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Everything posted by B3nj4min3

  1. Lol, I know. I looked at the barrel (use it to test waterproofness of flashlights) and thought "why not". It was a risk but since there's no helium valve or chrono-pushers I just decided to just check the two obvious leak points. Since they looked good I thought I may as well take the risk. I should point out that this was a static pressure test only, no dynamic testing was done (I didn't move the watch around alot whilst it was in the barrel). I would want to get it properly pressure tested first before I risked any pool parties, lol!
  2. Another absolutely beautiful watch there my friend. You truly have a great taste in watches (seems very similar to my taste in watches). Sigh....I guess this is another one I need to add to my "to get" list! Wear it in good health mate!
  3. Thanks mate. I always open the packages with slight trepidation in-case the watch is D.O.A however with Trusty's superb packaging the watch was well protected and looked as if it could handle pretty much anything! The speed of the shipping time caught me by surprise as I hadn't expected to see the watch for another couple of days however it seems as if EMS really are that good! Despite the fact that Trusty says the watch has been waterproofed to 30m I'm generally quite cautious due to the differences in tolerances in the reps. I inspected the crystal and bezel as best I could and all seemed well. The case back seemed tight and although I couldn't check the gaskets I decided to do a quick waterproofness test and dunked the watch into a barrel which is around three feet deep. I left it there (under static conditions) for 30 mins and later on took it into the shower with me. So far so good, no signs of moisture or condensation so I think I've got a keeper!
  4. The watch has arrived (delivery only took five days from QC pics being approved to watch landing on doorstep)! All-in-all, it is, as others have said, effectively a "super-rep". The only real flaw (which I hear is par for the course) is the slightly dodgy clasp. Also, now that I'm looking closely at the pictures I see that the 12 o'clock marker is slightly crooked. Hmm...(not a big deal in the world of reps and I can always get it fixed if it ends up really bothering me). Here are some pictures of the watch itself. My apologies for the grainy pictures (I should have taken these pictures when the light levels were better).
  5. On Amazon UK, these look fairly similar to the one's in your link, and from the reviews, the lenses actually appear to be fairly decent. Many of the reviews mention the good results from using the macro lens. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Macro-Fisheye-iPhone-i9300-DC145/dp/B008H3ZDEU/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1372450007&sr=8-2&keywords=iphone+macro+lens
  6. This doesn't smell right. I can't imagine why they would be asking for all of these things. The signature is particularly disturbing. After-all, what do they want the signature for? They have nothing to compare it with to ensure you really are who you claim to be. It seems far more likely that they want to clone the card and hence want your signature so if there's any future disputes they are more likely to get away with it. I'd walk away from this deal as it doesn't seem above-board.
  7. Ah, lol! Looks like I need to brush up on my Gaelic!
  8. Payment sent, thanks again! Looking forward to trying it on my PAM. Will post pictures when it arrives
  9. I'll take one please. 135/85 24mm and no buckle necessary. Logo on the inside would be great. If you can pm me the payment details I'll get the payment over to you immediately. Thanks for your sterling work!
  10. I'm slightly confused as I can't make sense of what you've said mate.
  11. I believe the difference between the larger size of the "2" in "21" and likewise with the "3" in "31" is deliberate as it balances out the reduced space taken by the "1". With the larger "2" and "3", the numbers "21" and "31" look correctly spaced when viewed through the date window. I may be completely wrong however it's just a possible explanation that comes to mind.
  12. Very good point. My apologies to all. That's what happens when I try to do things without any caffeine in my system. And a warm welcome to the infamous "Z". In my short time here I've heard a great many things about you (all good I assure you) ;-)
  13. Thought I may as well start one off PAM 359 today for a change
  14. Although there can be some dealers out there in the ether that we've not heard of/dealt with, we tend to recommend that people stick with the TD's (that can be found half-way down the main page). The main advantage is that these TD's are tried and tested. If a dealer is not listed on the main page then it would most likely be in your own interest to avoid them as you would be gambling with your money. If you can find the watch you're looking for from one of the TD's listed on this site then that would be best. If not then you could take the risk of ordering from dsn/watchmmx but the risk of getting conned is fairly high.
  15. Great work and attention-to-detail there resulting in two beautiful time pieces. If you are ever looking to off load one of them I'm sure there will be a line of eager buyers with me among them!
  16. Ah okay, thanks for that. So I may just end with a watch that's branded as "Folex" ;-)
  17. The white SOSF looks gorgeous and the mesh bracelet sets the watch off nicely. I'll +1 to the question that David asked; I'm considering ordering one up.
  18. This may seem like an absurd question so please accept my apologies if it is. As has been noted, the pictures show no branding as so to avoid the wrath of the companies, however is this merely some photo-shopping or do the watches indeed come sterile (ie. no logo/branding on the front)? Either way the prices are really good although if the watches come branded then I'll be ordering up a few beater watches from there pretty soon.
  19. I bought the pumpkin 45 mm version and the pearl on that one also pretty much touches the bottom of the triangle as you can see below. I decided to just stick with it as it didn't bother me enough to warrant to change/fix it though I may get it fixed in the future.
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