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Everything posted by TeeJay

  1. I'd definitely suggest something like this as well. I got a Muller jump hours for my mother in law for Christmas, and she loves it. Recently, she went to London for dinner/show with friends, and said they were all fascinated by the watch, and waited to see the 'jump' Awesome dial texture, and, on a leather strap, look fantastic
  2. I'd agree with SS that the movement is defective, although, I would suggest that it might be repairable (keyword being 'might' ) If you have a jeweller/watchsmith near you who would work on a mechanical watch, it might be worth taking it in for an examination, as a repair might be cheaper (and less hassle) than a movement replacement (which in itself, from what you've said, you'd still need to source a watchsmith to perform) Best of luck with it
  3. Excellent stuff I admit, I was rather hoping to have seen a 'Ferrari' cobbled together from parts from various models though. I saw a car in one modded car magazine, where most of the accessory parts (lights, door-handles, mirrors etc) had been replaced, but by parts for other cars by the same manufacturer, so, although it was obviously a customized car, the parts all 'fit' together, rather than clashing with each other
  4. Probably every other day. I plan on keeping my scalp clean shaven, Lex Luthor/Hitman-style, rather than just zero-clipped, Jason Statham/Vin Diesel-style. Clean-shaven is neat and tidy, zero-clipped makes me look like a football hooligan
  5. There's not a rating adequate to cover that, so I'll just say awesome post, incredibly indepth, and very insightfull
  6. Indeed, that's where I got my Blue IIs from I like to buy in bulk That said, looking at the Headblade site, that certainly is a good price for the shaving products. My only concern, would be how long the blades themselves remain sharp for (although $s isn't bad for the amount when converted to
  7. Thanks for the suggestion Indeed, yes, the hot water and steam softens the hair and opens the pores. What I took the tip to mean, was to use hot water to wet the face and apply the lather, but then use cold water to rinse the blade, so the blade itself remains cool. I can honestly say I've never had razor burn following this method (even if the the last 3 years I had a full beard ) Ahh, interesting about the minerals Sweet I might have to invest in one When I shaved my head with the wet razor, it was a few days after my head had been shaved with clippers (the barber went over my head first with a guardless 'large' clipper, but then went back over it all, with one of those tiny 'touch up trimming' clippers, which he kept cool by spraying with lubricant spray) so the regrowth was about what it would be on the face for the same period. I spent quite a while before shaving my head, simply running my hands over it to determine the precice growth patterns, so I wouldn't have to shave against the grain. I went over my head once with the wet razors, then re-lathered and went back over everything just to be sure The result, was, touching my scalp 'with' the grain, it felt totally smooth, it was only touching against the grain, that it felt like very fine finishing paper I would say carefully On another forum, one person once said how they gave themselves a nasty gash with clippers, but were too embarassed to get help Another person (same forum) said that they used a wet razor, and, as they had an interview one day, were slightly more hurried than usual, and nicked themselves slightly (as can happen shaving the face) so, they used the old 'toilet roll trick', got dressed, and didn't think any more about it untill they undressed later, to find their Y-Fronts looked like they'd been castrated I guess I'm really going for an unattainable balance of ultimate 'to the skin' closeness, but at the lowest possible price, due to the frequency of repetition I think the best thing will be to assess the options, and see what gives the best results, before then 'buying in bulk'. Then again, I could just take
  8. But how do you know that? He might not have spoken to you yet, but He will, when the time is right. As someone who lived their life until recently as an Athiest, I know how hard that can be to accept, but that's just the way it is. God works in mysterious ways...
  9. From your previous comments, I presumed that you were a Catholic, my apologies if that was an incorrect judgement. If you are not a Catholic/Christian, why the moral indignation on their behalf, for what was on my part, no more than poorly expressed tone. You perceived intollerance in that, but that does not make it so. I am not an intollerant person, you, on the other hand, rather appear to be. You previously took great pleasure in slapping your educational achievements in this thread, in a vain attempt to appeal to authority. Have the grace not to deny it. No, they are facts. You go on to state them yourself. I won't re-quote it, your post is sufficient. Absolutely so. And it could be, that he did receive a vision from God. It could be, that God intended Constantine to be one of His messengers, but, his later actions, possibly removed him from God's favor, which could be why Muhammad, peace be upon him, received his calling, after the actions of Constantine and the Council of Nicaea. As I mentioned previously, Muhammad, peace be upon him, was not founding a new religion, he was restoring the original one. It could be argued, that he was correcting the actions taken by Constantine. Without going into too much depth on those points, Christianity, in it's spread, took concepts from other religions, mostly, in attempts to gain converts, hence the dates of the festivals Christians currently celebrate, which would coincide perfectly with Pagan festivals, were it not for differences between calander systems. That was not what I said. I said, modern day Christianity is a corruption of Jesus' message, (because of Constantine and the Council of Nicaea) not that it does currently corrupt Jesus' message. There is quite a difference in what I said, and what you are suggesting I said. If I was ignorant about the subject, I would not be able to discuss it in this depth. Do not discount my position as 'ignorant', simply because it does not coincide with yours. That opinion, in itself, is ignorant and intollerant. Things you baselessly accuse me of, yet continually display yourself. Yes it does. The truth. There is only One Truth. Opinions are opinions, and we can all have different ones. Facts are facts though, and immuteable. Indeed, peace be upon you, I sincerely do not desire to continue this conversation with you. [Edit for clarity]
  10. Yes and no. All I'm saying, is that if Tony does not know the information he is giving is out is incorrect, then, he is not 'lying', as there is no intention to mislead others (and no knowledge that he may be doing so). It's rather like libel/slander laws. Someone can only be charged with them if they personally know, that what they are saying/printing about another person is false. If they genuinely believe that what they are saying/printing is the truth, it is not libel/slander. That is the distinction I am trying to make here. As mentioned before, when I asked Tony to source me a PAM 112 (by name) he was confused and asked if I could show him a picture of what one looked like. Those are not the comments of someone who knows the details of what he's selling. I agree, no, lies are not acceptable, but, if someone does not know that they are lying, and are simply passing on incorrect information, (ie they do not know the products and take the suppliers at their word)it is not fair to lump them in the same catagory as those who lie and do know that they are passing on incorrect information. If that makes any sense... [Edit to add] Scam sites do not send out merchandise, or, do not send out the merchandise pictured. Tony does send out the merchandise he advertizes. As mentioned previously, he may have taken some bad advice about his site, and is not a watch guru, but, that does not make him a scammer. He is friendly, professional and pleasant to do business with. He responds swiftly, and his aftersales service, ie on faults, is perfect. Maybe he is not the best source for people who don't know anything at all about watches, who don't know what tells to look for, or what questions to ask, but, he is certainly not a scammer. His feedback on CQout should be enough to prove that he is an honorable dealer, with many satisfied clients (in a sales market where dealers are removed if they accumulate negative feedback, unlike here, where negative feedback goes ignored and tollerated, by being viewed against 'the big picture'. CQout doesn't offer dealers 'the big picture', dealers either play by the rules, or they are gone. Tony's feedback there speaks for itself.)
  11. Indeed, it's been a while, amigo, all's well here, thanks I would've been happy to use clippers on the zero setting, but found that, when pulling on a T-Shirt, what stubble there was, held the shirt in place on my scalp like velcro I found the sensation of a pillow equally strange, so, from those instances, decided to take it right down to the scalp with a wet shave. Maybe I'll wind up like the guy in Predator who was shaving all the time I'm rather pleased that I didn't actually cut my head at all Not bad for a first try Thanks for the tip about drying the blades after use, I'll have to remember that A tip I picked up watching Goodmorning, Vietnam, was that using cold water, reduces razor burn What was the result like when you had your head shaved with a straight razor? I'm keen to try one, but don't want to cut myself to ribbons in the process
  12. Thanks for the suggestion, I was thinking about using my Mach 5, but, I knew the blade cartridge wasn't 100% fresh, and, from what friends who also shaved their heads had told me, using a blade which was in any way blunt on the head was asking for trouble, so I bought some packs of Gillette Blue IIs (I can still remember the advert jingle for them ) I used two razors to get the 'initial shave' taken care of, then used a third to give everything a 'quick once over' to touch up and catch any missed areas. Strangely, this is the first time that I've actually found being ambidextrous of benefit I guess my concern was that if a Mach 5 cartridge would only last one shave (if that) then they would be very expensive to replace every few days. If you've had good results though, I might give it a try
  13. Fantastic, thanks for the links, guys
  14. If you have a problem with the sale, try contacting Tony and discussing it with him. All you're going to get here, are people saying Tony is a scammer, and people saying he's a good guy to deal with. As has been mentioned before, Tony is not a watch expert (likely not even a watch enthusiast) he (certainly appears to) relies on what his suppliers tell him. In a western business, that is an unnacceptable lack of product knowledge. In Chinese business, it is the prevalent attitude. I do not condone any kind of scammers, but I honestly do not believe that Tony is willfully or knowingly scamming anyone. Wags like to say "Ignorance is no defense", well, in situations like this, maybe it should be. I've always found Tony helpfull and polite when dealing with enquiries, I really would suggest contacting him to discuss your concerns. You're likely to get a much more satisfactory (or at least accurate) answer than you will here, where people can only make suggestions. Best of luck with your enquiries
  15. As folks may have gathered from my new signature, I have shaved my head, and now plan to keep it in such a condition. Electric clippers, while relatively cheap and efficient, do not give as close a cut as a wet razor, however, even disposeable wet razors, if used frequently, will not be cheap (especially if having to use 2-3 per shave) Are there any other members who frequently shave their heads? If so, what kind of razor do you find gives a close shave, but has the durability to last at least one shave without needing to change razor/blade cartridge? Has anyone tried shaving their head with a straight razor? Is this even adviseable? (Personally, I would have my concerns, but mention it only as it is manually sharpened, thus more 'cost effective') Any advice will be greatfully received
  16. By that definition, then yes, everyone is 'prejudiced'. In common usage, the term is taken to simply have objection to people of other backgrounds, ie racism or, religious intollerance. Personally, I am not intollerant of different religions. I do not treat people differently for being of different ethnic or racial backgrounds to myself, other, than by acknowledging and respecting their own cultural values, and treating them in accordance with those values (which may be different from my own) and frankly, find it ludicrous and tasteless, that anyone might suggest or think that I am. My attitude, (religion not even applying, as until I converted to Islam, I was an athiest) has always been one of "when in Rome..."
  17. I don't prejudge people based on their religious beliefs, if you choose to believe that or not, that is up to you. On another issue, I've tried using the internet functions on the Cect P168+, and have to report not having much success with searches via google. I was able to get RWG.CC up, but, the protocols would not allow me to log in. (similar problem with other pages) so I'll have to conclude that the P168+ is not well suited to heavy internet useage.
  18. I will be equally direct. I am neither intolerant nore disrespectful of people whose religious beliefs are different to mine, and have said nothing whatsoever in this topic, or any other, which would prove your accusations. Your qualifications are irrelevent and meaningless, given your refusal to accept the fact that Constantine and the council of Nicaea created what is now modern day Catholicism/Christianity, directly corrupting the message of Jesus. If you attained those qualifications without being aware of that simple fact, then you, sir, should be ashamed of yourself. I am not 'trying' to say anything, other than to clarify that I was stating historical facts, not speaking from personal prejudice. As mentioned previously, the Holy Qur'an states that there is no compulsion in religion, and that people are entitled to their own differing beliefs. As a Muslim, I follow that Sura to the letter. 'My' god, is also your god. It does not matter if He is being called Allah, God or Jehovah, He is the same deity. As mentioned previously, the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, was not founding a new religion, he was restoring the original one. I have no desire to keep repeating these facts, so shall make no further posts to this topic. Peace be upon you.
  19. As I pointed out above, and gave reference explaining, modern day Catholicism/Christianity is a corruption of God's message (from Jesus). The corruption was created by Constantine and the council of Nicaea. I'm sorry if you find that offensive or inpalatable, but, as I said, those are historical facts. My apologies if you found my post unfriendly or intollerant, that was never my intention, I was simply posting facts, as they related to the discussion. Peace be upon you.
  20. As you say, a fictional character Ahh, Freud... I've heard that he created the concept of the Oedipus Complex to assuage his own feelings of guilt about his attraction to his step-mother. While some of his concepts are interesting, they are a little formulaic (and self-aimed) for my taste... I quite agree, but, that is a surprisingly objective and accurate article Paedophile is one of the most common accusations about Muhammad, peace be upon him. Somewhat ironic, that the Catholic Church has had to pay out millions in restitutions to people who were abused as children by their priests... [Edit to add link]
  21. Oh dear. You clearly have no understanding whatsoever about the history of Catholicism, and have obviously paid little attention made by others (namely Pugwash) in the preceding pages. Catholicism/Christianity, as it exists today, was created by Constantine and the council of Nicaea. Those are not my opinions about the faith, they are historical facts, and nothing you say, feel or think, will ever change that. In terms of tollerance, I 'tollerate' Christians as fellow 'people of the Book'. I follow the Sura in the Holy Qur'an which states there is no obligation in religion, and that people are entitled to follow their own differing beliefs. Do not question my tollerance again, especially when your own understanding of the topic is clearly not what it could be. Amen to that. Where did I say that? I'm all to aware of why there are ignorant bigots in the world who have a problem with Islam and Muslims: Namely, demonization, and blaming an entire group of people, for the actions of an extreme minority, the actions of whom are not even sanctioned by the Holy Qur'an. And what? Are you denying the creation of modern Catholicism by Constantine and the council of Nicaea? I might not have been the first person to mention it, but, it is a well-enough known occurence that anyone with a history of religious studies should be aware of it. I think the fact that you're the one casting aspersions about maturity, answers that question itself.
  22. Damn, that's a cold move for someone to pull on a business. One thing's for sure, I bet she'll get some heavy comeuppance in the future for it though. If this is how eBay carries on, I think before long, no one will want to deal with them (buyers or sellers)
  23. Another, is that Christianity is a corruption of God's message (thanks to Constantine) where the Qur'an, is not. Something people often do not realise, is that Muhammad, peace be upon him, was not founding a new religion, but restoring the original one. Of course, that has itself been corrupted over the years itself, which is why I am a Qur'an Only Muslim. I follow the word of God, not the mixed up version, which incorporates the practices and opinions of Muhammad, peace be upon him, as religiously required. That could be why Catholics feel guilt and the need to confess their sins... It's not for a priest to voyeuristically take people's confessions and offer absolution for them, forgiveness comes from God alone. Jesus was not the 'son of God', he was simply a prophet who God chose to create in a certain way. His divinity was added, as Pugwash pointed out, by Constantine, at the same time that many other aspects of his life (which would challenge that opinion) were deliberately removed to be forgotten.
  24. eBay is just a facilitator for trade... Is it not up to the buyer and seller to decide for themselves how they want to make payment to each other?
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