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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. Tj I think that level of celebrity status must take some getting used to, i am sure as he gets used to it he will handle it better.

    That may well be the case, and I hope it will be, afterall, it's about time the UK had a sporting hero to be truly proud of. I just fear, having seen how others have handled being thrust into the limelight, that he's not one of those people... :(

    Knowing that the general public can be really stupid and annoying, I have no problem with him moving to a country where he can get some privacy, in his shoes most of us would do the same. Some peeps can handle it, others can't and avoid it (for example: how Beckham still keeps it real is beyond me).....

    Hell, you get some soap stars having to put up with public abuse, because people are so supid they think the actor is the character they play on screen! :huh: Never underestimate the incredible idiocy of the general public ;)

    The only thing that bugs me is the TAX issue, he should have to put something back into the UK TAX coffers :mellow:

    Bro, I've worked in retail, the stupidity of the general public never surprises me anymore :lol: The thing is though, even if he moves to Swizerland, while he might not have quite the same fanbase that he has here, people would still recognize him and come up to him. As you say, some folks can handle it, some can't and choose to avoid it. Personally, I think he comes under the catagory of those who can't, but isn't prepared to step back to avoid it. I think Beckham's secret, is, despite his celebrity, he is still a very private person. I would even liken it to the approach the Japanese have to privacy: Where there can't be physical privacy (due to the crowding) there can still be mental privacy (ritual protocol to keep the world at arm's length) Maybe that's an example Hamilton could learn from, so as to better cope with the demands his status puts upon him :)

  2. It really does lose a lot of emphasis and expression in writing. If you watch the interviews it comes across much differently than the way you are interpretting it.

    Do you think? I mean sure, everyone can smile for the cameras and give a good interview when they know they're being scrutinized. I agree, context and emphasis can certainly be taken differently than it's intended by the author, but I don't think there's any mistaking the basics of those comments. Okay, maybe he wasn't on some 'blowing his stack rant' that he had no privacy, but, at the end of the day, those things must have been bugging him for him to make those comments, or consider moving to Switzerland... He knew the lack of privacy which celebrity status would bring, so should take the responsibility which the celebrity status brings with it. One can't 'be famous', and then complain about the lack of privacy. Or, if one doesn't like the intrusion into one's life, one could always step back from the spotlight and out of the celebrity limelight. He can't be universally popular, afterall, the Abbey dropped him from their ad campains for CGI woodland animals ;)

  3. The subdial spacing on the Discovery rep is perfect.

    You're probably thinking of the BTR, which uses different movement. Two different watch models.

    This was the one I was thinking of:


    I don't think the watch would get enough wear for me to justify buying a more expensive version :( It's a really nice watch, I just can't see myself wearing it on a daily basis...

  4. I'll be interested to see him do it again. Personally, I can't stand Hamilton. To say he's arrogant is an understatement. He complains that he gets 'treated differently' now, and that people 'pester him' for autographs and what not, so in my mind, that makes him nothing more than a jumped up arrogant POS. He's been into racing all his life, so he knew full well the demands which celebrity status would put on him, yet still complains about the attention which his career brings to him. He chose to pursue his career (and kudos to him for succeeding in that goal) so he should also pay the price that comes with it (signing autographs etc) without whining about it or threatening to run off to Swizerland as a tax exile. <_<

  5. Nice score on the catalouge!!! I'm eyeing this one as well...especially after BT's review!

    I haven't even dared open the wrapping of it yet :lol: It's completely factory sealed B)

    It's a really nice watch, but the only rep I've seen thus far, (which is in the price bracket I'd normally spend) has the subdials too close to the center of the dial. Normally, I wouldn't be too concerned about accuracy to the gen, but in this case, the spacing of the dials is what gives the watch its character...

  6. I've had my eye on these for a while, but was able to try on a gen today. I have to admit, I loved the feel of the case, and the dial was a pretty good size. The only thing which concerned me, was the potential visibility of the dial, as the indices were not exactly 'eye-catching'. That said, it was a really nice watch. Not

  7. This is a good question TJ.. .. a good cigar is not meant to be inhaled.. and if it is a full bodied smoke you really would not want to inhale the draw.. it is not pleasurable at all.. try to inhale a Strong Cuban and ... well, let's jus say you have problems if you can without an adverse reaction.. these sticks are not "harsh".. just very heavy .. "Full Bodied"..

    the "Palate" and how it is at the time of the smoke is all important !!.. What you eat before has everything to do with the pleasure and enjoyment of the smoke..the very strong full bodied vitola's need a very hearty meal to bring out the right chemistry of the palate.. the cigar taste jus sooo full of flavour..

    And on Point .. yes it is about the "Flavour" ... some sticks work best with chicken or Fish.. others with red meat .. and a full course.. since I do not drink alcohol.. I love my cigars with Dr. Pepper.. Pepsi .. and other assorted soda pop .. the sweetness and carbonation really add to the smoke for me.. the carbonation rerfreshes my pallate.. believe it or not.. oh, and of course coffee

    I do enjoy "light" bodied cigars .. if they have great Flavours.. but inhaling a good cigar is like pinching your nose shut while drinking fine cognac ... you cannot taste anything

    and everyones palate is different .. as are our chemistries .. so when your palate is used to certain brands .. another stronger vitola.. will not do it for you.. in the past if I smoked a Cuban.. then the next day smoked a very good dominican.. I would not be able to get any taste from the dominican..finally I jus gave in and started collecting Habanos brands to age.. that is once my palate discovered the joy and flavour of the aged Habanos..

    hope that answered your Question somewhat.. :D

    Indeed it has, thanks for the clarification :) If a cigar smoking does not involve drawing the smoke in, I might be tempted to cultivate a taste for them :) I don't smoke cigarettes as I've never really seen the point, nor found the flavor pleasant, but, if smoking a cigar is different to smoking a cigarette, I might just give it a try :) I drink a lot of Pepsi, so I'll be sure to give that combo a try :) Thanks again for the info :good:

  8. Thanks TeeJay - I love the fact I have a little diversity particularly with a nice Ti PAM. A GMT and a SUB are certainly two on my mind.

    They would definitely round off the collection :) In terms of GMT, I'd suggest an 029a, simply because, having the GMT numbers on the bezel, makes it more a 'feature' of the watch and stand out better from one of the other GMT models which have the additional numbers on the dial :)

  9. I'm sorry I just find that absurd because if you apply that ehtos to things in life then why bother with rep's or gen watches for that matter, the market stall $10 folexs should suffice you - ah well each to their own

    I have a similar ethos, but it is also balanced by practicality.

    Some examples:

    Buying generic clothes/foodstuffs rather than 'brandname' products = Saving money

    Buying reps rather than gens = Saving money (okay, saving more money than would be saved buying the gen version of the watches :lol: )

    So here comes the biter.... Why not just buy a $10 quartz and save more money?

    $10 does not have a luminous dial in a large enough size for my requirements, and is most likely not waterproof...

    One is a case of buying a cheaper product to save on money, the other, is that in some cases, the cheaper/cheapest product, is not always as good as a more expensive product, depending on a persons requirements ;)^_^

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