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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. I'll have to have a look at that.. I don't understand how the mp3 function would integrate elsewhere? Unless you download an mp3 and it automatically goes to the mp3 player? Which I think most phones do as it is...?

    I was meaning the way in which the various displays scroll through finger contact, not just the musical function :)

    A lot of the higher end (scratch that, things like Vertu won't have it!) smart phones being released have this as well. It's using an accelerometer which can tell the orientation of your phone etc. Kind of like the Wiimote. The Nokia N95 was the first to use it I think, and that's almost 2 years ago! I remember seeing a "lightsabre" app on the N95 so you wave the phone around like a lightsabre and it makes all the relevant noises etc.

    I know my N82 has this as well (screen rotates when you wiew landscape/portrait by default). The N96 has it. The new Blackberry Storm has it etc etc

    Indeed, but, on the Labyrinth game settings, there are two 'spirit gauges' (for the two axis of rotation), so, with that mode enabled, putting the phone on a surface, it acts precisely as a traditional spirit gauge would work (the gauges on the settings have the same 'green liquid with bubble' look :) ) There's an application available, which enables for precise measurements using this aspect of the technology, but I haven't downloaded it yet :D

  2. I thought long and hard about getting the iPhone but there are too many things it can't do that I'd want it to do. I have a Nokia N82 and ended up getting a Blackberry Bold which takes care of messaging/internet/GPS and everything I want to do apart from taking photos (N82 is great for that - pretty much the N95 in candybar form with xenon flash, more RAM, and more reliable). The Bold will be able to download the Qur'an (though I have no compunction to download religious texts/audio). I admit the N82 does just about everything already, I should have just got a bluetooth keyboard and use the TV out on my PC monitor :p Even has FlashLite support for websites!

    There is also an mp3 app called "miutunes" that does the coverflow method, as well as another one called FlipSide which does a similar job. I'm happy with the stock media players on both the N82 and the Bold. Coverflow is cr*p unless you spend time getting the covers, and a lot of my stuff is ripped from the original CDs or vinyl, so it's a chore getting covers etc. I found a program called Tag + Rename that does a good job with ID3 tags and adding covers, but hey, the phone is usually in my pocket when listening to songs, the covers (which show on both phones) took too much effort to find (anyone got a scan of the vinyl covers for DJ Premier's Unlreased Instrumentals?).

    Storage is no problem with hot-swappable 16gb Sandisk microSDHC cards, giving me 17gb in total. 32gb cards on the way too :tu: DivX and XviD support is great too, as well as the push email for 10 email accounts :tu: Internet works well with the default browser and Opera is there too as well. Copy and paste is definitely invaluable... I couldn't do without that! Loads of apps for both phones.... all instant messaging using push is great (but sucks the battery power, or maybe it's just a weak signal here! Weak signals will suck battery power of any phone).

    Anyway you get what you are comfortable with and what will do what you want it to do. I'm not sure touchscreen phones are for me. The iPhone almost tempted me, but I'm very happy with the Bold and N82 (wish they'd combine it though ;)). The only new touchscreen that is tempting is the Blackberry Storm which apparently feels like typing on a real keyboard as you have to push the screen in and click it... supposedly almost as fast to type on as the Bold.

    If it does what you need it to do, then that's all that matters :) With regards the coverflow, are you meaning just the actual section of the iPod where you 'flick through the covers', or the overall technology involved? I admit, I never use it to flick through the covers, not because of a lack of the covers (although I do appreciate the point you mean) but because I can get to what I want quicker by using the artist/song lists. However, in terms of overall technology, I love how it integrates into the other functions, as it does make for a very user-friendly interface (even more so as the screens are customizable) :) The other thing I love about it, is it keeps coming up with new features which impress me (I know, I'm easily impressed :lol: ) For example, the other day I downloaded the Labyrinth game, and it's awesome. But, that's not what impressed me. When I went into the game settings, I found that it had two gauges for showing the orientation, so in effect, the game came with a built in spirit gauge function :) It's the little unexpected things like that which I like about the iPhone, and it's the things like that, which a person will likely not see on any demo or "look at a friend's", but which only come to light during ownership :)

    I RUN TomTom on my N95 .. :p

    Ahh, I see the difference... There are plenty of GPS apps available for the iPhone (providing you have the 3G version :lol: )

  3. @TeeJay I would probably not need any weapons when I'm in a state of bloodlust, that does not change the laws though.

    I can empathize, I've been studying martial arts for... must be 22 years now :) Using tools just makes the job easier ;)

    Many people here told me to be careful harming a burglar, because it could end up getting back at you. The "he's a criminal, so I should have the right to make the first move" analgoy is NOT valid here. You have to wait for him to stab you in the chest before you are allowed to hit back....!

    I remember reading fairly recently, where someone got off of getting in the first punch, as, when it got to court, they said that they were wearing an expensive watch, which they had had to work hard to earn the money for, and were scared that the other person was going to try and steal the watch... I admit, I don't think I'd've bought that, but, it worked... I'd've thought the law would show a little difference between someone getting in the first punch in the bar, compared to defending their home from an intruder... It's always interesting to find out what laws are the same around the world, and which ones are different :)

    oh yeah, i dont have insurance, so they wont cover anything!


  4. I called the police, the woman on the phone told me they would NOT come by and check for fingerprints or anything. She told me, because it was 1 night ago, they wouldn't do anything. The only thing I can do is go to the police office and report it

    I told her, that I was trying to make sure noone I know played a prank on me and that I tried to investigate the matter myself, but she would not listen. She got really pissy on the phone.

    When I asked her for the address, she could only tell me the street name, not even the number, I asked her what kind of police officer she is when she can't even tell me where the police station is nor be of any assitance in this matter.

    I'm really dissapointed at the police, one reason more to take matters into my own hand. But I know what they will say when there is 3 liters of blood on my living room floor: "why didnt you call us for assitance?" and then I will wind up being the criminal, I'm sure!

    All those suggestions for weapins are all nice and stuff, but I am a soldier, I know how to take people out, I would not need more than a little swiss army knife for that (though it would definitely give me more satisfaction to beat the sh*t out of that crook with a steel baton or a brick), but the thing is I didnt notice anyone breaking in, nor did the 5 other people who were sleeping here.

    And the laws here... I would probably get a sentence higher than the criminal if I harmed him. I'm sure he would get probabtion (if that) and then wait for me some night with 20 friends and beat the hell out of me. And I'm not allowed to carry anything for self defense with me (or have it in my house). No gas-gun (they shoot tear gas) and not even a telescopic baton. So If I took someone down with anything other than a kitchen knife (and probably even than) I would risk facing charges for having somthing illegal.

    Over here, even a waterpistol is illegal if it resembles a real gun. So I cant even use a BB gun or whatever to scare him. This would result in me getting charged with posetion of an illegal firearm.

    That's an absolutely disgusting attitude for the police to take, that itself needs reporting... Crazy...

    I'm not sure about your local laws, but in the UK, people are allowed to use 'reasonable force' to defend themself. If someone was to hear an intruder, grab the first thing which came to hand, and have a swing, then I believe that would be okay. If, on the other hand, someone was to go rummaging for a baseball bat, or keep one intentionally close to the bed, then that might get someone in trouble... That's why I suggested the steel 'toys'. If anyone asks why it's kept in the bedroom, then just play the " :huh: It's a sex toy... Where else should I keep it... :huh: " line. A lawyer would have a hard time arguing the item or it's 'intended use', as it's clearly sold as a sex toy ;) Heck, even a jelly dildo can give a hefty blow, like a leather sap ;)

  5. HAHAHA. I think the BLOCKBUSTER would be more effective... and more fun in court! I wonder how I can get one of those through customs?

    I still think one should look at the positive side of things. Home Invasion is serious and it could have been a lot worse... training or no training.

    The Blockbuster could work, I guess I just prefer the more traditional styling of the Intruder. It's obvious what it is: A metal kosh, but the 'alternate branding', somewhat legitimizes it's ownership (for domestic use ;):lol: )

    No one woke up so any weaponry would have been of no use in this case.

    That's true, but having a 'persuader' close to hand could certainly ease the post-burglary jitters :)

    I hope your Missus doesn't cram that up there .... it really would justify it's name of The Intruder :o

    Hmmm... why do you know of this site already ? :g:

    (yes the last comment is a joke!)

    I saw them discussed on a forum a few years back, and thought they'd be awesome as weapons. To be honest, I don't own one, it's a heck of a lot of money to shell out something like that, but the idea is great :)

    TeeJay does it vibrate and what size of batteries does it take?

    As far as I can tell from the website, it's a solid lump of surgical-grade steel...

  6. I don't really know what to say, so I'll just say what's on my mind.

    From my own personal experiences moderating a forum, I know how frustrating it can be when a forum is being 'over-run' by people who are only doing so for their own amusement. I know how sickening with worry it can be, when said people start posting false statements or other forms of harassment, and I would never wish that on anyone.

    I think it takes courage to admit ones mistakes and take the repercussions of ones actions. As Jon Fort mentioned above, with his Christian approach to forgiveness, I can only respond likewise, from my own perspective as a Muslim, and that is, that it is simply not my place to judge anyone, so I will leave it at that: It is not my place to judge anyone.

  7. Bit of advice, don't replace the ps3. Use the insurance money to purchase a simple security system! If nothing else, alarm your windows and doors and install a simple security camera array that covers the entry, and each side of your home!

    This is not just a burglery, it is a home invasion. Oh, and by the way get your self a double barrel shot gun and learn how to use it.

    This is advice I like B)

    A less lethal alternative, is on of these

    The Intruder


    Just keep it on the bedside table, and if anyone ever breaks in again, you can proceed to give them a good smacking with it.

    If you wind up in court, and some snoot lawyer asks why you keep a surgical steel truncheon by the bed, you can simply say that it is an adult toy, you like to cram it up your Missus, and, in the midst of panic, grabbed the first thing which came to hand ;)

  8. I posted over there after I saw By-Tor asked to have his stuff removed (I guess Klink just copied posts and reviews, tutorials, etc. from all the forums without permission), and Klink is REFUSING.

    He says because he can find it on Google, he doesn't have to take it down.


    He's probably running on the theory that if something's in the 'public domain', then it's essentially a free for all. If I recall from my time moderating another forum, if a person makes a request to the forum owner that [offensive] comment be removed, if the forum owner does not remove it, then they may be liable for potential prosecution... The US authorities take 'Cyber-stalking' and other online-related crimes much more seriously than the UK authorities.

    Something else which could be done, is to make a complaint directly to the actual hosting company, and report the site for being used maliciously, and chances are, they will remove it themselves...

    PS I don't even know the forum address, so if any comments are ever made there in my name, it's not me :)

  9. Hi friends,

    I was browsing youtube today and by chance found a really interesting clip that I just had to share...

    I wouldn't mind getting my hands on that! Incidentally, my favorite one is on the cameraman's wrist....

    Quick edit: I just noticed the clip has a link to some rep site; notice that I'm not endorsing any website in the video, best to stick to our trusted dealers here. Thanks.

    QC at it's finest ;):p

    Joking aside, that's an interesting clip, thanks for sharing :good:

  10. Interesting question... I would go with these:

    Generally versatile watch... Smart/Casual/on SS, with date and second functions:


    Casual watch... On leather, no need for precise time or date:


    Rugged watch... (when I wouldn't want to risk smacking up the others) :


    Maybe not to everyone's tastes, but I think they'd meet my needs :)

  11. Hello police?...my name is 'fakemaster' and someone online is calling themselves 'fakemaster'....i would like them arrested.

    Would go over well..... :animal_rooster:

    Any better ideas?

    I know it's probably not something which would be taken particularly seriously, unless said impersonation was to be making extremely defamatory, libelous or malicious statements, I was just pointing out the potential legal implications of impersonating another person...

    If anything, Pugwash would probably be in a better position to have action taken, due to unauthorized use of his intellectual properties.

  12. Personally, if it was a bracelet watch, such as Sub, or SMP, I would put a piece of cardboard inside the bracelet, just to prevent it knocking against itself and scuffing up the caseback. I would then wrap the whole thing in several layers of bubblewrap, place in a bubblewrap-lined envelope and post. If it was a watch on a strap (without a deployant clasp) I would simply wrap it in bubblewrap, and then bubblewrap-lined envelope. I guess you could always substitute the bubblewrap-lined envolope for a small box...

  13. It is quite sad to see the username cybee banned here...not that I am questioning it... but he's a great guy and obviously, these are Klink's words and not his... so i don't know if it was actually him or Phil using his handle... either way, it's bad news...

    I recently sent Phil an e-mail to see if there was any way to mediate everything that happened.... he did a lot of bad things, but he's like that one member of your family that you want to help and not completely cast aside... that e-mail was unanswered and now, about 3-4 weeks later, I see this...

    I can not believe that Phil would destroy what little prestige he had in this community by creating a board that was full of lies.. he is obviously creating usernames and then posting as those people... i have been told that eurotimez is there and has a section... but i have also been told that every post is a copy of RWG posts.. but done as eutrotimez.... i can not imagine eurotimez being there per my convo's with him, and if he is, i will fully apologize.... but to see his username there with a section and posts without confirmation that it is truly him is troubling to say the least..

    The crazy thing about it all, is I believe that it is illegal to impersonate another person, and something like this, could potentially come under a UK statute, Malicious Communications Act... :o I may be wrong, but if I'm right, who ever's doing this could wind up in serious trouble, if people were to take action for being impersonated :o

  14. All these applications mentioned have got me flicking through the apps store and downloading some great freebies, and taking note of some great paid apps I'd love to get when I have some spare cash. Given the limited space on a single display screen, I was wondering, how many 'screens' are people using for their apps? How are your screens organized? (are they organized? :lol: )

  15. Got my watches Monday.

    Sorta kinda happy.

    First thing i did was open up the Bentley GT, because that was really what my heart desired. Right off the bat, the day date wheel is [censored]ed, too much tension, so with my brute like nature, i smack it around a bit and voila, i can set the day date. I Set the time, im happy. Next day, i notice that the day didint change to Tuesday. I go to set the day and date again, and you guessed it, it doesn't spin, no noise, no clicking thing, just empty spinnage. I can set the time, and when I spin past 12 am, the date changes at 12 and the day finally spins round at around 3 am. (any ideas?) Ive been looking around the forum and saw some posts about setting the day and date at specific hours, i think i [censored]ed up the watch when I first set the date before reading the forum... I had no idea. Ill go try that when I get my watch. I left it work. Whatever

    Then there's Rolex sub. I love this thing. Normally too small of a watch for my taste, but a lot less complex than the GT and so, a lot less things that can go wrong with it, Like newbie error. I'm going to do everything with this watch.. Play PS3, read the newspaper, beat my wife. All sorts of cool stuff.

    Missing the toolkit. Gonna email Josh and ask him if he shipped the tool kit with the watches o if it was in a separate box. I'm thinking customs nabbed my [censored]. Not really sure.

    Ill get some pics up for you guys later. I need to take my wife to the hospital first... Looks like she just fell down a flight of stairs. again. Shes soooo clumsy.

    annnd all the wife stuff, not serious.. hell, I'm not even married. If I offended anyone, I'm sorry.


    PS I know you're joking, and I know, domestic abuse isn't something which should be taken lightly, but I do love that poster...

  16. I downloaded a few apps when I got the iPhone, and downloaded a load more today :) I've downloaded...

    Where To?




    Google Earth


    Zippo Lighter




    Sol Free


    Blocks Classic Lite



    iPray Pro


    The ones which have been of the most use, would be Flashlight, Translator and iTalk, where the one which has most enhanced my iPhone would have to be iQur'an

  17. Ok it's not a good pic (maybe someone can make it bigger?) but here they are folks....


    That's awesome :) Did you go with haemetite in the end, or stick with onyx?

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