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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. Thanks for the responses guys!

    I'm going to check out his new site, looks promising.

    Mars thats a good looking Seamaster. Maybe I'll save a little money and go cheaper with Tony.

    Just to let you know, Both Rolex2U and WatchEden are Tony's sites ;) I don't think you'll be disappointed :)

  2. It seems that the lady in the kiosk damaged the keyless works. As TeeJay stated, find a good independent watch repair shop and ask if he will work on your replica that has an ETA movement. Many watch makers are not rep friendly but you won't know until you ask. You should never have taken your replica to a Rolex dealer/repair shop. You do not have a Rolex and therefore have no business doing this. You should know that doing so is frowned on by this community.

    To be fair, he's only been signed up 20 days, the protocol with regards ADs and repair shops might not have been known, and, once the mall kiosk screwed the watch up, he might have thought that the 'name on the dial' was the only hope for repairing the movement.

    Of course, if there were more skilled watchsmiths known to the community, it would only be a simple matter to refer him to them.

  3. Took my watch (euromariner ETA ) to a kiosk in the mall to have dust removed from dial.

    She opend it up,pushed in detent and removed stem. Decided she couldnt reomove movement and put it back together.

    Well,then i cant set the time or date and when the crown was all the way screwed in it didnt work. she says she doesnt know what to do nad wasnt supposed to open rolex anyways.

    So i take it to a Rolex repair shop.

    he opens it up says he cant work on it cause it's not gen but does something to where now the stem will fall out if the crwon isnt screwed down.

    he says a watchsmith can fix it that is not broke.

    Any ideas???

    Sorry to hear about your experience. My advice, would be to find an independent jeweller/watchsmith, and get them to repair the damage, then, get the mall kiosk to reimburse you the cost. If she said herself that she doesn't know what to do, and wasn't supposed to open a Rolex anyway, she is admitting liability for causing damage to something she shouldn't have even considered working on in the first place, due to company policy. Normally, I have a bit of sympathy for retail staff. I know the pressures they're under to make sales targets, but if she knew she shouldn't have opened the watch in the first place, she should have been honest with you to start off with, and declined the work...

    Best of luck in getting it resolved :good:

    [Edit to clarify]

    What I'm trying to say, is that regardless of if the watch is a rep or a gen, the mall clerk thought it was a Rolex, and, if she knew she shouldn't have opened it in the first place, she was willingly violating a company policy, making them negligent, thus responsible for the cost of repairing the damage she caused.

  4. Hi to all you Panerai people,

    I am trying to help a good friend buy a rep. I am usually to be found in the Rolex area so I apologise for the noobiness and/or stupidity of this question but I was wondering if you might help me out. My friend wants to buy a PAM00240 but I can't find a rep of it. I spoke to him and he basically wants that style of dial, subsidiary seconds at 9 o'clock date at 3 o'clock in a 44mm case. Could you point me in the right direction? Ideally he would like a swiss made movement but I don't know weather this is possible. Any input would be much appreciated. I have bought a Panny from Davidsen before and it has proved to be very good. I also sourced one from Trustytime which has also been fine. Any suggestions as to where and who to buy from would be much appreciated.



    I'd say you're going to be looking at something like a 104:






  5. I dont really understand why you guys would engage in a conversation about wether the watch is gen or rep with strangers. My family and close friends know i collect reps, but people i randomly meet at parties and so on dont.

    I remember wearing my gen gold daytona (on strap, so not the gangster/cheesy millionaire version), and a guy asked me if it was fake.

    if i was wearing a rep, i wouldnt have been offended, but since my watch was gen, i actually felt kind of insulted. I cant remember what i answered, but thats not the point.

    Im just thinking that a gen owner wouldnt even bother answering that question, and i guess thats the best way to pull of wearing a rep. Just ignore stupid questions.

    I don't. I think asking if someone's watch is fake is just rude, so I ignore the question. I don't feel the need to disclose what I spend on my shoes if someone says "Nice shoes!", like I don't feel the need to disclose what I spend on my watch if someone says "Nice watch!". However. If someone does say "Nice shoes!", I'm likely to say "Thanks, I picked them up in Spain." (which I did) so if someone does say "Nice watch!" (which on occasion has happened ^_^ ) I thank them, and, if they're interested, tell them a bit about the history behind the watch company :)

    Infact, here's a pic of my shoes ^_^


  6. Hey everyone! First time poster here on the boards...just wanted to say hello and ask a quick question.

    I've been researching buying my first rep SMP and have found several very good rep dealers here on the boards. However I found a much cheaper version from rolex2u who I've heard is reliable. They look good, but should I pay the more expensive prices?

    Does anyone own an SMP from Tony? Post up pics of them??

    I was thinking of getting the black dial version (not the 007 version) SMP.

    Some pics:



    I know the HE valve isn't in the correct position and there are issues with the crown casings but those things do not bother me. I'm just wondering if anyone could post up and pics or experiences theyve had with the bargain bond!

    Thanks in advance!

    I haven't any experience of that SMP, but my 2220.80 and Planet Ocean 45mm both cvame from Tony, as well as all but one of my PAMs. You won't have any complaints from the communication, service or the product :good:

    Wow.. Looking at the photos, that is one of the slimmest case back I've seen for a rep SMP... The photos however looks suspicious.. It could be a gen in the photos..

    I highly doubt it... Tony is a dealer on RWI. Pulling a stunt like that simply wouldn't be worth his while.

  7. No as long as it is a standard 6497 radiomir case. The 6497 is one of the flattest movement, while the 7750 is one of the tickest.

    But there are PAM 287 (auto radiomir) reps around that mount a very thick Seagull movement. I bet that they can fit a 7750, and they cost no more than 80 USD. I used them on several recent homage projects of mine (here and here).

    You may buy them from Shir on iOffer.

    Thanks for the suggestions, my friend :) I've gone through the catalogue, and Tony has some Auto Radiomirs for sale. This has the added bonus of having the cyclops for the date window. I was also tempted to try using a Ferrari case, but, the rehaut would obscure some of the dial markings, so it would not look correct, so I believe a Radiomir case is the best case for what I have in mind. The other issue I am facing with the movement, is that I want the '6' subdial to be running the seconds. The quartz movement in my 'One Eight Something' has the running seconds at six, but, is a quartz movement, and I'm concerned about if the hands would fit. I had thought about using the movement from a cheaper variant of the Daylight, but, on those, the '6' subdial is running a 24 hour sweep... That would be functional, but not the function I had planned :lol:

    Of course, I won't be able to finance this project for some time, but I thought I might as well gather as much information as possible, rather than trying to find out everything when I do start the project. :)

  8. Can anyone suggest a movement which has a running seconds at six, and a date-wheel? (the pinion for the seconds at six needs to be 7mm from the central pinion for the main hands)

    I'm currently planning to get another of these:


    to transplant the movement (after removing the pinions for the '3' and '9' subdials) to put in this (well, pair with this dial, the rest of the watch is garbage):


    However, if anyone has any better suggestions, I'll be glad to hear them :)

  9. No problem with shipping to you

    UK made and marketed by Martindales in the UK (Golok Knife)

    Fantastic, that'll definitely be going on my list :)

    The plastic knives are outside the remit of what youre discussing (OK if you want to sneak thru a X-ray and plunge someone). And I understand are illegal in Nannyland too (what isnt?)

    Ahh, so despite them being advertised as multi-purpose, they're really only good for chivving someone? I was quite impressed with one site's description, saying that they were durable enough to be hammered through a board, so figured it could've been quite useful. Oh well, I'll cross that one off the 'to buy' list :lol:

  10. In that case case.....



    Single most important item!







    all in one (nothing else compares)


    I'll try and track one down, although I have a hunch it might be hard to get one shipped... Out of curiosity, do you have any experience with the 'CIA letter openers'? They're marketed as being multi-purpose, rather than just a sneaky way of getting a blade on a plane, but I wondered how durable/versatile they might actually be...

  11. A candle can be handy for starting a campfire, emergency light, and in a closed space can keep you from freezing to death.

    Ahh, so beneficial from radiant heat, as opposed to radiant light :)

    Waterproofing matches

    greasing snare traps (odourlessly)

    the list goes on

    Kit is one thing, knowledge another.

    Thanks for the explanations :) As mentioned, I was in the Scouts when I was younger, but we never did much in the way of true 'survival' camping, and my goal is to build a kit which would be useful in those conditions, rather than for 'everyday camping' where other supplies and equipment are to hand :)

  12. With all that gear now your going to need a camper van with trailer to carry it all.

    On the contrary, it all goes in the vest easily, and is remarkably light to carry :) No issue of mobility at all :)

    Stargate movie !!!! Suncream !!!! YOUR GOING CAMPING FOR 2 DAYS in winter.

    No, I'm just assembling a kit for use should I go camping when the weather improves, and should I wind up getting locked in on an investigation (It nearly happened once, and then I didn't have anything with me other than the clothes I stood up in. I will not be in such a situation again due to lack of equipment ;) )

    Plus a small sharp skinner type knife - I have a Stanley knife...

    Waterproofs - Check: Four water proof ponchs B)

    Compass - Check: I have two

    Fish hooks & line

    - Awesome suggestions, I'll definitely add those B)

    Snare wire

    Candle - I have battery and chemical glow sticks... Would a candle be of another use?

    Matches + Lighters - Check: Water/windproof matches & Butane blowtorch lighter

    Condoms - Check: I have several in the pleasure chest I mean first aid kit :lol:

    & whatever luxuries you can be bothered carrying


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