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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. The rings are completed and I will have pic's up soon.

    Here are some pic's of them after the casting stage....


    Oh wow. Looking at that pic is... emotional :) I guess this is a bit like what it feels like when a child is born ^_^

  2. Hang in there...it's hard when credit succombs...but going that route is a downward spiral to being raped by repo-men. Instead...pass your time being immersed in details, facts and everything else about the watches...so when the time does come...you'll be able to hit the ground running!

    Oh absolutely. Right now, I'm in the state of no unnecessary purchases, so it's not so much a case of saving what I have now to buy soon(ish), but finding out the facts so, as you say when the time comes, I'll know precisely what to be looking for :)

  3. Totally style over substance. That is the whole Apple brand.

    The hardware isn't the best, the software isn't the best .. but it's got a logo, and that makes it okay :rolleyes:

    A mate has been raving about his iPhone. It cost him a fortune, expensive contract and isn't anything 'special' from what I can tell.

    My N95 phone was free (on a lower contract) and runs TomTom, bluetooths to my car for calls and and is a good mp3 player via BT - none of which the iPhone could do.

    I'd rather something work properly (Microsoft/Nokia), than be gimmicky and cool (Apple).

    I avoided getting an iPhone for quite a while, because I felt I would have been giving into that kind of 'emo-chic' (TM ;) ) consumerism, so had clone phones for a while. In the end, I did buy an iPhone (as the clone became unreliable) and I don't regret it at all. I bought one pre-owned, but in mint condition off the Bay, stuck my Pay as You Go SIM card into it, and it works fine. It can bluetooth to a TomTom no problem at all. It's got a good MP3 player (although I have heard the iPhone's MP3 player as being the worst MP3 player Apple have made... Seems okay to me...) It's also customizable, and able to take on new applications. Right now, mine is downloading a full copy of the Qur'an. Full Arabic text, optional English translations, and Arabic audio as well (Qur'an means 'recitation', and, unlike the Bible, is actually intended to be read aloud and listened to, rather than read silently) I'd like to see another phone with that kind of adaptive flexibility...

    Gimmicky, maybe, but, if the gimmick actually does what you want it to do, where's the issue?

    [Edit to add]

    From my own experiences, I would suggest that the iPhone is something people can't truly appreciate until they have one permanantly. Having a look at a friends, or a display model, only really allows a cursory examination, and, while it gives a general idea as to the phone, much of what makes the iPhone so good, are 'the little things' which aren't immediately apparent during a 'five minute play about'. It's the little quirks of the software which only become apparent when the phone becomes personal property and gets used permanently.

  4. @Teejay:

    If you are serious about making some extra money playing poker I say go for it. But please before you invest one penny there are a few things you must do:

    1. Buy and read Doyle Brunson's super system 2.

    2. Read Doyle Brunson's Super system 2 again.

    3. Sign up for an online poker account. I like Full Tilt. Good mix of fish and sharks and free advice from the pro's. They also have free tourneys for new members and deposit bonuses.

    4. Play some play money games.

    5. Play some more play money games.

    6. Play as many free tournaments as you can. If you win one or even cash in one you can get yourself a little bankroll without risking any of your own money.

    7. Now it is time for a more advanced book. Buy and read Harrington on Cash Games volumes I and II. These are the best books on cash games. Most others focus on tournament play.

    8. Read Harrington on Cash Games Volume I and II again.

    9. If ny now you have invested 60 or 90 days into learning the basics of poker and you feel you are confident enough to play for real, make a small deposit and start at low limits. I made the mistake of depositing $1,000 my first time online. I ran it up pretty high and then ran it down very quickly. The low limit players are the worst. If you can beat the low limits you can move up the ladder.

    10. Study and play as much as you can. The only way to learn is experience. You will have ups and downs but you will not experience every situation without playing. Analyze your play when you lose and remember what you should have done differently for the next time you are in the same situation.

    11. Download and use Poker Tracker. This program will analyze your play automatically. You should improve with every 10,000 hands.

    Good luck.

    That is absolutely fantastic advice, and very much appreciated :) Indeed, I think this could be a good way for me to earn a little extra, so from that perspective, I plan to treat it as seriously as I would any other business venture. On the flipside of that, I won't be spending large amounts of money, or playing for considerable lengths of time. I'm all too aware of the dangers involved, so I want to be sensible enough to avoid them by not 'getting sucked in'. To use a pool analogy, I'd be aiming to be someone who goes into the pool hall every now and again, shoots a few tables, then leaves, not someone who spends all their time in there :) Thanks again :good:

  5. To be honest, I don't have an issue with the subdial spacing being off if the watch still looks good. In the case of Speedmasters, to be honest, I like the wider subdial spacing...and it's harder to see as being off given that there are Speedmasters with the "reduced" case (a different movement too if I remember but I might be wrong without looking it up to confirm) with a "wider" subdial spacing look in the smaller size that looks similar in proportion to the full size Speedy rep.

    In the case of the Disovery though, the spacing issues make the watch dial look all squished.

    Indeed, that's why I'd aim to save for a Discovery from Chris rather than Tony, although to be honest, given the state of my finances, it's likely not going to be for a very long time :lol:

  6. Please be very careful... a friend of mine seems to be mutating into a compulsive gambler who won't go out anywhere but the casino anymore... He only plays poker, and has been to Vegas twice this year already and it wouldn't surprise me if he goes for New Year's too. He seems to hang around with poker buddies he's met there. he's told me sometimes he's made losses as well as wins. he always says he is around even but I can't believe it. Sometimes he's down a few thousand, but I have a feeling it could be quite a bit. He was uncontactable for a week after a bad day once. He's lucky he lives at home with no rent or bills to pay apart from his car.

    So be very very careful.

    Another friend of mine says that it starts with the rush of a big win... then you always want to recreate that and bet higher and higher, until it stops being about the money and it's just about getting that high... just like drugs. The guy is a psychotherapist who was a compulsive gambler up until a year or two ago. It took him years to quit. Now he wants all betting shops and casinos banned. (Of course this doesn't happen to everyone... but if you ever feel that urge, just stop and quit it altogether).

    One guy we both know fled the country from the loan sharks... only came back recently afte 6 months or so away. He would bet on NHL games without knowing anything about it, just cos he liked the name and needed to gamble. He still hasn't been able to kick the habit.

    If you decide to get into online poker (and that is a lot better than other forms of gambling, but is still gambling!) make sure you do what you did when you joined RWG .... read read read ;) There are books by the top poker players out there that you can read as well... some strategies will only apply when you are betting with certain levels of money as well, so don't expect it will work in every situation (eg. someone is more likely to risk his 20 pence than his 20k on the off-chance).

    Don't forget, for all the big-time winners, there's a bunch of losers who must donate their money to these winnings...

    Good luck!

    And good luck to jfreeman (great story by the way) ... he's the poker expert around here :tu:

    Thanks for the advice :) Fortunately, I don't have the funds to get into big gambling, and I understand these online betting forums allow players to put a fixed limit on their spends. Believe me, at the first sign of getting in too deep, I'd pull the plug. I'm not looking to take it up as a career, or because of a 'love of the game', but just for a little extra cash. If I can get that little extra, I'll be happy. If I lose the little bit of stake money I allocate, then that'll be all I lose. Honest :):good:

  7. yes there is real money to be made. It is not easy. Some days you can make a ton of money in an hour, some days lose a ton of money in a minute. You have to be able mentally to handle the swings.

    Keep in mind I have been playing both live and online for about 9 years. I have read several books and lost a lot of money trying to figure out the game. I have only recently really begun to understand what to do in certain situations where I have made wrong decisions in the past. Poker is all about decision making. In order to make money you have to make the right decisions most of the time. I have done this before and done well, but always went back to work. It just hasn't been the right time for me.

    With all that has happened and the job market as horrible as it is, I believe it is my time to live the dream.

    Thanks for the advice, I figure as long as I stick to the golden rule, of never betting more than I can afford to lose, I won't get too caught up in it. I mean, I appreciate that it's something that needs to be taken seriously (decisions, probabllities etc), but not Serious Seriously, if you know what I mean...

    Nothing like living the dream, if only we could all be that lucky :) I hope things work out with your new lady when you get to meet up :good:

  8. Amazing. I think that regardless of a person's taste, the stainless steel Rolex datejust is just so elegant that it' shares a universal appreciation.

    Absolutely. Regardless of if folks are particularly into Rolexes, it is an amazing project. It's a work of art, and will make an awesome gift.

    Chief, absolutely awesome work, I bet your brother will be speechless :good:

  9. ( I wouldn't know really, seeing you penned it remanded I only give it cursory examination; you are boring)

    And yet you still read it, and not only felt the need to troll me, but still feel the need to do so. Sad.

    This is your 'style' afterall T'J. It was when you left RWG for more civilized and worldly fields, but it desn't seem you've found them yet?

    Lets just say that the tone has significantly lowered recently.


    It seems at least two Mods called you out on the fact; you are a 'drama queen'. Maybe it wasn't RWG at all? It seems perhaps you are the common denominator?

    As you clearly dug through the files to find that, it might interest you that those two mods have apologized for 'calling me out'. It really is sad that you went to the lengths to find that thread to try and validate your 'point'.

    Quite. So perhaps when the tide ebbs, John has his new site hooked up and the RWG flotsam and jetsam rolls out of the rwgjr sea, perhaps you could go with it? Not so sure you would be missed.

    Maybe so. I doubt you would be missed either.

  10. Oh I know he is trolling, but his trolls are worth trolling for.

    The Loony Bin is quickly becoming the most active sub forum on RWGjr. And the Return of Demsey could well push us over the top. It is important to keep him welll fed - he is our only resident celebrity - aside from Dave "da man" of course.

    The thing is, I have no time for trolls, I've seen it ruin too many forums. As long as it stays 'in the bin', I can ignore it, no harm no foul. It's a shame, as this could have been a good debate. Oh well.

  11. That would be only a small percentage of home owners.....basically unmeasurable. Nearly all people who forclose on a house do so because they cant make the payments.....because they fell into an attractive offer....teaser rates, etc....and when the offer expired, the house payments became unmanageable overnight.

    Yes, I agree, it is only a small percentage of home owners. But, it would also be a large percentage of sub prime home owners, and that is what would throw the plan. Just because someone is given sub-prime credit to get a car/home, it does not always guarantee that they will make payments, and that's all that would concern me with the plan. Other than that, I thought it's a great idea :good:

  12. I've had a PC since they first came out - 1983 or 84.

    I work in IT

    I've implemented thousands of pc/windows server/exchange/sql systems

    I switched to mac 6 months ago.

    It was one of the best things I've EVER done.

    I don't have to go home and patch/scan/update/worry if my wife f*d up the computer by downloading a 0day virus/trojan/malware etc.

    Most of the programs actually work, and are intuitive.

    That being said, I still use windows at work because I have to


    That was one of the reasons why I wanted to get a Mac rather than a PC. I am sick of the patch/scan/update hassle that comes with PCs, but sadly, my budget couldn't stretch that far, so I didn't really have a choice in the matter :lol:

  13. What if TJ went out and sucked a dick, and then posted the pics here? Would that convince you that he is not a homophobe?


    Probably not :lol:

    Demsey probably doesn't really believe I'm a homophobe or a homosexual, he's just trolling for a response, and I've better things to do than respond ;)

  14. You lied.

    Changing one's mind, is not lying. Neither is going back on one's word. It does not matter if you give your word, it matters who you give it to.

    I dunno guys, I really don't think Ken, TT, the membership et al are, should be, or should be expected to be, copacetic with all this. It's kinda a cultural imperialistic exodus for you (us) guys to be here under "our terms". There are A LOT of members here who were so grateful that rwgjr was formed. Not that it was sprung from it's (RWG's) pinnacle, but rather what it had become, devoid of a webmaster; a "bin". Even though rwgjr. has this "laissez-faire" subforum I really don't think it is appropriate to take advantage and squat here.

    You're absolutely right about that, and I suspect the only reason why Admin allowed this 'squatting' to take place, is because from an administrator's point of view, it is easier to let people in, and keep all the shit in the valley, than it is to try and keep people out. Personally, I don't like the kind of posting which now takes place 'in the bin', so as a result, I stay out of the bin and ignore it. This thread does not have an RWG1 flag, so when I clicked on it, I did not realize that it was 'in the bin', and thought that it was going to be a reasonable debate. You, on the other hand, clearly responded only to troll and try and get a rise out of me, as your last attempted digs at my sexuality indicate. Sorry, but I'm not going to indulge you. Now I know that this is a 'junk thread', I'll be ignoring it, just like I ignore the rest of the shenanigans which go on 'in the bin'.


    And that's all I needed to hear.

    I am glad to see your time on the boards hasn't tempered your demeanor T'J. You're still a prickly pear. Sorry for the euphemism, but my membership level won't allow me to call you a [censored]. But you certainly are. :p


    Your participation level proves you're still a troll, so I won't waste any more of my time acknowledging you.

  15. Pc... Macs arent popular here in Poland. They are available in stores and we have really no problem with getting them, I have personaly few friends who uses Apple's computers but the majority is PC.

    Cheaper, more and better.

    edit: and I second that Apples are overpriced for the quality they provide. I know there always will be a bunch of folks who would say iPo, iPhone, iBook and iMac are the best ever ant teh pwns every PC and other electronical stuff but thats just pure [censored] and everybody knows it, just not everybody have guts to admit it ;)

    I think it depends on the equipment, and what a person wants to actually do with it. PCs are certainly the more affordable option, but Macs, in certain circumstances, can be the technically better option :) I'm honestly not a MacWorshipper, I'm just someone who appreciates their aesthetic, and can appreciate their technical uses :) I also think, as above, that too many see Mac as a way of gaining 'cool points' for their blogtastic emo-world, and make the professional users look bad ;)

  16. Well, I really couldn't be bothered, but since you put it that way;

    I wish you'd stuck with the instinct not to be bothered.

    Your anecdotes have absolutely zero bearing on your predisposition of "phobia".

    Anecdotes? Sorry, I was quoting scripture, historical facts, as well as relevent personal opinion (John Barrowman's thoughts on 'gay marriage')

    With regards "phobia", the word does not even apply. Oh I don't deny that homophobia is a word, but it is not one which applies to me.

    The points I was raising were intended to further the debate on 'gay marriage'. If you choose to see that as homophobia, then that is your issue, and not mine.

    See? You are a homophobe. If only on a subliminal level.


    On second thoughts, as JohnG responded:


    Sorry that tone doesn't really translate properly through text, but the comment I was not making was not homophobic.

    I'm such a homophobe, that I admire homosexual artists and actors. Yeah, that's really homophobic :rofl:

    Did you have anything to add to the debate itself?

  17. Personally, I would have preferred to get a new Mac, but my budget could only stretch to a PC, so I installed a skin for Vista which gives it the appearance of a Mac's OS X B) (Getting the iPhone was the start of a slippery slope to Mac products :lol: )

    To defend Dani's post:

    mac is for people that think they sophisticated and their products is over priced.

    I think it is safe to say that while Macs are widely recognized and used by folks 'in the industry', it is also safe to say that they are also the computer of choice for the MySpace generation Emo geeks who want to prove how 'alternative' and 'ironic' they are <_< A bunch of half-assed poseurs, they give legitimate Mac users a bad name <_<

  18. Let me preface my .2c with this:

    Yes.... but if it's not a "marriage" then it's not religious... and if it's not religious then the fight loses its' passion.... people make think its' wrong, but they'll be out on street corners protesting basic civil rights, not religious beliefs... it becomes a much more clear, unemotional fight...

    As for the religious connotation of homosexuality.... well, as someone who has studied the Bible, I can tell you that God hates ALL sin... and all is EQUAL in the eyes of Lord... so, if you sped on the way to work, you went against the law of the land and therefore, you have sinned... if you have checked out a woman's ass today as she walked by you, you have sinned.... if you looked at a watch on this board and were jealous, you have sinned... but none of those is more or less of a sin than homosexuality... so, let he without sin cast the first stone and all that...

    People are fighting the wrong fights...

    Absolutely spot on, brother :good:

    First off, if I might make a few observations and suggestions...

    With regards words like 'normal' or 'natural', I think there needs to be clarifications made to distinguish these concepts. What is 'natural', is not always, statistically speaking, 'normal'. There will always be, statistically speaking, a 'norm'. Example: Handedness. The majority of the Human race is right-handed. A minority of Humans are left-handed. Statistically speaking, left-handedness is 'abnormal', but that does not mean that left-handedness is 'unnatural', nor does it mean that left-handedness is 'wrong'.

    Even though there have been instances of homosexuality amongst both the Animal and Human Kingdoms throughout history, biologically and statistically speaking, heterosexuality is 'the norm', to maintain propagation of the species. Homosexuality is not 'unnatural', but it is not a statistical 'norm'. There are species of fish which, if there is an abundance of one gender, will biologically metamorphose into the other gender. A natural 'transsexual' B)

    With regards concepts such as 'sin', I would suggest mentally substituting that word with 'test'. God has given specific laws, guidelines and rules to live by. It is said that to live outside of those guidelines, is to sin. As AllergyDoc mentioned previously, tendencies such as alcoholism, can be (and have been proven to be) genetically determined. As has been mentioned, people are born knowing they are gay, or transgendered, or with tendencies towards addictive behaviors. As AllergyDoc mentioned, as Humans, we have the ability to resist and rise above those genetically determined traits, or, to use that scary word, jihad, (Meaning to struggle, to strive, to seek, to overcome) against those traits and still live according to God's Will. In Iraq, if a man has sex with another man, that is considered homosexual and forbidden, but, if, however, someone feels that they are indeed a female 'trapped in a man's body', (ie a genuine case of gender dysmorphia) and they undergo sexual reassignment surgery, becoming a transsexual, if this person then has sex with a man, that is not considered to be homosexual, because they have overcome their 'test' of being male, by becoming (as close as is biologically possible for a Human) female. Under Islamic law, homosexuality is considered fornication, or, if the men are married, adultery. That is what is forbidden, adultery and fornication, or rather, public adultery and fornication.

    Now, while it is forbidden for a man to have sex with another man, according to the Qur'an, adultery and fornication must be proven before a sentence can be passed. For it to be proven, as with fornication, this requires multiple witnesses.

    Sura 4:

    And as for those who are guilty of an indecency from among your women, call to witnesses against them four, from among you; and if they bear witness to the fact , shut them up within their hourses till death release them, or Allah make some way for them.

    And if two men among you commit the same crime, then punish them both; but, if they turn and amend, then let them be: for Allah is He who turneth, Merciful!

    Now, if two men are having sex in their own home, how are there going to be multiple witnesses? Answer: There are not going to be any, therefor, homosexuality cannot be proven. If it cannot be proven, then it is not possible for sentence to be passed, therefor it is not for people to pass judgement on one another in such matters, but a case of it [their judgement] being between those people and God. God will judge them as He sees fit. It is not for us to judge one another. The conduct laid out thus in the Qur'an is not aimed at suppressing homosexuality (or sexuality of any kind), it is making a statement against lewd public conduct (regardless of the gender or sexualities involved)

    Homosexual relationships are well documented as having occurred during the time of the Roman Empire, and even during the Feudal Era of Japan, where it was not considered 'manly' for a warrior to show affection to a female, so while a samurai (or Roman Senator, or even an Emperor, such as Hadrian) might well be married to a female, it was also entirely common and accepted for them to also have younger male lovers. This was most likely not looked on as 'being gay', as it would be in today's 21st Century Western Society. I would think the closest modern equivalent, would be men who keep it 'on the down-low' (men who do not identify themselves as being homo or bi-sexual, but who still have sex with other men) the only difference being that in those previous times, such relationships were not 'hidden away', as a 'down-low' relationship most likely would be.

    Personally, I have no issue with gay people. One of my best friends is gay. Admittedly, if he was any further in the closet, he would be in Narnia, but as a result, he has never had a proper adult relationship, as, in attempt to 'look straight', he keeps trying to hook up with girls, only for the relationship to fizzle out after a few weeks. Leonardo da Vinci was gay, he also had an incredible intellect, and I can't think of anyone who has inspired me more. John Barrowman is gay, he is also an awesome actor, singer, and presenter, and I'll watch any show that he appears in, simply because I enjoy his performances, and I never tire of trying to see what watch he is wearing (I believe he may well be a collector, and I have seen him wearing various Rolexes, and an Ebel 1911 Discovery)

    I just thought I'd get that out of the way before anyone considered calling me a homophobe.

    Now, down to the meat and two veg of the debate. Gay Marriage. It is a word, people. That's all. A word. When I have my 'legal' wedding in February, it is not going to be a religious ceremony, but a civil ceremony. That does not mean I am gay, nor does it mean that my wife is gay, it just means that we are not having a religious ceremony. Before his own civil ceremony, John Barrowman was quoted as saying:"We're just going to sign the civil register. We're not going to have any ceremony because I'm not a supporter of the word marriage for a gay partnership."

    For a group or government to try and legislate against a legal partnership, is wrong. No ifs, no buts, just wrong. Anyone, should have the legal right to 'enter into a legally defined long-term relationship' ( ;) ) with whoever they want (within legal guidelines of age, relationship to each other etc etc). With regards the argument that one is a right, the other is a licenced act, yes, marriage is licensed, yes, driving is licensed. But. People must not only learn to drive, but also be tested to prove their competence. In order to get a marriage license, my wife and I (as folks may recall, we signed an online marriage register early in the year so consider ourselves to be married, even if it is not 'legally binding') had to be interviewed and answer numerous in-depth questions about the other and our families, before we could be issued with the marriage license. That license does not mean we are married, it simply proves that we have satisfied the legal requirements (in the UK) to get married.

    Okay, that's my .2c. If anyone wants to pick apart what I have said and try and argue that I am a homophobe, fuck you, look somewhere else for an argument, as I've made my feelings on the issue as clear as I can, and am not prepared to debate them further. To round off on a more upbeat note, here're some pics B)



  19. Yes, any market which isn't truly free is a problem IMO. If you and I make a deal where we keep selling the same rep back and forth for $10 more each time and then split the profits we haven't gained anything obviously. But if we were able to artificially inflate the cost of reps by doing so some people would be [censored] off. Essentially that is what banks have been doing with their loan portfolios. Trading them back and forth using complicated instruments and promising returns to investment banks (who use their own hedge funds to trade them) by cooperating. It is VERY complicated quantitative stuff but essentially there is guaranteed profit for all parties as long as the market continues to support prices without the bottom COMPLTELY falling out. That was the black swan in the equation that noone expected to come, but he did - and brought a hundred of his swan brothers. The numbers were especially out of wack because they were so artificial. Nobody else was allowed to participate except the two parties in these transactions who simply pass them back and forth and add fees each time. How to pay for the fee? Easy, I say these houses are worth $239K now instead of $238K. Sounds reasonable right? Yeah it is only a thousand dollars but at 100:1 leverage and with a portfolio of tens of thousands of homes at even these modest prices and presto - billions of dollars generated. The guy I know personally made $40M a year in his pocket doing it with just one of the top world banks and getting leverage from one other investment bank besides his own on the trading side. Anyway, to use our rep example nobody would care because we can't influence the market by doing it, plus even if we could raise prices by a dollar in the used market and we had a hundred watches to resell there would be no money in it. No leverage. An entire portfolio of loans from a major bank at 100:1 is the market. Big difference.

    It's funny you should say that, as, despite having dyscalculia, I can grasp this on a completely instinctive level, and it is (to me) absolutely clear as day :) I really ought to find some way of getting into the business professionally, although I doubt it would ever happen, due to my lack of experience in the area, or relevant education (all art-related :lol: ) Thanks for another incredibly interesting 'look behind the scenes' :good:

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