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Everything posted by B3nj4min3

  1. Congratulations on getting the position mate! Celebrations!
  2. Likewise my friend. No offence meant and none taken. All's well that ends well they say :-) I, like you, feel incomplete without a watch on. It's the final compliment to my tweed and brogues. Have a good day my friend, I'm sure we'll have many more conversations yet :-)
  3. Unless of course one has something to contribute. The title of this thread is something that relates to me and I contributed accordingly. However, you seem like a good and knowledgeable person and I do not wish to antagonise you. Hence, I concede your point and look forward to future conversations :-)
  4. I am sorry that you feel you were being fed "B.S" and that you feel the need to "slam" me. Oh dear, the current use of the phrase in question is "an abomination"? That is an interesting opinion. "Earn your answer". You sir are certainly not contributing to the conversation, merely attempting to incite a t i t-for-tat response. I am not sure as to why you feel the need to so passionately defend your viewpoint however whatever it takes to get you through the day. I do not have the time, nor the wherewithal to explain my reasoning to you.
  5. Ah, thank you for that. No one had pointed that out and I hadn't noticed it. Hopefully, in person, it isn't a huge issue (fingers crossed).
  6. An interesting point raised and perhaps a nerve-or-two hit. Would it suffice to say that purchasing a rep is not analogous to purchasing a gen of any item? There are many magazines and websites where people ask for advice on purchasing said items. It isn't the mere value of the specific item, rather the fact that it is a replica. Your presumption that homework is conducted prior to purchasing is correct and your approach to the purchase is certainly interesting. However, if one were not to ask certain questions then how could one learn? Throughout life we are taught, "ask and he shall receive". Unfortunately, it seems that one can receive a fair bit of flaming here. Not-to-worry, each to their own I guess.
  7. I am one of the guilty parties in that I have posted QC pics. My main reason for doing so (inspite of the general request not to share such pics) is to bring in people who have vastly more experience than me in spotting potentially serious flaws that I would not notice. Having conducted a fair bit of research I know some things to look out for however I feel more eyes are better, especially more experienced eyes (and younger, sharper eyes!) could help. After-all, one of the many reasons for joining a forum such as RWG, is the wealth of knowledge that many of the members here have. It makes sense (at least to me) to ask for help in addition to conducting one's own research until one is proficient enough to spot major flaws (if there are any). As for the point raised that we cannot even be sure whether the QC pictures shown are of the actual watch we ultimately receive, I guess we have to take it on faith that the pictures shown are of the actual watch sent out to us. Although I cannot be 100% sure, I am fairly confident that the QC pics and the watch sent out are of the same watch.
  8. Yeah, I tend to opt for the vanilla-treated rubber. Although the smell can be rather sickly I find it's vastly better than the pungent odour of natural rubber. Oddly, I've found that cheap rubber straps don't seem to have much of a smell if any at all. It's mainly the more expensive (natural) rubber straps that whiff a bit.
  9. Since there was no wrist is for Sunday I though I may as well pop my wrist shot for today under Saturday's heading. Heck, it's all the weekend anyway
  10. Thanks Indywatchguy, will check it out now. Yeah, look like we all have the same sickness....still, there are worse sicknesses to suffer from My "to-get" list is getting ridiculous and at this rate I'll struggle to keep a sensible number in my weekly rotation.
  11. Very nice work there and impressive looking movement, especially with the ETA markings.
  12. Great photography skills there! I've saved several pictures to use for background pictures for the desktop and iPad!
  13. Looking forward to this feature. It will be incredibly useful and make searching for Pam's a fair bit simpler and more efficient. Thank you markiemark!
  14. Thank you for the offer my friend. I have approved the pictures I did receive so hopefully all will be okay. I'll post pictures of the watch once I receive it and we can compare differences (if any).
  15. I have done likewise. I didn't receive a close-up so I am trusting Andrew that there are no issues with the dial/hands. My attempt to verify didn't lead very far so fingers crossed all is well.
  16. That's right, the V2 is the latest version for now.
  17. Very useful info thanks. Something I had known of in the past however I'd completely forgotten one could do that. Thanks again!
  18. Hmm, thanks for that. I'm wondering the same thing....
  19. Thanks for letting me know. Did you get a close-up of the face by any chance?
  20. Just heard back from Trusty. He says they are unable to take any more QC pics at all. I know the pics are taken in advance however is it an unreasonable request to ask for a close-up of the face of the watch? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  21. Here are the four QC pics Andrew sent me an hour ago. Unfortunately there isn't a picture showing the face of the watch in close-up detail so I've emailed back to ask for a close-up picture. Besides that, all I can make out is the slight mis-alingment of one of the lume dots on the hour markers. Anything you guys can notice at all from these pics?
  22. Anyone having any success with the search feature? I'm still getting nowhere regardless of the search terms & parameters
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