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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. The problem with religion is that it leaves itself (by design) open to interpretation.

    What you really need, and what you'll never get, is for the leaders of religions to stand up and say this is against their religion. Until the heads of religions actually say this, and loudly, the killings will continue.

    And yes, there's no way around it. This is about religion.

    To a degree, yes and no. Yes, people can interpret a text in a certain way, but also, the scriptures themselves (be it the Bible, the Qur'an or the dead sea scrolls) remain consistent and unchanging. Even with differing interpretations, it is impossible to actually change the text itself. This is what is so disheartening about these Islamic extremists: They are acting in ways which are so contrary to the nature of the Qur'an, they are beyond what could be considered 'differing interpretations'. Then, as you say, there a the issue of religion itself (as in organized doctrine) which itself can be radically different to the actual nature of the original text. That's why I've said before, I am a fundementalist, In that I follow the fundementals of Islam: The Qur'an. It is this kind of indoctrination which is a problem, because that is not actually educating the person, or allowing them to educate themself by actually reading the text properly themself, and that, combined with cultural/social issues, is the true problem.

  2. I am no pro - but the lume on the 5 & 7 markers does not appear to be centered on their background dot.

    I can't think for one minute that Omega would let that through the door.

    I once saw an SMP in an AD such had two visibly noticeable flaws in the finish of the bezel insert. One was a scratch, the other, was a raised line, almost like a hair under clingfilm... Even gen watches can have QC flaws...

  3. Robbie, good to see you wearing the homage, it looks good on you, bro :good:

    I'm still wearing my SMP, although I did wear my 45 PO for a few hours last night while hosting a paranormal investigation on behalf of my father in law, who is currently in Riyadh on business. I'd bought the SMP with money I inherited when my gran died, and it turns out that last Wednesday would've been her birthday, so that's probably why I was inspired to wear it. I have to admit, I'm tempted to sell on some of my PAMs, but I don't think it'd be worth my while :lol:

    Have a good weekend, amigos :good:

  4. The really sad thing, is if these idiots actually bothered to read the Qur'an, they would know that such actions are utterly forbidden. They have no right to call themselves Muslims, as their behavior is totally against the tenets of Islam

  5. Well, I am glad to see that most people here are wise to Mr. Gee's ego maniacal rants that only serve one purpose - to talk about himself. His narcasism got him booted over at RWI & RG and I can see he is well on his way to wearing out his welcome here.

    For the most part I just ignore his pathetic self centered posts and truthfully, as others have mentioned, I hope he seeks some form of pyschological help.

    I am, however, beginning to wonder if this guy is just posting from

    a mental clinic where he has been comitted....

    It kinda of makes sense. After all, could one person really be that insanely out of touch with reality that he would believe the whole of RWG actually read his rambling posts about himself or really care?

    I have been on RWG since the beginning and I have yet to see someone who is as self centered as this guy, where just about every post he makes, his favorite topic is himself, his money, his cars or his Gens. The guy doesn't even own a Rep for Christ's sake!

    The sooner we all start ignoring this guy the sooner he will move on and take his ego with him...

    C'mon, it's not like Robbie makes posts bragging about his stuff, it's just stuff he's talking about. The posts he's made about economic conditions/stocks etc, have not been saying "I'm Gordon Gekko, you guys aren't worthy to kiss my ass!", just discussion about a subject... So what if his watches are gen? Okay, I know this is a rep forum, but folks have frequently also pointed out, that it is a watch forum, and that we're all here because we all love watches. It's not as if he's bragging about having a gen watch, or a Porsche "worth more than your life!!!1" (that post always makes me chuckle :lol: ) he's just talking about what he's got. Should he pretend that he drives round in a Nissan Micra and wears a Casio so as not to risk upsetting anyone's pride? Believe me, I know a braggart when I see one, and I do not believe that Robbie is that kind of guy. As I mentioned above, I've been accused of being arrogant, when nothing could be further from the truth. It's just a case of misinterpretation and perception, and folks 'getting the wrong idea' about me, and I believe that that's the case with Robbie as well.

    Is his 'boasting' really boasting, or are people just perceiving 'boasting' by projecting their own insecurities?

  6. I think something which needs to be considered, is the situations where the watch will be used. My wrist is also 7.5", but I'm 6'2. For the past year, I'd been wearing pretty much nothing but PAMs, and thought of anything else as 'small', but, having worn my SMP for the past week, I'd say that that is about the smallest I would want to wear as a regular beater. For me, I want a watch where I can see the dial clearly and quickly, PAMs certainly fill that function, but equally, so do Omegas. If I was going to be wearing a suit for a formal occasion, I wouldn't mind wearing a 'smaller' watch, such as the PP Nautilus, as it would only be on my wrist a few hours, but I probably wouldn't wear the watch at other times. Equally, when I wore my unbranded Suunto Vector Clone with combats, Vans and a T-Shirt, it looked okay with what I was wearing, but I certainly wouldn't try wearing it with a suit, and probably not with jeans and a button-down shirt either... For me, I'd say it is 'too big' to be a universal beater, but certainly acceptable for situations like camping/hiking etc, where all that is needed, is quick access to a rugged time-piece :)

    I think the context with which the watch is worn, is more important than going strictly by dial size :)

  7. You're kidding? I'm the 10th too man. Makes perfect sense then I guess as to why we have always seemed to understand each other over the years huh?

    I kid you not, , 10/10/78 :) Indeed, that would certainly explain why we understand each other :) It's like my wife is a Gemini, but her mum is a Libra, and I get on better with my mother in law, than I do with my wife, so the same scenario here: It's ultimately the same personality type 'talking to itself', rather than trying to get along with another :lol:

    This was from this year's 'birthday breakfast', which was in my favorite cafe, which is in Spain ^_^


    I have never seen the graphics guy and we are just licking around ideas this month. We have so much else to do I can't really focus on that until 09'. You do that stuff right? Logos and such? Want a crack at it?

    Sure, thanks for the opportunity :) If you PM me some specifics and whatnot about the venture, I'll certainly see what I can come up with for you :)

    This was my most recent 'logo work', and I have to admit, simple though it is, I'm very proud of it :)

    Concept Art:


    Final Product (under production):


  8. Libra huh? Me too. A client asked me the other day why I have been bringing on so many balanced long/short (hedged) asset classes lately. My answer was the curse of being Libra. Hahahaha. Balance is the best risk management tool I have ever had. In fact, I had started an offshoot productivity software company recently with a programming partner and we are about to officially launch the white label business. We have been discussing image with a graphic designer and one of the logo concepts he is working are the scales... ;)

    Absolutely, October 10th, so astrologically speaking, nowhere near either cusp, so as typically 'full Libra' as one could be :lol: That's awesome about the business plans, I hope the work out for you :) Out of cusiosity, how does your graphic artist dress? I'm guessing suit rather than jeans and sweaters ;)

  9. Yeah, I think it quite clear that people take are taking me (and themselves) far to seriously TJ, but alas it is to be expected in a discussion forum. Although I'm never any less amazed at how quick many are to judge another simply after reading a paragraph or three or four. I don't know about you, but I would much rather be thought of as an arrogant [censored], even if more than a bit unfairly, than to be judgemental of anyone without taking the time to consider all the angles and/or at the very least meet them in person. At least I'm only guilty of poor communication, maybe more, but surely not of anything as shameful as being judgemental. If I learn nothing else in my life I will strive to never be that. And if the price of that is to be perceived as an arrogant co*ksucker who drives a Porsche, spits on the law and is intent on killing and maming with a total disregard for life on the highways of the world - so be it.

    It was really only supposed to be a story about how people are different. That even though I told the cop I was joking, he refused to accept that I am entitled to my own dry and sarcastic sense of humor. He pushed and I pushed back which he wasn't used to and I got a kick out if it. Our whole exchange had nothing to do with the law and you were the only person with enough wit to see that. How sad is that?

    And why, in closing if I may? The answer is quite clear. Simply because you didin't judge me and you weren't looking for a way to assemble my words to cut me down. Isn't positive thinking powerful my friend? Amazing how you can see something totally different if you want to. I pray some of my critics here evolve enough in their lifetime to see it. I also suspect many of them are either young or otherwise lacking much life experience or both. I have to believe that as otherwise it would be too depressing to think that all the masses are really so quick to focus on the negative in all things in the interest of standing in judgement of others. How enslaving it must be to live that way...

    Absolutely, to be judgmental is one of the worst things a person can be. I really am not an arrogant person at all, but, I understand that I can be perceived to be, because I have confidence in my opinions about a subject. If I don't know something, I'll happily admit to it, and learn about it. If I do know something, then I know that I know it, so see no reason to doubt that knowledge, just because someone else thinks differently to me. (that's not to say I don't respect people of differing opinions, because I do. We're all entitled to different opinions, as opinions are opinions, where facts are facts, so either wrong, or right...) The last person who accused me of being arrogant when I was working for a company, was someone who should never have been a manager, as they actually had no grasp of economics, how to properly motivate people, or the company regulations which they had to operate under. They accused me of being arrogant, yet they were constantly proven to be incorrect about their thoughts, and, in the end, their actions towards me, not only cost their company a considerable sum of money (that's my wedding paid for ;) ) but it also cost them their job. Simply because they 'thought they knew best', and thought they were getting one over on me... Look where 'what they thought' got them ;) If people 'don't get me', so be it... They're not the first, and won't be the last, but those who do know me, know that arrogance just isn't in my nature.

    Again, text sometimes cannot properly convey the tone intended by the author, so don't feel too bad about it. Being a Libra, I tend to see both sides, so try to view things as objectively as possible :) To be honest, the cop in question is clearly a small-dicked inadequate on a power trip, and someone who pulls drivers as an 'easy target'. I've seen a cop in town do the exact same thing, but he targets young drivers who don't have the life-experience or cojones to stand up for themselves in those situations. As I mentioned before, one should always respect the badge, even if one doesn't respect the bearer (although blind obedience is not a good thing ;) ) I mean obviously, if someone is seriously in the wrong, then fine, they deserve whatever the law says is the punishment, but, one also needs to consider the circumstances (like your example of a speed restriction on a freeway, that then returns to the normal speed, it's hardly the same as going peddle to the metal around a housing estate when the schools are turning out ;) ) In a way, I'm really looking forward to getting the Japanese body-suit I have planned, as that will be a protection against judgmental people, as, if they're judgmental enough to judge me because of some ink, then they're not someone I would want to get to know better, and that'll save me from having to ;)

  10. Robbie, for what it's worth, I know precisely where you're coming from, and suspect that we have very similar personality types. I've been accused of being arrogant on more than one occasion, when the truth could not be more the reverse. Funnily enough, one such person to accuse me of being arrogant was someone who actually didn't have a grasp on any of the concepts which they should have, and felt threatened that I knew what I was talking about. I guess what I'm trying to say, is that I know what it's like to have people 'not get me', so I don't take such comments to heart. Allah knows the truth in our hearts, and that's all that matters. :good:

  11. Absolutely TJ, 100%. And you are right. I just didn't articulate it the way I wanted to. I was just being honest with him and really not being sarcastic at all - just being my dry self. And for the record I really don't think I'm above the law because I can pay the fine. I only meant to illustrate that I feel bad for all the people who can't, so I somehow feel good letting him know that I don't need him to "teach me a lesson" - as many cops feel they need to be everyone's Daddy. It felt good to let him know that I was one guy that wasn't going to respond with the fear he was hoping for and with that I score one for some poor sap he ran down and cost some kid's Christmas presents with his high moral ground. Now if I was being reckless that is a different story. He should throw me in jail then. But speed traps and cops that work them that have absolutely no safety or public value like that one? Let's just say I don't mind spitting on that authority...

    Text sometimes fails to convey the true spirit of someone's words, so I always try and read things with an open mind :) I totally agree, the fact that you weren't trying to get out of it, and then threw in a joke was probably more than he could accept. He sounds like the kind of guy who gets 'a job with a uniform' so he can throw his weight around (probably hung like a hamster ;) ) You're quite right, it's a huge difference in circumstances to doing that speed in a freeway speedtrap, than say in a residential area, and, to be honest, I don't like that kind of speedtraps (or even signs warning people of speed cameras etc) as if someone is speeding, then in their attempt to brake down to the stated limit, that in itself can cause accidents to happen... I really do think that the best system would be to retain speed limits in towns and residential areas (although to be honest, it's pretty hard to break a 30 mph speed limit while pulling out of a 30 ft cul-de-sac, but, it's good to retain them for legal reasons for the occasion when someone does go tearing through such an area) and just de-restrict other freeways like the autobahns. People choose their lane by the speed they want to go, or if they need to overtake. It's so simple. But, at the end of the day, the rules are the rules, and one should always respect the badge, even if one doesn't respect the wearer ;)

  12. Robbie, for what it's worth, I totally get your point: The cop was being a jerk by writing you up for your tints. That was, while technically speaking probably not an abuse of his authority, it was morally speaking, a needless one. He'd written you the speeding ticket, he shouldn't've then decided to write you up for something else regardless of what you said to him. That was nothing more than a jobsworth cop looking for excuses to write a ticket and throw their weight around a little due to injured pride.


    That does not give you a moral high-ground to complain about his lack of humor, given that you were speeding... Regardless of your personal driving experience and skill, speed limits exist for a reason and they apply to everyone using the roads. (personally, I'd be for de-restricting the motorways and freeways in the same manner as the German autobahns, and let people's own discipline and requirement govern how fast they drive) Allowing oneself the cash to pay speeding tickets with the intention of speeding (as with the Jack Johnson anecdote) shows a total disregard for authority and the rules, and it's not surprising that folks don't take kindly to it (especially not when traffic accidents can have such devestating consequences) and being prepared to pay tickets, does not entitle someone to flaunt a rule, with the mindset that if they can pay the fine, it doesn't matter if they break the rule (whatever rule that may be) (That might not be what you intended when you mentioned the 'ticket allowance', but that is how someone could have read it).

    If you want to drive fast, go to a 'track day'... Do it in a controlled, safe environment. At the very least, it'll save you in ticket fees ;)


  13. I was wondering if anyone would be kind enough to tell me which (if any) of the following kanji and hiragana most accurately translate the Japanese equivelent of the English word 'patches'. Ie, if translating the sentance "Those are patches of color." what word would be used to mean 'patches'? I've done some research and come up with some possibilities, such as tsugi, but I don't know if it can be used to refer to 'more than one patch' in the same way as the English word 'patches' does. If anyone could confirm or further my own translations, it would be much appreciated. Domo arigato ^_^


  14. Sorry to hear the bad news TJ.

    Thanks for the kind words, bro :)

    Last night was a bit hectic, as it was too late for us to do anything, but, as it was so cold, we knew we could leave Patches in her hutch over night without anything untoward happening, so this morning we put her in a Kurt Geiger shoe box, and buried her next to the cat who died a few months back. We've still no idea why she died... Sometimes people just die... Sudden adult/infant death syndrome, I believe they call it... I guess this was just the guinea equivalent. She's at rest now, so all is as well as can be :)

  15. Sorry about the bad news.

    Don't mean to hijack the thread but here is an example of one species caring for another (and will hopefully cheer people up):

    Thanks :) Indeed, I don't think there's anything as heart-warming as when one animal helps another :)

  16. Condolences. Think of him happily squeaking away to his his little heart's content in guinea-pig heaven.

    But why not just tell your wife it escaped, and stop by the pet shop tomorrow? ;)

    Or alternatively, save yourself future heartache and buy a pet that isn't plagued with an unfortunate genetic predisposition to dropping down dead. They're notorious for it, according to a vet friend of mine.

    Thanks, and indeed, I'm sure she's already acquainted herself with my first two guineas, Scampi and Chips, who passed about fifteen years ago.

    I think what we'll do, is adopt another after Christmas, so we can give another guinea a home, and it'd be a shame to let Patches' hutch go to waste, if there's an unwanted guinea in need of a good home :)

  17. Sorry to hear that buddy. :(

    Also sorry the wife is going to blame you when she gets home. :o


    Thanks, amigo, luckily, I was able to tell her right away, as it's just passed midnight here, and I literally only found Patches a few moments before making the post, and to be honest, she's taking it better than me. I hope all's well with you, I've noticed you've made posts to your section, so guessing you're back working? If so, I'll likely be putting in an order soon :)

  18. I just found my wife's guinea pig, Patches, dead in her hutch. Absolutely no reason as to why, it appears that she simply lay down and 'stopped'.

    She was a wonderful guinea, with a personality and friendliness way above our other guineas. We adopted her when she had been found in someone's back garden, and gave her the best life we could.

    When we first got her:


    Always getting into mischief:



    Right up to the end, she was happy, friendly, and full of character. Even though she was my wife's guinea, she really was 'Daddy's Girl'.

    Sweet dreams.

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