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Everything posted by Samurai

  1. Got this baby from Joshua. Quick iPhone pics.
  2. What's with the 28th as date for all the watches? Even my QC pics have 28th.
  3. I'd really like to see a Wristie of this one. This one is right up there with the gaytona :-)
  4. Don't much like the watch. Looks a bit like Seven Friday. However, the deployment extension is pretty neat.
  5. Friggin noobies......read Jetmid's guide on the best sub!!!
  6. A gen today - Franck Muller King Cortez Conquistador Relief
  7. To add to this, he has someone do a QC on each piece he sells. In my recent transaction with him, 4 pieces of a LV wallet were rejected as the piece was not perfect and I was informed of the same.
  8. Any idea on the legacy? It was supposed to have been released months back.
  9. Don't think we will see even a half decent RM rep in some time.
  10. Not really - my average is about once every 45 days - so can't comment on the DLC coating. However, in the recent times, I've never had issues with DLC black or RG coatings.
  11. Awesome - not really seen micro rotors in rep movements.
  12. Do take note that the way the rubber strap is attached to the rep is very different than the gen. Then gen has just the regular spring bars. However, on the rep, other than the spring bars, there are two small holes on the case itself. The rubber straps edges/ends have 2 metallic parts protruding out that go into these holes. This is done to prevent the rubber strap from bending too much when wearing the watch. So, if you do take out the rubber strap and put on a regular leather strap - you will have 2 holes visible on the watch case on either side. You may want to take out the rubber strap to reconfirm this. I have the reps in steel, black and gold and also the gen in gold. Cheers
  13. Forgot to mention Montoya. A very well made watch. I have all these in RG - Rubber clad, Don Ramon, GP, Montoya and RB. I have to say my fav are Montoya and Don Ramon. Both of them really command respect
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