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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. Ok, so first off, I apologize if this has been asked before. But most of the info I dug up says the straps don't quite fit right without small holes drilled into the watch case. But then again, those are old posts, so I'm just looking for some clarification. I'm about to pull the trigger and order the UPO with a steel strap but definetly want a rubber one also.

    Does this strap: http://www.silix-prime.com/product.asp?id=1786 fit the UPO's without any difficulty? I appreciate any help in this regard!

    I don't think you'll have any prolems fitting that to a UPO. As far as I know, the issue with the rubber straps with the pegs (and the hole in the case) was relating to 20mm Seamaster straps being 'forcefit' into a PO case with a 20mm lug space, rather than the correct 22mm lug space (and 22mm strap width) which the PO 45 should have. If anyone else knows different, I'll be happy to be proven wrong :)

  2. I can't take the credit for that toast, it was first delivered by James Belushi in the movie Filofax (also released as Taking Care of Business) Awesome movie, awesome line, and awesome reaction from Gates McFadden's character ;)

  3. Don't laugh TOO loud!!

    A few yrs back, it wasn't uncommon for Asian yacht builders to "knock off" successful pleasure yacht hull designs...EG.."Newport Yachts" which had the legendary" C&C RedLine 41'" racing yacht reproduced in Taiwan as the "Newport 41"...And that was 25+ years ago!!

    I can recall being aboard a "Shannon" yacht at the Annapolis boat show, when a hoard of Asian folks descended into the cabin area, with their Nikon's blazing away!!...They took close up shots of virtually every square inch of the construction details....The "mirror slap" racket was deafening!!...LOL :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

    Fantastic :thumbsupsmileyanim: Thanks for sharing the story :good:

  4. For me, the regular daily stuff seems to include...

    Probably wearing a watch on each wrist to keep them both wound throughout the day. Or wiping off the crystal with a small cloth to keep it dust free... Usually 3 - 10 times within a minute. I've also been known to stand in front of the watch box around midnight to watch the date changing on the watches that have them. My wife's favorite, however is when I'm staring at one of my watches and she asks what time it is, only to hear me reply 'uh, I dunno, let me check'. Usually get a pretty funny eye rolling from that one.

    BTW- For charging up lume, I find that using one of my car's HID headlights works really well. You can really get those markers charged up in just a few seconds...

    I don't have a car, but, I do have a UV torch... I've found that gives the best charge to the lume :)

  5. I understand all your vision. I love Fleming's books, but make movies who respect exactly Fleming's visions, with actuality problems could be any sens... That why for me, the evolution of Bond is important. Craig is a good choice I never said that wasn't. He is actualy the most realistic James Bond ever made.

    The PO is more Bond because it's a real functional watch. But the SMP can be a Bond's watch too (SMP with rubber strap...). The PO without the rubber strap loose his personality and I prefer the SMP with stainless steel strap.

    I post a shoot of my wrist. 41MM is my size I think... 45MM can be big... I never try the PO:


    Don't let the size of the Planet Ocean put you off. I admit, if you go into an AD, and try the 45 on after wearing your SMP, then yes, it will look huge. But. Go into an AD without having had a watch on for a few hours and try one on, and you won't be comparing it to a smaller watch, you'll just be judging it on it's merits. As long as the tips of the lugs aren't hanging over the sides of your wrist (at the same time :lol: ) the watch isn't too big :) It's worth going, even if just to try one on so you'll know one way or the other :) The first time I tried on a 45 Planet Ocean, I'd taken off my Daytona, and my wife thought it was too big by comparison. When I finally ordered the 45 and put it on (without anything else as a comparison) she didn't think it was too big at all :lol:

  6. I like the term you coined - 'Street Test'... ;)

    Thanks, bro, it was the only thing I could think of :D Kind of the opposite of 'bench testing', under controlled conditions, this is the 'street testing' for out 'in the wild' where the usual tricks (water drop test etc) just don't work ;)

  7. I read somewhere that if you place a droplet of water onto the crystal, if it is a Sapphire, the droplet should keep it's shape, whereas the mineral glass will just run off in all directions.

    That is also true. On saphire, a droplet can still roll off, but, a single droplet will, as you say, keep a tight, round shape, where the mineral glass, it will spread out. However, that requires access to water, so not the easiest 'street test' to carry out ;)

  8. I have obviously trodden on a nerve, and I know some people find him attractive and will defend him ;) . Brosnan was a 'Bond' but not a Fleming Bond and there is a difference IMHO. He was pretty good, but the scripts really fell apart in the last two of his films. I am glad that the production company has refocused on the colder character of the original books, and yes I have read them. Remember the Bond films follow the fashion of the times they were released. So the PO is very noughties and the SMP is very nineties.

    So the question of this original thread was asking about a Bond based choice. From my experience with the Bond books, and Fleming's character I would have thought he would steer towards the classic rather than the flashy. In the books his car of choice was a classic Bentley rather than the Astons. Hence Sub or PO over SMP. Simple.

    But at the end of the day, non of us are Bond, so we should just pic what we are happy with, and what suits our own tastes.

    Wow, do you really think so? I felt that Brosnan played Bond as written by Fleming, with the full range of emotion that Bond showed in the novels. Yes, Bond could be cold in the books, but not all the time... To focus solely on that characteristic would be to miss the others. Don't get me wrong, I really liked how Craig played the part, I just didn't think his appearance matched that which Fleming wrote.

  9. I'll conceed that point for sure. I was not aruging about lume in the above, only daytime viewing like in the below. For simple clarity, the black/sword SMP takes it.


    The omega's have fabtastic lume.

    Ahh, yes, you're quite right there. In daylight, the black/sword is definately the winner. I wonder how a Planet Ocean would look with sword hands... :idea:

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