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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. OKay, this isn't a project I plan on starting anytime soon, as I just don't have any spare funds, but, I thought it would be a nice little project to have in mind for the future.

    Essentially, I want to put a PAM dial (preferably 127) into a pocket watch. Does anyone know of any pocket watches available which would be able to accomodate such a dial/hand setup?

    Thanks in advance :)

  2. Don't let the brainteasers fool ya. I haven't read a novel since "Kiss the Girls" (It grossed me out).

    Treadstone Art (Just thought I might say it again).

    If you're a fan of the Original Ludlum Bourne series, I'd strongly advise against reading Lustbader's Bourne Legacy ;)

    Since you're a one man band why would you present youself as a business? Most great artists operate under their personal name or under an artist name. Presenting youself as a business takes out the image of a true artist and makes your work (and prices) negotiable. Hope you understand what I mean.

    So my vote for a name: TEEJAY


    That's an interesting point which I hadn't actually considered. I think some of the reason I wanted to have a company name, rather than my own name, was that many 'personal business names' make me think of dodgy plumbers driving round in white vans :lol: (Not that I've anything against dodgy plumbers, or white vans :lol: )

    I've had another thought:

    10/10 Art Consultancy

    (my date of birth)

    ALthough I'm still leaning towards World Enterprises... I know, it's a totally vague-sounding name, but, at the end of the day, so is what I do. I've tried to not get pinned down to one particular field of work, so wanted a company name to reflect that. For example, "TeeJay's Tat-House" isn't going to get many hits from anyone looking for a wedding dress design ;)

  3. Prestige Worldwide

    That's an interesting one, thanks, I like it :)

    I have obviously missed an earlier thread - what is the nature of your business / what do you do?

    I'm a freelance art consultant. Basically, I 'draw stuff' for people ranging from wedding dress designs, to tattoo designs, to just about everything in between If it can be drawn or painted, I'll do it. I also offer my time purely as a consultant, where I only advise clients about projects, without actually producing any final work :)

    Treadstone Art!!!

    Besides, who didn't like the Bourne movies (might hurt if that next one flops, which I doubt).

    It's starting to sound pretty unanimous :lol:

    As for the next one... Have you read the Bourne Legacy? ;) Given how they've taken the series away from the novels (as early as Supremacy) Legacy wouldn't even work as a follow on to Ultimatum ;) Strangely, despite being a fan of Lustbader, I didn't think much of Legacy, as it read as if he'd only watched the Bourne Identity without reading any of the novels, as there was no reference or acknowledgement of Bourne's age, which, by that point, was mid fifties, yet he was flinging himself off a moving bike as if he was Matt Damon ;)

    being that i'm the on the Broke Azz racing team, i'd call it for what it is :D

    Sounds like a plan to me :)

    I was waiting for that one.

    I wasn't, but all suggestions are as welcome as the next :)

  4. How about "Universal Exports"?


    The url's already taken :(

    Of the two ... Treadstone Art (without the 'consultancy').

    That was one of my original ideas, so that could still be in the running :)

    TeeJay's Kick Ass Art And Shit!

    Because comic book type stuff is hot right now.


    Could work... I might needs to draw a cartoonesque logo of myself as the front page though :D

    Agreed. Treadstone Art is the best so far.

    I might wind up sticking with that one then :)

    No problem bro.

    Iyts not easy to find a good name, i run my own biz so i now.

    Indeed, so many things to consider... What does it say about your company, does it let people know what you do, all those things :lol: I originally wondered if Treadstone Art might have been too vague, but, if that's what people are feeling, maybe that's what I'll stick with :)

  5. I think others have already covered the bases :) I've never had a problem sending things back on the few occasions I've had to. I just sent it via registered airmail (which takes about 4+ weeks), and filled in the customs declaration as "Fashion Watch". Haven't had a problem yet :) Best of luck for a happy resolution for your situation :good:

  6. Im torn between the two as they both sound like names for CIA covers. But Treadstone Art Consultancy has me thinking way too much about the Bourne series of movies...

    T, Id hate to say it... but can we have a couple more options?

    Now of course, I am an opinionated ASS... so take my request with 1/2 of a grain of salt!


    Thanks for the feedback, T, it's much appreciated :) I have to admit, I didn't realize World Enterprises had that connection, I was just solely thinking of the company from The Man Who Fell To Earth (as that's kind of how I feel at times :lol: )

    I have to admit, I hadn't really thought up any other options, so I'm all open to suggestions :)

    That goes for everyone else too :lol: The more advice folks can give the better :)

  7. As I'm re-launching my business, I want to go completely new, so I'm mulling over two potential names, both inspired by two of my favorite literary sources. Here're the options:

    World Enterprises

    Treadstone Art Consultancy

    Which do folks think sounds better? Thanks in advance :)

  8. I thought it was well-known to be his own watch. Oh well, if it wasn't, here you go: It was his own watch.

    It could be well known, I just didn't know that :lol: I figured it probably was from the tone in his voice, but good to have the confirmation :good:

    Yes.. He was wearing it while he was doing a driving training for italian job. I saw some pictures somewhere..

    Cool :good:

  9. i'd like to know too !

    They don't have alarms :lol: I believe it is the commentary for the first movie, but the tone of Statham's voice over to that part suggests that he's quite amused by the Panerai 'with an alarm' ;) Also, from the note of pride in his voice, I believe that it might have been his own personal watch, rather than one provided by the wardrobe department :) (although I would not like to say that for a 100% fact, but it certainly seemed that he was taking a proprietary pride in it, which would be unlikely for a mere costume piece.)

  10. As long as people don't give a sh*t ignorant as they are, nothing is going to change that path. Well, you can try to protest now. Maybe your story will end up in paper just like this one...

    Btw: achmed.jpg

    jeff dunnnnnn haaaam.. hilarious! :D

    The sketch is awesome, and, I'm sure I read somewhere here that he's a rep collector as well :)

  11. The only purpose was to inform others of possible would be laws. I am aware of how a bill becomes a law, my post is only for informational purposes. This has passed the house by a 404 to 6 vote. All sorts of bills are drafted almost daily but this sort of bill seems to be getting made into law at a more alarming pace.

    Military comission act

    Patriot act

    National ID act


    It's scary the laws which are being introduced, which, in theory, should make the country (and the world) a safer place, but infact, just take away people's Human Rights :(

  12. Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007

    For those people who are not familiar with this act, it's directed at US citizens and basically takes away some more civil liberties.

    Ideologically -based violence???WTF? The internet is also being targeted on this bill. They can identify you as a terrorist even if you have an idea that doesn't conform to a society norm. They can throw you in jail for having an idea?? The bill is written so vaguely that it's interpretation can be applied to just about any individual or group. If they throw you in jail you do realize we don't have Habeus Corpus because you would be identified as a enemy combatant (military commission act signed into law by George W).

    Why on earth did no new agency cover the story of how our right to trial by jury has been taken away for bills like this. What happen to innocent until proven guilty?

    Here is some definitions from the bill itself.

    For purposes of this subtitle:

    `(1) HOMEGROWN TERRORISM- The term `homegrown terrorism' means the use, planned use, or threatened use, of force or violence by a group or individual born, raised, or based and operating primarily within the United States or any possession of the United States to intimidate or coerce the United States government, the civilian population of the United States, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.

    `(2) RADICALIZATION- The term `radicalization' means the process of adopting or promoting an extremist belief system for the purpose of facilitating ideologically-based violence to advance political, religious, or social change.

    `(3) IDEOLOGICALLY-BASED VIOLENCE- The term `ideologically-based violence' means the use, planned use, or threatened use of force or violence by a group or individual to promote the group or individual's political, religious, or social beliefs.

    =@ =@ God save us all.

    I hate politics and I really want to refrain from posting political crap. I just feel like people should know the junk being written and put before our law makers.

    I think this is who they've got in mind... ;)


  13. Not to make it go off topic, but do you pronounce Worcester "Woosta"?

    My parents once visited my wife's family in Gloucester and they called it "Glow-Chester" and they were literally laughed out of town.

    Yes. The 'che' sound is silent :) Kind of like how people don't say Wed-nez-day, but Wensday... :) Funny thing, the English language :)

  14. This doesn't surprise me really - I'm not exactly rich but I'm not exactly poor either; I'd never spend much on any watch, no matter how much money I had.

    Besides, buy that $800 super rep, save $20k and put it towards an M5 or pay my mortgage off - good economics!

    Precicely :good:

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