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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. Just received this yesterday, after a short (felt like forever) 4 week wait.


    P.S. How do you manage to post large images straight onto the post.

    First off, sign up for a free online hosting like photobucket and load you photos onto it. Then, when writing the post, copy and paste the 'direct link' information into your post clicking the little landscape icon below the 'Fonts' tab, and then pasting the information into the pop up. You then just submit the post as normal :)

  2. Speak about "fake" with basic people is not interesting for me because they can't understand. And our super rep respect more and more gen brands than that sh*t you can buy in the street. And when you say "replica", people think "street". We can't talk about super-rep because for many people than can't be real.

    That my view.

    That's very true. I saw a discussion on replica goods on MSN Homepage a few months back, and some people didn't have a clue about the quality of high end reps available. They certainly didn't know that a lot of it was because the gen brands outsourced production to China to save on costs... Some of them even still thought that buying reps funded terrorism :rofl::lol:

    Then again...



  3. The obligatory cream sweater wrist shot (haven't worn it in a while :lol: )

    Visible in the background, is the LV Messenger I got from Ken. It got quite a few comments while away, mostly from a friend of my father in law, who doesn't look down on reps or fake goods, he just lumps them all in as 'snide' :lol: He doesn't actually care if they're snide, as long as he knows :lol:


  4. Ok...so I had this fear of getting a GMT or complication based movement like the Jump Hours because the thought of the movement breaking down and Ziggy not working on these movements made me fear "wasting" money on a watch that might soon be a paperweight. The Muller Crazy Hours was an exception as that is just a great watch. I never thought of contacting the collectors directly for replacement movements before. Doh!!

    A quick email, and it appears that the 2 collectors I've dealt with most recently were easily able to source the parts. A replacement jump hour is about $30 (not quite a $12 DG2813...but hey...better than a new $100 watch)...and an Asian GMT for a Rolex is $40, and an Asian 2836 with the GMT complication is $100.

    I thought this was good to know...so I'm stocking up on some movements. For me...rip and replace...rather than repair. And...with spare movements, I'll have spare parts.

    Sounds like a plan :good:

  5. Should these forums promote or even encourage, watch modification, by other parties?

    With little ability to control the actions of people off the forum, should we endorse or promote these practices?

    My feelings on the subject are essentially as posted in the thread on the current situation.

    I can appreciate that Admin might not want the responsibility, or being held to account of any 'endorsement' which may be infered or assumed, from a person having a presence as a dealer or a modder/watch smith, but, given the amount of historical incidents of people 'going AWOL', given that it is the forums which facilitated the meeting of client and modder, I personally think it only fair that the forums equally have more detailed contact information, to be able to better facilitate resolutions to issues which may arise but be unresolveable by the two parties themselves, as an impartial third party. That is not to say that it's the fault of a forum admin, as obviously 'buyer beware' must always apply, but it would be good to know that, should incidents occur where someone stops responding to emails, there would still be someone who could have a more definite contact point which could be used in such incidents (which inevitably become group problems, rather than just a single botched transaction) This is a community, in every respect of the word. In the real world, sometimes people need 'state support'. In these incidents, sometimes, people will also require 'community support', so I just feel it would be prudent if such support/mediation be available, should it ever be required.

    Just my .2c


  6. And I may have to buy it for vanity sake since it was based on my photo. :p

    Seriously, I'm always surprised on what sells and what doesn't around here - actually on TZ too come to think of it. I'll have a watch that I think is going to go like hotcakes and it sits and yet something I was ready to take a beating on and just blow out comes under a bidding war in the first five minutes. Go figure...


    If you really want it, fantastic, but don't feel obliged, amigo :)

  7. Nice work TJ ...the one with the invisible case is very unique!!!

    Keep it going mate ....I hear some peeps have 40 or more !!



    :lol: It's pretty stealth, isn't it :lol: I think it's fair to say it's under 'deep cover' :lol: The dial and hands are waiting to be sent for a re-lume, and the movement and case are with my watch smith. I took the watch in to get the movement serviced, and kept the hands and dial for re-lume. Sadly, I don't have the available cash at the moment to get the re-lume done, and there's not much point in me getting the rest of the watch and putting it back together until I can (as I'm too lazy to strip the watch again ;) )

    Indeed, I've seen some pretty big collections, with every variation of the individual models. I don't think I could justify a collection like that, as there would be so many 'paperweights'. I admit, much of the rest of my collection (my Rolexes and Omegas) are already pretty much paperweights, but, my PAMs do still see an amount of wrist time each :)

    Congrats on the dial project, they're fantastic :)

    I'm sure it will keep on growing to, especially with the holiday purchase.

    Nice set of straps whats on the 113?


    Indeed, I have some interesting plans for that one :lol: Thanks :) The 113 is on a Ferrari strap. I ordered it without a watch from my dealer and swapped the Ferrari-branded clasp for a standard Panerai-branded clasp, which I've polished up from the standard brushed finish. Of all the watches, even my favorite combos (my 104), I think that is the combo which works the best, keeping the watch well and truly smart but casual :)

  8. So i posted a photo of some straps and watches here - http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showtopic=84868

    the point was to show a nice range of color in straps which i think is missing from most of the watches that are commonplace here. - i originally posted it in general discussion - because, i wanted to talk about strap colors - it got moved to my collection - which isn't a good fit.

    But, there was not 1 reply - i don't think i've ever had a thread that was at least half interesting that didn't get 1 reply - does nobody go to that section?

    or, has the turnover in newer membership mean that no one knows who i am anymore and just drifts over the post in the "new posts" search.

    surprised. I thought it was a cool photo and was really different to what is usually seen around these parts.

    To be honest, it's not a section I spend much time in, but I'm sorry I missed it, as it's an awesome photo, and really nice watches. The strap on the Corum is awesome, it reminds me of a strap I saw about a year ago on a California Radiomir, which had been made from leather reclaimed from a rail carriage.

    Don't get too down about it, I expected the Planet Ocean canvas I did to sell, but sadly, other than appreciative comments on the artwork, no one's expressed any interest in buying it. I guess that's just the way things are from time to time :)

  9. The way I see it, the observer needs to be aware of the cost of a watch for their suspicions to be aroused in the first place. When I gave my friend a Radiomir for his birthday, despite living in an 'afluent' town where a lot of the adults are 'city commuters' it wouldn't surprise me if he was the only person in town wearing a PAM, gen or otherwise. Now, I think the chances of a video store clerk wearing a gen Radiomir to be nearly non existent, but, it wouldn't surprise me (although I haven't asked him) if no one had ever passed any comment on it more than 'nice watch', if that. Of course, when it's a case of seeing someone's watch in a bar or club, if they're well dressed, unless there are noticeable tells, it becomes harder to guess if they could afford a gen or not. Personally, from the comments I've read from older members, being called out, I've come to see that it's not so much a situation for personal shame or embarassment, but a sign of a lack of taste and manners in the person asking, so in many cases, not worth dignifying with a response. As Pugwash has pointed out before, yes, they might be right, it might well be a fake watch, but all they're doing, is showing their own lack of class for bringing it up.

  10. Absolutely right.

    I am one of them .... trying to find another watchsmith. -_-

    ....and it is not bother me that he doesn't want to take any work from me ..it's on his rights ......but it does bother me that he doesn't reply any mails.

    I find this ..lets say, not very polite.

    Any way, back to Jakub.

    Still no news from this guy ????

    This case somehow it reminds me the RWG I watch and Blade case.

    What is the work you need done on your watch? You might find an independent watch smith local to you who would be able to help... Best of luck with your search :good::)

    With regards Jakub, not to be the voice of doom and gloom, but to be honest, I don't see anything happening to resolve the situation unless people start paying a PI or people in Poland to actually investigate the issue, on the ground, in person, and see what resolutions can be achieved. Unless Jakub chooses to email an explanation to Admin, a moderator, or comes on this thread and responds in person, my honest feeling is that nothing will be resolved, and further discussion will be pointless as it will not achieve anything, and ultimately be cyclical. I'm really sorry for everyone who is affected by this situation, I sincerely hope people are able to come to satisfactory resolutions.

  11. Stephane, a couple of 'from the heart' answers to you questions...

    - I have one modder I would love to complain about but I'm the only one willing to: should I do so?

    Absolutely. 'Complain' might be too strong a word, but, if there is an issue with someone's work, it is only fair that everyone in the community knows about it, so they can use that as a deciding factor on if they might wish to contact that person with a commission in the future....

    - Ziggy posted several times about "bad work" done by guys like RBJ or FF ...did anybody listen ?

    With the greatest of respect to Ziggy and his unquestionable skills, it is no secret that he is very 'selective' about the projects he takes on, and the people he chooses to take on work from. While that is absolutely his right to do, others might find his candor off-putting, and might want to find another smith to work on rather than approach him and be rejected, so that would indeed answer your question as to why folks might not have listened...

  12. Mmm. Still very p*ssed off. (especially about having to risk returning my 6.75 via customs) But maybe ive been a bit harsh on Josh. I dont feel sorry enough to apologize for my comments (yet) but considering the amount of crooks out there The "cartel" dont seem that bad.

    I have to admit, if someone had spent $1000 with me, even if the issue was down to customs, I think I would see my way clear to providing a replacement at my own cost, if for no other reason than to retain a potentially big client, but that's just me :) Who is worse, the crook who takes the money and runs, or the crook who strongarms the competition out of the way? ;) (rhetorical question)

    Yeah, I know TJ. I don't find fault with anyone who wants to venture away from the norm, but I do think that when in doubt go with the known rather than the unknown. Especially since prices usually aren't a determining factor.

    True, but, when things like business ethics or personal relations become a determining factor, then it's still an open playing field. I mean, take TTK for example. Look at how abusive he could be to people. If I wanted to pay money to be abused and humiliated, I'd be paying a dominatrix, not an ex-squaddie with an attitude problem ;) Think of the forum as being a good food guide. Not all the places in town will necessarily be included, but, that's not to say that the ones who aren't, aren't worth going to... Sometimes, it's the smaller indy businesses which can provide a more personal service :)

    There are indeed many dealers out there. Many of whom are able to offer the same standard of service that the trusted dealers on the forums offer. However due to a number of reasons, such as language barrier, them unable to find these forums or not being allowed to trade on the forum for whatever reason, we won't hear of them.

    Think about how many market sellers there must be who sell the exact same watches that are offered by our trusted dealers. We know they can't be only a handful in number, lets face it, factories are churning out high volumes of these good quality reps, otherwise it wouldn't be worth it for them. Us forum members are not the ones buying up all the stock..

    A shame, as increased competition is healthy for both business and the consumer ;)

    You're bang on there, bro :good:

    Wondering how the OP knew about the accusations against Josh from a few months back when he only joined yesterday?

    Indeed ;)

  13. We get this often. Much too often IMHO. People find other dealers, not mentioned on these forums, and come here to ask about them. Although, asking a genuine question is never a bad thing I think people should understand that if you don't see any mention of some web site or dealer here then, as an educated adult, come to these conclusions.

    1. since they are not mentioned here as trusted dealers, they should therefore be NON trusted by default.

    2. possibly be new dealers, which could be good or bad. The risk of discovery is on YOU and if you feel obliged to risk finding out for yourself you should, by all means, do so. When you make this discovery you "could" be nice enough to post here to let the rest of us know. This way they can possibly become a part of the "trusted" dealers on this forum. Or inform others to stay away.

    I really don't see why people continue to come on these forums to ask about dealers not mentioned here. Since we have a long list of those that have been proven to be trustworthy. Are there that many rebels out there that want to go against the grain? Why take unnecessary chances when an alternative, and proven, option is there???

    Sorry if this is offensive to anyone out there, I was just wondering out loud.


    For the simple reason that there are more dealers out there, than the handful who are given 'trusted status', and people are curious about them. I've always gone on personal recommendation, and that has lead me to an excellent dealer, who I use for the majority of my purchases. It's not a case of being a rebel or going against the grain, just one of thinking 'outside the box' :)

  14. Also, I dont understand, why certain members from the States or Canada would send their watches and/or crystals around the world when you have someone right here in the States who is always on the board, well-known and established and is usually on the board on a daily basis. I realize that it would be alot easier for members in EU to send to Jakub since its closer than sending it to Cheif, but just curious why NA members didnt go to Chief?

    Not trying to stir the pot or anything, just curious - that's all.

    For what it's worth, if I had definitely wanted something ARd (such as the crystal to my 104, which really does need it done) I would not have considered sending it to anyone other than Chieftang, because of his reputation for excellence.

  15. Chief is right, but we have to learn from our mistakes...

    TWP, LWA, K2222, RBJ

    What do they have in common?

    Thats right people, don't trust modders that are identified only by initials ;)

    And strangely enough, it seems to be modders that these unfortunate incidents occur with, rather than actual dealers... Not saying that that's saying anything against modders, it's just a weird coincidence.

  16. If a landline and verifiable ID is what you require to trust someone, then you can request this info from the person with whom you wish to do business and proceed accordingly. People need to learn that the Admins are simply not going to be able to protect them against their own decisions to engage potentially risky transactions.

    That's a fair enough point, yes, I guess someone could request it personally. I was just thinking of in terms of when admins make efforts to contact a dealer/modder on the behalf of people with outstanding orders, it might be beneficial to them [admins] to have relatively concrete contact information to fall back on, should emails go unanswered. *shrug* I just hope that somehow lessons can be gained which might offer a modicum of protection (or at least better contact) in the future. As with everything in this hobby, ultimately, I guess it is a case of 'buyer beware...'

  17. I know your intentions are good TJ, but its just too easy to get around that system. By the end of the day I could scan my phone bill and doctor the numbers to show my cell number. If you want a drivers license, thats easy too.

    Do you honestly think that Josh, Andrew, Jay or Paul are going to give the Admin their personal info? Not likely.

    My proposal would be a more financial based plan. Say the modder has to pay $100 per month for the right to do business here. Now, that is not a fee really, and the money would simply be held in trust until the modder decided to "retire". At that point, an announcement would be made, and after a specified period the modder would recieve the entire amount via paypal. The longer a vendor participates, the less likely he is to walk away.

    Again, maybe for dealers, it might be a somewhat naive theory, but for people offering modification services, I honestly can't see why it shouldn't work. Afterall, they are simply providing a legal aftermarket service, and people who are honest in their intentions, would have nothing to fear with giving Admin contact information which is slightly more 'concrete' than info on a sign up form.

    I do like your proposal of their payments being 'held on account', rather than say being used as a direct funding for the hosting fees, as, should a situation like this arise, anything held on account could always be divided up amongst those with an issue and distributed equally (maybe not so fair on others who are in for more money, but, it would be the only fair way of ensuring everyone got something towards their loss)

    On a less serious note:

    If you want a drivers license, thats easy too.

    Yes please :lol:

  18. Maybe it is irrelevant but since we are dealing in contraband keeping verifiable details of dealers or modders on file anywhere might be a one stop shop for law enforcement agencies, or am I being paranoid ?

    While the dealers are selling contraband, people offering modification services are not, they are simply offering their modification services.

    Also, it would not be a one stop shop for law enforcement, because the information would not be publicly available, but held by administrators privately, and, all the time a person is only offering an aftermarket service (such as AR coating a crystal) there is no reason for law enforcement agencies to require that information, as no illegal activity would be taking place...

    [Edit to add]

    After all, it's only a suggestion. It does not have to become policy if admins feel it would be a bad idea.

  19. And how would we verify that any information a dealer provides would be true? A cheap pay as you go cell phone and a photoshoped drivers license is going to give you peace of mind?

    No, but a landline phone number, taken from a communication's provider's bill, and a clear photocopy of official government ID would, or rather, if submitted to Admin, would be at least some reassurance. I don't think dealers/modders should have to go posting their PI on their sales sections, but, if such information were passed onto Admin as part of the application process to have a sales section, it would at least be a step in the right direction, and certainly would be useful for situations like this, or TWP's vanishing act, or when group buys go south. Now, I know forum admins don't want to be seen as endorsing any vender, but, having verifiable ID for a vendor 'on file', would certainly be useful should things go south, as, if it is then serious enough that admins need to step in on member's behalf, at least they are going to be able to do so in a way other than simply emailing the known email. Admins might not want to have to take this kind of intermediary stance, but, as it is their forums being used by vendors and modders, it is only reasonable that they have some manner of, if not 'authority', per se, verifiable ID which could be used to contact someone should the need arise.

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