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Everything posted by TeeJay

  1. TeeJay

    PAM 113

    PM Sent Thanks In all fairness, yours has the more accurate dial, so you're definitely going to wind up with a very nice 113 when you're completed Best of luck with the project Thanks
  2. TeeJay

    PAM 113

    Thanks, bro, I really do like how it looks, as it makes such a difference to the black-dialled PAMs I have (or had ) You're absolutely right about it looking better on SS though. When I tried lining up the bracelet from my 104, it looked really sharp, the only problem, was the screw bars wouldn't even go past the first lug I'm sure I'll be able to do a dial/movement transplant into my old 111h case though, and then it'll be good to go on both SS and straps, the only slight downside, is that the 111h case is brushed, rather than polished. I like how both cases look, and personally, feel the brushed case goes better with the SS bracelet, as it makes the bezel, CG and semi-circles on the bracelet all stand out more as 'accents', but, I know the 113 should have the polished case Oh well, I think losing out on the polished case will be a worthwhile sacrifice to get it on an SS bracelet
  3. My 113 is my first ever white dialled watch. My VCO doesn't count as 1) The dial was off-white, and 2) I never bonded with it so gave it away. I have to admit, I've grown really attached to it really quickly, even though it has several glaring flaws (such as a white second sweep hand ) The white dial looks slightly larger than the black counterparts, but I know that this is an optical illusion because of the colors. Although the white dial watches, I feel, at least, make nice dress watches, there is also something incredibly casual about them. Black looks good for either, but is 'always on duty'. White dial, under a cuff, looks smart, white dial, sleeves rolled up, and it is 'off duty'. I'm really glad I bought mine, and would encourage any other PAM enthusiast to add a white dial to their collections
  4. This is still on it's 'shakedown cruise', so probably another 24 hours before I go back to the 104
  5. TeeJay

    PAM 113

    Sounds like an awesome project No problem Thanks, I have to admit, it's really grown on me in the past 24 hours I'm still not planning on having it as a 'daily beater', but, it might get a bit more wrist time than I originally anticipated Indeed, I am seriously considering it as my wedding watch, especially if I can get back my old 111h and perform the dial/movement transplants so I can wear it on the SS bracelet The PP really does look nice, but, having seen DemonSlayer's comparison photos, I think the dial is a little too small for my requirements. That said, I might still order a trio of white dialled PPs for my best men, that way, they'll be matching, we'll all have a 'theme' of white on SS, but I'll still be slightly different Pics are on their way Well, with all the requests, I can hardly refuse Here's some 'quick n dirty' pics of it. If anyone's wondering about the extreme angle shots, I was trying to capture the 'smudge' I mentioned, but, it hasn't been captured... Just shows how 'noticeable' it actually is Sorry for the blurry shot of the movement, I'll try and get some better ones taken at another point [Edit to add] The buckle shown is one I've had for a while, it came on the original strap of the Radiomir I bought for my friend's birthday earlier in the year, which wound up on a 26mm rubber strap, with deployant clasp. It goes really well with this strap and watch though
  6. TeeJay

    PAM 113

    Thanks, amigo I'll be sure to post some photos, as soon as I'm able. The swan neck isn't the dagger type, but needle-shaped. I'll be sure to include lots of movement shots when I do get the photos Thanks I have to admit, I'm really liking the white dial. I can't see it being a 'regular wear' watch, but I do think it's very nice As soon as I've got the spare time, I'll get some posted Sorry to hear your transaction's not going well, if you don't mind me asking, who's the dealer, and what issues are you facing? I hope they get resolved quickly and smoothly
  7. Arrived today with a white FM Crazy Hours for my wife (Hers has to go back as the movement doesn't jump smoothly enough for her taste...) I'm pretty happy with my 113 though "What a surprize..." I'm sure you're thinking... "TeeJay has such a low expectation for watches, he'll accept any POS as long as it has hands and tells the time..." Yes, that would be a fairly safe thought on most cases, but, in this case, I am actually pretty 50/50 about it The Plus Points: - I like the dial (never had a pure white dialled watch before, and I have to admit, I love how clean it is) - I actually got shipped 'the next model up' from the one I ordered As you all know, I'm not bothered about stuff like movement details, swan necks etc, so when I saw a version without a swan neck, I thought "I'll save myself ten bucks by buying that version ) What did I see when I looked at the back? A swan neck, engraved bridges, rather than ones with stickers, (the main bridge looks like a freaking sword blade!!!) and 'sun-burst' engravings on the wheels Yup, Tony sent me the next model up with no extra charge. - The watch, out of the box, is water resistant (at least up to running under a tap and shower pressure) I had to bury my mother in law's cat, as he passed away this afternoon, and, having worked up quite a sweat digging the grave, it was only right that I have a shower to freshen up. Never one to miss an opportunity, I threw the watch on the 24mm dive strap, and took the plunge. Not a hint of condensation The Minus Points: - The rehaut of the dial is too close to the markers (Touching the 'black ring' around the lume dots) However, I plan on transplanting the dial and movement into my 111h case, so I can wear it on an SS Bracelet. The bracelet I have, won't fit this case I'll be interested to see how the 111h case rehaut is on the dial. - The second hand is white rather than black. It is pretty much invisible on the dial, so, that might actually get swapped for a black hand (if I can be bothered to do it) Not to get it more accurate to gen, but, just so I can actually see the hand easily - The dial lettering is too large. The thickness of the letter 'lines' is okay, but the overall letter itself is too wide. As above though, since when have I ever actually cared about such a trivial detail? - The factory strap is nice, but the buckle is garbage (offset engraving) again, not exactly a deal-breaking issue - There is a 'smudge' on the inside of the crystal, above the '45' minute marker. It's about 2mm in diameter, and could be clear oil or glue. However. Due to the color of the dial, it is only visible when viewed almost edge on, it does not obscure or distort the dial in any way, and is not visible when viewing the watch normally. This is the first watch I've received with such a mark on the crystal, and, while I'm sure it would send many screaming to the dealer, demanding a replacement yesterday, it is totally ignorable. Actually, 'ignorable' is the wrong word. To be ignoreable, something would have to be noticeable, and, it is not (under normal conditions) noticeable. Given I plan on transplanting the movement and dial anyway, it's certainly not worth getting stressed about it... So, never let it be said that I am blind to such flaws, or that I don't care enough to actually mod a watch, I'm just fairly tollerant of what issues I can live with (all of the above, barring the case transplant) Overall, I'm happy with the watch. I don't predict it becoming a 'regular wearer', as I'm still pretty taken with my 104, but, it's nice to know I now have a PAM which looks a bit smarter than the others :happy:
  8. Awesome projects Personally, I like Option 3 the best. As you say, the gold hands are a bit overpowering in the Radiomir case, but in the Luminor case, it all just works together as a really nice design. Not a watch I'd wear myself, as I don't wear gold, but still something I'd consider a really nice watch, and, seeing as I normally don't even like gold watches, that's saying something
  9. Hmmmm..... It would be a lot cheaper than the ones I'm commissioning... Ken, Don't worry about any delays, even though the flairup on my finger has almost healed, I doubt I'll be permanantly wearing a ring on that finger any time soon Things will get sorted in due time
  10. Why would they want your reps? The $350's a weird figure, but nevermind... I know that importing reps is illegal, but I thought posession was okay... Are they trying to get you on imports? Scary stuff indeed
  11. If that's the case, then this watch should be pretty good I was really impressed with the VCO, it just did absolutely nothing for me when I wore it, but that was just me, nothing to do with the watch itself... That's the rumor Hopefully, all will be resolved. That said, it's not very good for an SMP GMT to be fitted with a PO bracelet... In terms of QC, that's just insulting... Although I have once received a totally incorrect watch from a drop-shipper (which they replaced, and the replacements were correct) I don't think I've ever heard of a watch being sent with miss-matched parts like that... Fingers crossed, that it will all be resolved, and hopefully your transaction with Replica2U will go better. On my transaction, I found their communication non-existent, but, I couldn't've been more happy with the quality of the product (Even though I never bonded with it, it was still a very nice watch.)
  12. No problem Just to clarify, when I say 'thumb pressure', I am meaning 'maximum-possible-feels-like-your-thumbs-are-about-to-seperate-from-the-nail' pressure I admit, it might not be as tight as a case-wrench will allow, but, it's certainly enough that the back cannot be removed by 'ungloved' thumb pressure, and should be sufficient to render the case water-resistant (as long as the case itself doesn't have other flaws which could lead to flooding ) It's funny you mention chronos. I was also similarly scheptical, but, I've got the One Eight Something wet on occasions, and thus far, it's been fine Of course, I haven't taken it scuba diving, but it's certainly stood up to the daily abuse which made my first, flawed, 104, fog up almost immediately, so to me, that's a fairly good sign of, at least a reasonable level of water-resistance Wether I'd have the same luck with other chrono PAMs, I wouldn't like to say, but, I'd definitely try, to find out
  13. I can understand that. For some reason, the name of the lead character in the series Moonlight, Mick St.John, really grates. It sounds too... 'forced'... I had started watching the series, but my interest in it drifted. That said, Mr St.John can be seen to be wearing a Panerai Luminor in some scenes In theory, yes... In practice, what could it be shortened to though? Dee would actually sound better I wonder how many poor souls have that on their birth certificate... Out of curiousity, was 'Ty' short for something else, like Tyler?
  14. Well yes, this is true, but, that is at least a proper sound 'Gair', on the other hand, sounds like, well, I'm not too sure really, but certainly not something someone should respond to as a form of address That is a puzzling one... Kind of how William is sometimes shortened to Bill, and Henry is sometimes shortened to Harry. I've even heard (not sure how true it is) that Jack is a shortening of John (How it can be considered a shortening, when it has the same amount of letters, I'm not sure ) That said, with two cool Captain Jack's (Harkness and Sparrow) in the public consciousness, I can see this name making a return among new parents
  15. When you say cyclops, do you mean just the cyclops, or a crystal with a cyclops fitted? That said, I know that the fitment of my 104 crystal is spot on as the watch is water-resistant, so I think I'd be more comfortable having my crystal coated, rather than risking the fitment of a replacement crystal. Thanks for the mention though
  16. I know some people really hate to have their names shortened, and some names cannot be shortened properly, but, what bugs me, is when a shortened version of a name, is further shortened... For example... On the cartoon series Recess (My wife watches it... ) there is a character called TJ. This is short for Theodore Jasper... However, he is often refered to, as 'Teej'... Gary, is a short form for Gareth, yet, on occasion, I have heard it shortened (mangled might be a more apt description) into 'Gairr'... Not sure why folks do it, but it really bugs me For the record, I am never refered to as 'TJ' in real life, they are simply the initials of my first and middle names, and I couldn't think of anything else as a username when I first signed up (I couldn't actually use 'TJ', so I put it in phonetically ) I am, however, mostly refered to by a short form of my name (which fortunately can't be shortened further ) Is this something which bugs anyone else? Anyone else hate it when people (other than friends or family) shorten your name without permission?
  17. Thanks for the photos, bro I have to admit, I think it might be a little small for me (dial wise) That said, I think I'd be safest to buy one so I can see for myself Just to be sure Tony's showing listings for MBKs, with both Swiss and Asian movements, so I think I could be tempted. I have ordered a 114 (I think ) as a possible 'wedding watch', but, it's likely going to wind up needing a case transplant into a case which will take the SS Bracelet (for some reason, some cases won't accept the bracelet, but I'm planning on buying my 111h back so I can cannabilize it for the bracelet and case, so I could then swap over the movements and dials ) The only flaw with the plan, is that I was thinking about having matching watches for my best men, and, although I could buy the 114 on SS, Tony only lists the Swiss version with the bracelet, the Asian versions are only on straps, and I'm not feeling generous enough to get three Swiss versions Of course, if the Asian one does fit on the bracelet for my 104 (I'm not expecting it to ) then that'd be a different matter If not, it'll be Asian PPs all round
  18. I'm not normally one for modding my watches, but I think I might have to get my 104 AR coated, as reflections in the cyclops make it very hard to actually read the date It's not something I plan to do in the immediate future, as I can live with it for a while, but I think it will be something which needs doing eventually... What kind of costs would I be looking at for single-sided AR?
  19. All's well, thanks Does it appear much smaller in terms of width and dial size as well?
  20. Out of curiousity, how do you find the Nautilus' size compared to a PAM?
  21. No problem Chances are the watch will be fine. As long as the crown-guard lever locks solidly into place, it's certainly worth the risk of running the watch under a tap Of course, if it fogs up, then just let it dry out, and remember not to get it wet again (or, if you've paid for water-proofing, send it back to the dealer ) It's also worth putting on a pair of dish-washing gloves, and using your thumbs to make sure the caseback is screwed down tight. If it's loose, thumb pressure will be enough to get it waterproof (well, as long as the rest of the watch is ) I used this method to open and close the caseback on my 111h while on vacation, as it stopped mysteriously (following a service) and I wanted to see if I could see any obvious damage. Turned out there was still a jam, but other than that, it would run flawlessly for 12 hours before jamming... Anyway, re-securing the caseback with the gloves, I went swimming (quite vigorously against the tides) and no leaking or fogging at all
  22. I'm still wearing my 104, but swapping between the rubber strap and SS Bracelet. I've got the review written, all I need to do is get the photos taken. Everytime I plan to do them, something crops up and takes priority... For someone who doesn't really like date windows (had to re-set the datewheel today ) and prefers the base dials to those with the second sweep, I really like the 104 The dial just balances itself out, and the watch is really versatile, so great to wear with any outfit
  23. Bro, I believe that was an abreviaton of Thanks In Advance, rather than the female name
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