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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. ...I do want a Saphire. How can I know without actually scratching it?...

    How good is your ear?

    If you tap the crystal with the very tip of a fingernail (no finger, just nail), you'll be able to hear the diffrence. Saphire will make a very clear, high, 'tink'. Other materials, will make a dull 'thunk'. Once you've heard the two sounds, you'll easily be able to identify one, even without the other :) As for is it a good buy... Well, if you like how it looks, it meets your requirements in terms of form and function, and you're happy with the price, then yes :)

  2. Yes, that is for certain. If reading the basic time with ease is the primary goal of a watch, nothing can compete with a Marina PAM in any light. Not much else comes close...

    Well, possibly a U-Boat, but I don't have any first hand experience of those ;) Other than that, you're quite right. They're about as functional as one could want :) When I first got into reps, from Subs and SMPs, I didn't understand how someone could wear a PAM. Now, it's an effort for me to wear anything else :lol:

  3. Well said. I hate it when gen watch forum go'ers do the snobbery thing. That was kind of the slant to my last post. They think they represent the gen watch community but they really don't in the way that we represent watch lovers in general. I'd bet money that some of the people/clients of mine I mentioned that own Lange's. Pateks, VC's, etc. would buy some of our nice reps if they knew they existed. In fact, I'm sure most of them would. One friend of mine that has his own jet would crap himself if I handed him a new rep Skyland and told him it cost under three hundred bucks. He would tell me to buy a dozen of them to give as Christmas gifts. No joke. Like I always say, any TRUE watch lover loves a nice watch no matter what its origin or brand or price point. A nice watch is a nice watch.

    Couldn't've said it better myself, and that's precicely how I feel about watches :) It's not about the brand name on the dial, it's about how well it fulfills its 'designated duty', and how functional it is :) For me, my prime concern is being able to tell the time quickly, and in the dark, while I'm not wearing my glasses. That means large dial, and luminous hands and markers. The Planet Ocean fulfills that requirement, but, I must admit, PAMs do it better... Although I know the dial of the Nautilus is smaller than PAMs, I have a feeling, given the size and shape of the hands, that it would be 'clear enough', and that I'd find it an easy watch to use. Key word there: use. If I can't use a watch, it's no good to me... :)

  4. It's about good simple design, not taste. Line up the three watches (Skelehand Blue Bond SMP - Sword Hand Black face SMP - and the traditional 16610 Sub) and analyse the design of the three different hand/face combos.

    The Skeleton hands do not stand out as well as the Sword hands and the Sub hands. And the Sword hands stand out more than the Subs hands because they are wider. The combination of the simple Black SMP's markers and sword hands, makes for a very clear read.

    I've got both the gen 16610 and 2254.50 and don't get me wrong, I wear the Sub, BUT I know which one is the easiest to read when I glance down at my wrist. In terms of a one glance read the Black SMP 2254.50 kicks ar*e.

    I would also argue on the grounds of the Sword hand design simplicity, that they are clearer than the large, but arrowed hands of the Planet Ocean.

    The sword hands are in a way boring and uninterersting. Simpicity however is very often better when it comes to fuctional design.

    It's funny you find the skeleton hands not as visible as sub hands, as I find the complete opposite :lol: Particularly, at night, as there is more lume down the sides than there is on a sub's hands :)

    On Topic,

    Personally I'd say the Planet Ocean is a slightly nicer watch than the SMP, but, on rubber, the .45 can be a bit tricky to get under a shirt cuff, so if that is a consideration, the SMP would go better with sleeves :) (as was the case with Casino Royale ;) )

  5. The RSPCA has released large posters here in Oz showing close ups of this guy, they are going after him hard!


    That's good to hear, I hope the punishment will be suitably severe :angry: Behaviour like that deserves serious jail-time (as other more fitting punishments would probably not be allowed...)

  6. SEE???!!! :lol:

    Oh I knew they were out there already :lol:

    Yeah, I was just talking about the light-saber.

    If you could make them for not too much money, you could do very well. I see you doing the whole StarCon circuit in the U.S. - pretty soon you will be buddies with an aging washed-up Mark Hamill - listening to him tell stories in slurred speech about the filming of Episode IV and how much better of an actor he is than Harrison Ford - all while pounding back Budweiser at a TGI Friday's far from the convention center. And you will sell a few dozen light sabers for $295 per unit ($380 for the "Ultimate" with effects chip) at each convention.

    It's going to be great man! Well, all except the part of having to watch Mark Hamill picking up flabby chain-smoking lounge lizards wearing lots of makeup.


    Well, I don't think I'd be able to get over to to the US to do the con circuit, but, I'm sure some other opportunity will present itself :) Washed up or otherwise, one can never have too many celebrity friends :lol:

  7. you've made the wrong choice my friend. lol. no, they are two totally different watches and it depends what you are going for ... classy or rugged. here's my genuine po and i absolutely love it!


    oh, and maybe these will make you second guess yourself ...






    AAaaaaaarrrrrgghhhhH!!!! All this time and not a flare up of my PlanetOceanitis until now!!!!! *Rips PAM from wrist* :D

  8. Awesome result, TJ!

    Very glad I happened to take an even minor part in it.

    Absolutely, the watch completely changed its face. It's not just a matter of readability (even if that alone would be enough), also the aesthetic effect is critical, IMHO. Now the dial is well balanced, the hands go good together, everything looks as a whole.

    Always amazing how great a difference a tiny detail can make.

    Also congrats on your first modding action. With so few tools!

    I think I can feel your satisfaction. I am constantly excited any time I start a modding (most likely because I end up by ruining half the pieces I put my hands on, so the final outcome is always a thrill :lol: ).

    And when it ends up in a good work, then wearing and enjoying the result is an appointment for good.

    Just be warned that the modding bug bytes hard almost as the rep bug. ;)

    Well done my friend,


    Thanks, amigo, and, once more, thanks for the hand. It might have only been a small component, but, it has made a huge difference to the watch, so I quite literally could not have done it without you :)

    You're absolutely right, the watch now appears complete, and the result of the change is incredible :)

    Thanks, I knew I was taking a chance with doing it without proper tools, but I figured that was half the fun :lol: I have got a PAM project in mind, but, what with finances as they are, it's not something I'd be able to justify doing for quite a while, but, at least I know that I can do it :)

    Thanks again :)

  9. There is a guy at work in his 50s, still lives at home with his retired parents (I think the only time he was away from home was when he was in the army)... he's said he's never had a girlfriend... and likes RPGs and he's said he went to a Star Trek convention dressed in Star Trek uniforms... :o

    Indeed, there are folks about like that. As far as I'm concerned, as long as they're happy, and not harming anyone else, I don't have a problem with them, but, I certainly wouldn't want to be one of them, as I've heard a few, well, not 'unpleasant' things said about them by actors, but, let's just say the actors don't always share the enthusiasm of the fans over their 'devotion' to the subject :lol: I think the actor with the best attitude towards such fans, is Wil Wheaton. I've read blogs where he's reminded other actors that it is those 'freaks' who put them where they are, and without them, they'd have nothing. A very smart, very humble and down to earth guy. As I said above, I draw the line at costume parties, although I'm sure the cons are great fun :lol:

  10. Oh I realize yours isnt..I have a pvd case lying around so i figured what the heck, i need a white dial in this..Itll take a while but ill post some piccies for sure; Thanks!..Oh..RIP dear kitty.

    Cool, I wasn't too sure, as I realize the photos are pretty dark :lol: I like the sound of the project, I'm sure it'll look awesome, and thanks, he was a good little cat, but still around in spirit :)

  11. Teejay I love your attitude man:) Congrats on the new watch.Im in the process of putting a 113 dial in a pvd case meself.Like u, dont care for the gen anal details...

    Thanks, amigo :) This 113 isn't a PVD case, just very bad lighting :lol: Indeed, getting anal about details can just spoil enjoying the watch for what it is. I was quite happy with the watch as it arrived, but, in the end, I figured I'd swap the hands and be done with it, just so I could actually see the sweep, and, I'm really glad I did :) Best of luck with your case swap, I'll look forward to seeing the finished project :good:

  12. Okay, so I finally got round to replacing the second hand with a black one. A huge thanks to SSSurfer for hooking me up, it's much appreciated, my friend, the difference it's made to the appearance of the watch is staggering. As I mentioned when I first got the watch, I didn't want to replace the hand to get it closer to gen, I just wanted to be able to actually see the hand during the day :lol: Now I can :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Now, all I used for this procedure, was a couple of screwdrivers and my fingernails (and rubber gloves to get the case back off). This was barnyard engineering at it's crudest, but, the result is one I'm very pleased with :) I was also able to remove the 'mark' at the '45' minute mark which I previously mentioned. Turns out, it was just a smudge of clear oil, and a wipe with my shirt took care of that. First time I'd stripped a PAM from it's case, but I doubt it'll be the last :thumbsupsmileyanim::victory:



  13. Thanks for the info :)

    This is a great read if your doing your own work, and this section is a MUST read and FOLLOW for anyone who does work for others. Just as above with the scammers who offer to quick lube your movement, sending watches back in worse condition than they arrived is totally unaceptable.

    I wish the watchsmith who fixed my 111h after glass dust jammed it up worked by that principle <_<

    After one 'service', it ran flawlessly, only to jam at precicely the same time every 12 hours...

    After the second 'service', it ran flawlessly, no longer jamming up, but came back minus one case clamp, and mysteriously 'died' about four months after the service, after I'd sold it onto a friend, which then made me look like a schmuck for selling him a watch that only did him a few months <_< Oh well, at least the guy's retired now (old age) so he won't be naffing up any other customer's watches...

  14. Ever try selling these to the freaks at the Sci Fi conventions like StarCon?

    Oooops. You aren't one of them are you?


    Most certainly not!!! :lol: I'm not someone who goes to a convention dressed as their hero, then goes to meet their hero/stand in line for their autograph whilst dressed like them :lol: I've heard how actors feel about such people, and it's not particularly complimentary :lol: I definitely don't want to be put in 'their' catagory :lol:

    Now, if I would wear a Star Wars costume to an actual costume party, is a totally different kettle of fish :lol:

    Anyway, there are always guys there willing to fork over a good sum of cash for any prop that looks and feels realistic. You know, the 40 year old men who have their moms make their Jedi robes from scratch and think that if they can just focus hard enough they will be able to tell girl at work "you want to have sex with me" and she will respond obediently, "I want to have sex with you..." They fantasize day and night about scenarios like this.

    That is your target market.

    You're right about that :) As far as I'm concerned, everyone is my target market. Everyone from the Frat-boy who wants a tribal armband, to the Star Wars geek he beats up and flushes his head down the can, to the girl who wants a custom wedding dress drawn up. I can do something for anyone. As far as I'm concerned, it's all money on the table ^_^

  15. TeeJay - The inner blue ring is not related to the insert problem (nor is the outer blue ring), so it would not matter whether it was ground down or not. I modified this pic to show where the crystal sits (in relation to the 3 rings)


    Gotcha. You want to reduce the height of the ring marked in red, and that would allow the insert to sit flat. If you were to use the sandpaper, from the inside of the rehaut, (possibly taking away the inner blue ring in the process), you would be able to get the 'red ring' lower. Alternately, if you only wanted to reduce the height of the 'red ring' and nothing else at all, I would suggest using the round engraving tool for the Dremel, and 'touching' it point by point onto the 'red ring', and gradually reducing it's height that way :) Best of luck with the project :)

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