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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. It would appear so. I have pinched this picture from RG from another member (Mhertel). This one is from Trusty...it looks very good!


    Indeed, it looks very good :oB):good:

    Good pearl, depth rating isn't too big, HE valve appears to be correctly offset, and the end links even look like 9 piece... My only concern might be the crown and CGs, but other than that, it's a beauty :good:

  2. I find that common sense is uncommon.

    Indeed, it's scary but true. There are some really stupid people out there. The scary thing, is how they don't even realize it. For example, my mother in law is a teacher, and also privately tutors kids at home. One time, she had cancelled a pupil's lesson (I forget why, but the result was that no one was home) The pupil's parents apparently forgot the lesson had been cancelled, as they dropped him off, then left without even making sure he had come in for the lesson. Fortunately, the neighbours heard him knocking on the door, and took him in for the duration of his lesson. I'm not sure if they said anything to his parents, but we were all utterly appalled that a parent could simply leave a child without checking they were being received properly. Even more so, as the child's mother, is the manager of a very large, and busy store in town. Scary doesn't begin to cover it. Someone who one would hope to be a competent and educated adult, behaving in such an irresponsible manner with their own child's safety. :o

  3. Definitely, it's like Cranberry sauce, it goes with everything!

    I'm very tempted by a Silix SMP right now, they are very good replica's of the SMP and not badly priced!

    Absolutely, such a versatile watch :)

    Cool, have the recent SMP releases been cured of the 'missing 3' marker?

  4. With the exception of my daily beater, that happens with virtually every watch (the next 'big new thing' replaces the previous 'big thing' until something rekindles my interest in the previous 1).

    Would you say that your beater is the 'old favorite', or just the most functional as a beater? I think I'm starting to see how people can 'get over' PAMs :lol:

    For me I had always wanted an SMP like you Teejay, so I bought one. Then I got the Skyland rep and didn't wear it anymore. Being very silly, I ended up selling it, so unfortunately it doesn't get any wrist time by me anymore. One thing is for sure though, my desire for an SMP hasn't ended, and one day we shall be re-united :)

    And before you ask, I had a heavy night the night before, I wasn't looking my best :)


    I'm sure you'll re-acquire one in the future :) As per Robbie's thread, of all my watches, of all the ones I would sell if I had to, the SMP is the one I would keep, as it's just so versatile :)

  5. I think it's a case of what's appropriate for the occasion, rather than the salaries of the people involved. I feel it is like Robbie said, it is a matter of confidence and being comfortable with what one is wearing. Indeed, the majority of people won't notice a watch at all, let alone what it is, or, given the quality of watches we wear, suspect them to be reps ;) I wear what I'm comfortable with. If someone else has a problem with it, it's their problem, not mine ;)

  6. I LOVE teh iPhone and can't see myself without one anymore.. it ain't even a phone it's a lifestyle application, literally

    as for me I have about 6 screens of apps :o

    the first 4 of which are heavily used as i do manually arrange my apps around

    my "home" screen are critical everyday/all the time used apps.. and this is how it is


    the way it shaped up..

    my home screen are my criticals/everyday stuff..

    2nd page = games

    3rd page = utilities/lifestyle apps

    That's a lot of apps, bro, I'm on 5 pages, but some of them are quite empty. In order, they are:

    1. Meteorological/Location related.

    2. Games/Lifestyle.

    3. Daily functions like organizer, alarm, camera, etc.

    4. Emergency functions such as one call, emergency call etc.

    5. Functional apps like flashlight, shazam etc.

    I tend to keep it on 'screen 3', and then scroll sideways as needbe :) I know what you mean though, it's such a versatile tool, I can't imagine how I made do without it :lol:

  7. My recent 'epiphany' regarding my 2531.80 got me wondering if anyone else has an 'old favorite'... A watch you loved as soon as you got it, but stopped getting wrist time due to more recent purchases, but which you eventually came back to wearing full-time/regularly?

    Share your story :)

  8. It's likely that the movement simply needs regulating. Don't try and take it to any 'big' jewelers, but look for independent jewelers/watchsmiths instead. Best of luck with your search for a watchsmith :good:

    PS The Planet Ocean is an awesome watch, I know you'll enjoy wearing it :good:

  9. Who?

    The article says who he is ;) Just in case:Jason Momoa. He starred in Baywatch and Stargate:Atlantis.

    Ooops, sorry to hear this. In Stargate Atlantis he is such a skilled fighter.... must have been distracted ;-)

    Seriously...it's a wild world out there...

    Playing a tough guy on screen, and being a tough guy, are pretty different things ;) From what I've read, he's a pretty laid-back surf guy, not at all like his onscreen persona...

    That's for sure... A friend of mine got glassed in college. Not nice...

  10. For me, I think it would have to be this one:



    The issue of it being rep or gen doesn't come into my mind, simply because I have this one, which I bought with inheritance from when my gran died. Rep or not, this watch will always have sentimental value for me. If I bought a new gen 2531.80, then it might be gen, but it wouldn't be the watch I bought with my inheritance, so no sentimental value whatsoever...

    Okay, onto my other reasons, as sentimentality is not always the best way to make a decision... It's a water-resistant divers watch on an SS Bracelet. I will never have to worry about getting it wet, as I know the case is water-resistant. It's on SS, so I don't have to worry about a leather strap getting wet and rotting, even if the watch itself (such as my Radiomir) could survive the dunking... The watch is versatile. It looks good with a suit, but also looks good with jeans and a T-Shirt. To put it simply, the watch looks good period. The color of the bezel and dial adds to it's visual appeal. In dimly lit conditions, or from a distance, it can look black, so subtle. When well lit, or fired by sunlight, the blue iridescence of the bezel is astonishing, but in a subtle, understated way. It has a WOW factor, but it's subtle. It's like comparing a Spyker, to a Ferrari. Both catch the attention, but one does it subtly, the other slaps you in the face...

    Onto other reasons... Mechanics/functionality... It has a date window, a second hand, and minute indices, so precision time-keeping is a possibility, even if it is not always a necessity. Try that with a Radiomir ;) The bracelet is well engineered, as is the clasp, which is sturdy and functional, but aesthetically pleasing. The diver's extension is easier to deploy than a Submariner diver's extension, and made to the same sturdy standard as the primary clasp.

    Why else do I like this watch? Well, it's worn by James Bond :lol: On a more serious note, it's also worn by Prince William. Now, I'm no Royalist, and the Prince is hardly an idol of mine, but, he's worn an Omega Seamaster for years, both as a civilian, and while a member of the armed forces. The fact he's carried on wearing it while in the forces, rather than getting a G-Shock to smack around, shows either utter indifference to the watch, or a real appreciation for its capabilities. Given the kind of crazy money he could afford to be dropping on a watch, I think his choice shows the Omega to be an all round 'good watch'. How does that play into the rep/gen debate, well, to be honest, I've never felt the rep to be inferior to the gen, Infact, I've seen a gen SMP for sale with defects on the bezel insert which many here would complain about on a rep... Might the Japanese movement in mine crap out and die? Sure it could. If it does, I'll replace the movement... Cheaper for me to do that than to buy a whole new watch, and probably cheaper than Omega might charge to service the watch (definitely cheaper than what Rolex would charge to service a watch ;) ) At first, I loved Rolex, but when I read John B. Holbrook II's comparitive review, I was immediately swung over to Omega, and my appreciation for the brand has never faded. Sure, I might've gone through the PAM Phase, and not given the Omegas any wrist time, but, my appreciation for them has always remained, and I simply can't say the same about Rolex... Once I tried on a gen Sub, my expectations of them were destroyed, and as a company, they have never impressed me enough with regards evolving technology like AR coatings, Superluminova, or re-designing the flimsy Oyster clasps... (until very recently)...

    So yeah... Omega SMP for me, all the way :good:

    Robbie, since you first posed the 'Three watch' question, I've been debating selling off the majority of my collection :lol: The only thing stopping me, is that I know I won't make enough money from the sales to make it truly worth my while :lol: That said, if it's broke me out of my PAMophilia, that can only be a good thing ;):good: Have a good weekend, my friend :)

  11. Well right now i am sat in a tent in the middle of a middle east desert and have not seen a proper toilet in 13 days! and i am not an oil worker or bedouine!

    And thanks to the technogy of the age, able to communicate with the rest of the world :good: Not even a hundred years ago, such a thing would have been impossible, it's a pretty remarkable age we live in :)

    Stay safe :good:

  12. These people are not victims. They are just typical people trying to get something for nothing and getting burned. Kind of like the ones who buy a 'gen' Rolex for $1300 on ebay.

    Precisely. While I don't condone what the scammers did, when it got to the point of officials and family telling her to call it a day, surely that should have made her see sense... It's just typical 'victim mentality' of people who can't admit that their own greed and stupidity/stubbornness are the true cause of their situations, it always has to be 'someone else's fault' with folks like that. Don't get me wrong, scammers like that are low, but if someone has the commonsense to realize things aren't right, then the scam can't take place. While the stupidity of some people no longer surprises me, it never ceases to scare me that there adults out there, driving cars, raising kids, being looked up to by others, who for some reason just lack the most basic commonsense :(

  13. Thanks TeeJay, I appreciate your insight. I guess we'll see. If I find a nice Quartz, I'd def. go with that but if not, I guess its not so annoying. Thanks for the pic too. I'm gonna check out Chinatown NYC to get a better view of selection.

    No problem, I'm more than happy to help :) To be honest, Chinatown is more likely to have what you're looking for, as they're more likely to cater to 'every-day' buyers, who are happy with quartz watches. I have to admit, the quartz Seamaster is going to be more durable, and keep better time than the automatic Seamaster, so it'll definitely be combining the best of both worlds, with the looks of an automatic, with the robustness of quartz. Even if you don't find the Seamaster there, you're still likely to see some nice watches which take your eye ;) I picked up a Panerai in Spain which is a total fantasy model. Pretty junk case and whatnot, but, I think it has potential to be a good project watch :) At the end of the day, as long as you're happy with the watch, and it does what you want it to do, that's all that matters :) Best of luck with your search :good:

  14. Now somebody teach me something else here...

    It is sometimes possible to tell the handed-ness of an artist, by the direction of their shading strokes. Although obviously some works, the direction of the shading is determined by the shape being drawn/painted, but for real 'bulk shading', where object shape is not an issue, that's when it is sometimes possible to tell.

    A left handed artist, will typically shade in this direction: \\\\\\\\

    A right handed artist, will typically shade in this direction: ////////

    Nothing magical involved, just the basic mechanics of the human body ;):good:

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