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Everything posted by TeeJay

  1. Depending on how easily you could source the parts, it might be as easy to buy a watch and then have someone touch up any flaws you felt needed attention. The one thing I will say about PAMs, is that they don't attract the same "Is that real?!?" attention which Rolexes do, so I'd say only have mods done for flaws which you can't live with. Don't worry about others picking up on flaws, most will just think you're wearing a 'big, ugly watch' Welcome to the jungle
  2. Other than my visits to the fair, I've been wearing my 127. My favorite watch in my collection. On visits to the fair, I wore my 029a. One of my favorites aesthetically, but one I seldom actually wear... As it's getting given to a friend on Saturday, I'm going to spend 24 hours wearing this Radiomir, as a last minute check of the regulation. For about 2 weeks, it's quietly sat on my shelf, ticking merilly away, getting wound daily. If it wasn't for the silver hands and sausage dial, I'd keep it for myself But I won't I'll get one with a nice sandwich dial instead
  3. TeeJay


    As a side note, my research into the A380i has revealed that it has a motion-sensitive control, and wallpapers can be changed with a flick of the wrist As interesting this might first seem, I wonder how many people will wind up launching their phones across the room while trying to demonstrate this function to their friends after one too many...
  4. Thanks, coming from the review maestro, that really means a lot At present, I don't have any credit on the phone (I don't pay sucker monthly tarifs ) so I can't actually get it online (o2 pay as you peasant access requires 15p to get online) however, when I top it up mid-week, I'll get some more shots of those aspects. As mentioned, there was that wierd behaviour with Google.Com. However, connecting to the o2 homepage was absolutely fine, and accessing a networking site brought up a reasonable interface. I didn't get to explore this function much, as the operator was only kind enough to put 15p onto my account so we could test to see if the net functions were definitely connecting. Not Edge, just GPRS/WAP. I agree, the P168+ is not in quite the same league as the iPhone, but, by league, I mean as in say boxing divisions. Someone might not be a Super-Heavyweight (iPhone), but, they can still be at the top of their own division, and that's how I'd class the P168. I didn't really have a problem with the internet access for what I was wanting to do with it, with the available period of access, but, as mentioned, once I top the phone up, I'll be able to review that feature more extensively. In terms of 'web-in-your-pocket', as mentioned in my review, the buyer really needs to think of the functions they require a phone to have to be of use to them. If they want full internet access, then no, it might not be what they need. However, if internet access isn't such a high priority, and they need something with a load of scheduling functions, or easy to use still/video cameras, then it's more geared towards those needs. I suspect, from what access I did get online, it will be sufficient for things like checking emails etc. Thanks As you say, it's excellent bang for the buck, if all that is required is some generic functions, rather than specialist applications, and indeed, no wifi... That said, what it does do, it does very well Thanks The two SIMs can only be used one at a time, rather than simultaneously. However, unlike early twin SIM devices, the P168+ does not require shutdown to switch between the SIMs, it has a 'switch SIM' function available under 'extras' in the 'entertainment' menu. Just a case of tabbing the control, and the phone does the rest
  5. Absolutely awesome watch Had you considered putting it on a carbon fibre strap to complement the dial?
  6. TeeJay


    That's an interesting suggestion That said, I'd say that the A380i is further away from the iPhone visually than the P168, and I daresay, less attractive than the P168. It also has the exact same functions, they have not even kicked the phone up to two megapixels... If it is indeed, doing the same things as the P168, (although the menus appear slightly different (but that could just be a wallpaper, as demonstrated in my review) ) then it is without doubt, probably an excellent smart-phone. In terms of it being an 'iClone', however, personally, I'd still say the P168 is the visually closer candidate
  7. Thanks for the comments guys I've just made an edit to include photos of some functions I'd actually forgotten to document (including the telephone function ) If anyone has any questions or wants to see another aspect of the phone documented, just let me know
  8. Thanks, Ken, that really means a lot
  9. This is a review of a phone I purchased from Ken. The phone he is advertising as a replica iPhone, is a phone called a Cect P168+. Cect sell this phone both with an Apple logo on the case, and as an unbranded phone. I opted to purchase the unbranded version, as research into the P168 has revealed that on the Apple-branded variant, the
  10. More random MP3s. Current: Blue Oyster Cult - The Reaper (Don't fear) Next: Queen - A Kind of Magic
  11. TeeJay


    I've had a look at the iPhones in the o2 store, although this isn't really a comparitive review, just a review of the P168 'as is'. The comparitive comments I found on a forum devoted to the P168, and a few observations from my own observations of the iPhone. I should have the review online later this evening
  12. I've had my 127 for coming up 3 months, and, as yet, its saphire crystal is unexploded *waits for watch to explode just to spite me * On topic... Absolutely awesome project, and a fine watch
  13. TeeJay


    I agree, the functionality is different between the P168 and the iPhone, but, overall, it depends what functions are important to the user, as to if it's actually necessary to buy the iPhone rather than a similar smart-phone. Something which should be pointed out though, is, although the P168 is available with an Apple branding, the unbranded phones are not really replicas of the iPhone. Inspired by, (copied ) certainly, but, it has enough style differences to stand alone simply as a smart-phone. (Even if the best wallpapers and loadscreens are Apple-based ) Your review of the iPhone was what inspired me to write a review of the P168, so when I post it, I'll be interested for your input.
  14. TeeJay


    I was going to suggest, that, rather than the iPhone, you take a look at the Cect P168. (you'll find a load on eBay, and Ken sells them as well) but, if you definitely want 8GB storage, they might not work... They can definitely take 1 and 2 GB transflash cards, but, people are unsure if they can also use the higher capacity. If you want something which looks 'close enough' to the iPhone, then it's an awesome phone. I'll be posting a review of mine within 24 hours, so that might be of help Of course, if you definitely want an iPhone, then that's that
  15. To be honest, not much... I know I'm not buying a genuine item, so I don't expect perfection. However, things that would irritate me, if I purchassed such a watch, would be sloppy mistakes such as spelling errors or misaligned texts, as such things are a matter of workmanship/accuracy regardless of the watch being gen or rep. It would be nice if rep lume was better quality, but, it's normally serviceable
  16. I've been wearing my 127 solidly since receiving the spring bars from River I did swap it to my 029a earlier this evening, as we went to the fair which was in town, and I didn't want to risk the 127 getting smacked around on rides, or worse, taken by pickpockets. (It is now safely back on my wrist) I like the 029a, I really do, but, I wouldn't be devastated if something happened to it. That's not to say that I give my watches the 'cotton wool' treatment, but no point in needlessly exposing my favorite to unnecessary risk
  17. I guess at the end of the day, a nice watch is a nice watch, regardless of it being rep or gen, and in all honesty, it's not like reps are cheap chromed metal, they're just as well made as many high street 'fashion watches' Is the PAM with that flaw you highlighted the '1000 Arktos' (not sure of the model number) ? If it is, and, if you did want to get rid of it, what kind of price would you be looking for?
  18. With the greatest of respect, if a single detail like that (which is not even visible on the dial) bothers you, you might need to start buying gens to get 100% perfection... I mean, how often do you, (or anyone else, for that matter) actually scrutinize the back of your watch? Misspellings are one thing, but c'mon, that's just being picky [Edit to add] If you feel you absolutely must get rid of it, (A new caseback would solve your dilemma ) if you could show me a pic of the front, I might be interested. I've been thinking about getting an Arktos for my collection for a while...
  19. As suggested above, some of River's springbars will solve this problem As for what bugs me... I'm not too worried about flaws or accuracy, but, something which does annoy me, is when photographing a sandwich dial, it can sometimes look like a sausage dial. Silly thing, I know, and, afterall, I know it's a sandwich dial, it just irritates me when they don't photograph thusly
  20. TeeJay

    Bond 22

    Hmmm... Gemma Arterton looks like a dodgy flasher in that photo. Note how the mac is being held closed at the bottom... No visible clothes at the neckline either. Looks like she's about to do a flash PS Best not let MI5 see that photo... All those dark-skinned men with rucksacks might make their trigger fingers itchy again
  21. Awesome photo tutorial The watch looks awesome Out of curiousity, what was the source for the strap?
  22. Absolutely so. I agree, the point has been made that return addresses on outgoing parcels are often incorrect, but, as someone else pointed out, there's nothing to stop correct return addresses being listed initially... With regards the 55%, I'd still say that, if the watch doesn't make it back, then Josh would only be entitled to keep the cost of the watch from his supplier (so without any of the markup of the final price) and the shipping. Depending on the watch's cost price, that would of course vary the percentage due, and, as mentioned by Doc Savage, that markup can be considerable... Indeed, the fact he was willing to ship a replacement was generous, and, to be fair, Josh has always made these kinds of offers. I think the problem is arising, because LJ wanted to actually cancel the deal and get a refund. I think, as you say, the eventual fate of the watch needs to be determined, but to be fair to Josh, he has stood up and given his side of the story, and a very fair offer of replacement at the time.
  23. According to the opening post, the watch has been sent back, not destroyed... It'll be interesting to see if it does ever reach it's destination.
  24. I just hack an inch off the back panal with kitchen scissors
  25. I have to admit, she's taken it very well. She really is the stereotypical 'old Jewish woman', although she doesn't actually practice (doesn't even keep kosher ) but in mannerisms and attitude, very much so Hee hee, I suspect that your name is not Ethel P. MacGillicuddy, but I'm sure I will like it It's not so much that I don't like black straps, at all, I do like them, I just prefer them for more formal wear (if they're leather) or extremely casual wear, if they're rubber (or carbon ) as I can get a bit anal about 'matching my leathers' (note how the belt and the shoes pictured are almost a perfect match to each other) Interestingly enough though, and I'm not sure how you'd feel, but when I was wearing my 029a on it's bordeaux(ish) strap, I found that it was almost chameleon-like, in if I wore it with my brown shoes and suede jacket, it blended into the brown spectrum, and when worn with black shoes, equally blends in I already know the 127 is an incredibly versatile watch, needing only strap changes to go from smart, to casual, to rugged and functional, but, I have a feeling that the bordeaux strap (when I order one from Tony in a few weeks) will just make the watch a chameleon, needing only strap changes for definite 'rugged use', rather than needing to change for color match smartness Thanks again for the straps, it really means a lot
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