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Everything posted by TeeJay

  1. for me, it's not so much the actual photography aspect which I find the problem, but actually having the time to sit down and take the required shots Thanks, I hope you'll enjoy it I am the original PAMophile Thanks, amigo I'll likely be reviewing the 113 (or at least taking some better shots) in the not to distant future. There are the pics of it which I posted under a thread entitled 113 As for the wedding, things are coming along, it's just a case of putting it all together As for invitations, well, the only people who'll be at the ceremony will be the immediate wedding party. Even my parents won't be in attendance Thanks, it was a gift from Lanikai. It's a BOB strap, and I believe it's aligator. It's probably my favorite of my 24mm straps, as it's burgundy color is incredibly versatile, and it's thickness goes really well with the case sizes
  2. Thanks, bro, I think it's safe to say I now have a PAM for just about every occasion (and the 104 is also pretty good for every occasion on it's own ) Once I get my 127 back, then I'll be really happy Thanks, amigo I do plan on getting some closeups of the 104 for a review I wrote of it. I've got the review written up in long-hand notes, it just needs typing up and the photos to go with it. Every time I plan to set up to take the photos, something crops up which requires my attention
  3. If you like your watch as much as you say, don't be in a hurry to buy another. I found, by buying a few watches in close succession, that the 'first' watch, did not get as much wear as the newcomers. I bought my One Eight Something as a 'roughwork beater', but it doesn't get nearly as much wrist time as my 104 (which was originally ordered around the same time, but was delayed in arrival due to the first watch leaking) I admit, without my 127, the 104 was proven itself to be incredibly versatile, and has quickly won itself a well earned place of my favorite watch. How that status will hold when I get my 127 back, I would not like to say. I do really like the versatility of the 104, but, the 127 really is something special, and, as mentioned, the One Eight Something does not see nearly as much time as the 104... By contrast, I also recently ordered a 113 as a 'formal watch', and, I admit, I did initially wear it constantly for a few days as it's 'shake down cruise' to see how it was working. Now, I still really like the watch, and am definitely glad I bought it, but, it's already come off the wrist, so the 104 can reclaim it's place Happy hunting
  4. As the title suggests My 127 is notably absent, as the movement is being serviced, and, I need to re-aquire my 111h to use it as a bracelet/case donor for the 113.
  5. He also wears it in Emperor (on SS), and another movie which I forget the title of (something like Rocco's transsexual adventures) (on rubber) I'm not too sure of the model, but it's like the 104, but with minute indices all round the dial. Yes, I think it's fair to say that Rocco's a fellow PAMophile
  6. TeeJay

    Mamma Mia

    I'm with Ken on this one all the way. I love all kinds of music. Some more than others, but I will listen to anything. I like ABBA, I also like the Carpenters. I also like the BeeGees and the Scissor Sisters... And John Barrowman... Oh dear, I guess I'd better call off the wedding, as I'm obviously a rump-wrangler.... I'd better listen to some Rammstein to re-boot my 'manliness subroutines' Seriously though, I think ABBA were a great band, and their enduring popularity proves that. Will people be listening to Evenascence and McFly in 30 years? Possibly, but I think not... As for the movie, the guys on the poster make me laugh with the 'poses'. They're "Hey, I'm Mr.Darcy Colin Firth. I'm English but am still 'with it'... "I'm Pierce Brosnan, and don't need to say anything else about it!" and the guy in the middle... "I'm running with the Big Dogs so have to try extra special to get attention and 'look cool' (but am failing miserably)"
  7. Awesome review, awesome photography, and a truly awesome watch behind it all, a definitel must have for my collection. Kudos, gentlemen, this review is a true masterpiece
  8. I think the rubberclad is more of a study in contrasts, where the SS has a pretty uniform, and, dare I say it, monotonous look... At the end of the day, it's just a matter of personal taste. For warmer weather, rubber and SS are prefereable over leather straps, and, personally, I'd say that SS straps look smarter than rubber straps, which do give a more sporty feel. Go with whatever seems most right for you, and you can't go wrong
  9. I guess if you work in that industry, getting goods at wholesale prices must be convenient, and, from the boards, I've come to realize that in the US, the 'ticket price', isn't necessarily the only price a seller will take for something. Personally, I've always been of the opinion that "It costs what it costs (on the ticket)" and that if customers are given discounts too often, they come to expect it, and, I've always felt that in business, a seller should not feel obliged to offer discounts, which sometimes, some customers can give the impression of expecting. It could just have been that his sales were a little low that week, and he couldn't afford to give you the wholesale price, equally, if he gave you 'a look', he might even have been offended that he'd given you discount for so long, if you could indeed afford to pay the full retail price, as he might have felt that there had been some kind of omission of the facts on your part. I don't know the guy though, so I can only speculate... Something else I've noticed, and, again, this could be a UK/US difference, is that the more well off people (old money families etc) are often the ones who will ask for (and seriously expect) a discount on a purchase, even if they are not a regular client, even though they are actually in the position to pay the full price... Then again, I guess if you don't ask, you don't get... I guess it all just depends how one looks at things, and which side of the Pond one is on
  10. Ahh, my apologies for misreading It sure would be fun to own, as Ferris put it, "such a fine automobile..."
  11. Indeed I could probably have a guess at the massage table, as they're probably the same price range as the tables used in tattoo studios, so I'd say about
  12. Not the best of pics, not the most perfect of watches, but, this is how I'm finishing off the weekend... 104 on SS bracelet
  13. Ah, fantastic Was it one you built yourself, or did you purchase it assembled? I watched a show on kit-cars a while back, and they interviewed someone with a kit-car version of a supercar (I forget which model it was) and to get the single blade windshield wiper with central positioning, they'd actually sourced a wiper and motor from an industrial digger Even though I don't drive (yet) I think I'd enjoy a kit-car way more than any showroom brought marque, simply for the varation in parts used and whatnot
  14. As funny as theft... [Edit to add] No, of course rape is never funny. But. Neither is theft, and, anyone who abuses the trust placed in them, and steals things they are being paid to deliver, well, sorry, but I won't feel any sympathy should their time in prison be less than pleasant. What I did find funny, (and was laughing about) is that someone would be stupid enough to risk such consequences by committing a crime which will be seriously punished (as mentioned, in the US, this is a federal offence, so likely harsher sentancing than someone caught shoplifting would receive), which they would be made aware of, as terms of their employment. If someone is that stupid and greedy, then they deserve whatever's coming to them.
  15. That's the one, I've never been too hot on car models, and I know the one in the movie was only a kit-car, so didn't want to take it's details as being 1:1 accurate PS Nice Breitling
  16. Awesome photos, and what a collection of PAMs Thanks for sharing
  17. Hee hee, something tells me that the postie with the sticky fingers is going to soon be buying lots of soap on a rope, and making friends with someone called 'Bubba' All for the price of a stolen watch... The judge should allow them to keep it though, so they can use it to track the time of their incarceration
  18. Would I be right in thinking that's the same model Ferrari as in Ferris Bueller's Day Off? (Or rather, the model Ferrari the movie car was supposed to be )
  19. It was probably a rep prop watch Out of curiousity, what model was it?
  20. During the day, today, I wore my 113. This evening, I felt like a change, and am now wearing my 104 on the 113 strap (Honey/tan with a kind of ochre hue) I know, the weather really dictates I wear rubber or SS, but, I've really developed a fondness for the leather straps
  21. I remember watching a UK documentary a few years back about how thefts and mail losses were occuring in one of the main city depots (I think one of the sub-areas of London, but can't honestly remember for sure...) One problem, was that temporary staff, were being given duties which policy dictated they should not be doing. For example, someone had to be working for the post office for X amount of time before being allowed to do mail deliveries. These temps were being allowed to do mail deliveries on their first day. This was compounded by the fact that, as migrant workers, their grasp of English was somewhat 'tenuous', and many loads of mail were simply being dumped in public litter bins rather than being delivered. Other footage showed other temp workers stealing letters and small parcels from the sorting office, if they thought there might be contents of value. Needless to say, I've never had much faith in mail companies, even though I've never yet (jinxed it now ) had mail coming to me, or being sent by me stolen or tampered with... That said, my mum did once order a picture frame which arrived with the glass cracked. Inspection of the box, showed boot prints where someone had jumped on the parcel with both feet. I don't think I'll ever understand that kind of mentality. With regards the missing goods mentioned here, am I right in thinking that tampering with the US Mail is considered a federal offence, with heavy punishments? If so (I mean, I hope so ) then whoever has had sticky fingers, will well and truly wind up getting their ass handed to them, legally speaking, once they're identified and caught
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