hot (in that 'hot goth chick forced to dress conservatively' kind of way :lol: )

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