I've been interested in these new AT replicas also and have been doing my research over the past week or so which dictates my response; however I'm not trying to be this man's internet bodyguard or anything, just gonna lay down some facts for everyone's understanding.
Here are a few points on the Aqua Terra he's referring to:
The rep watch was just released recently and so there aren't many reviews on the site, all I've found is this one and the by GrimReaper on the original request thread.
He, as far as I can tell, did not order the blue watch and switch; he just checked out the QC pictures on the aforementioned thread as I have and decided for himself.
The watch costs $328, not a paltry sum for what it is, and there's quite a lot of false advertising going on on the listing (Lack of AR, Movement, etc.).
The blue color was apparent because people posted links to multiple websites all showing that color, there was also a video posted which showed an accurate color representation.
So, I'd say he's in the right with most of his statements, and as I had planned on buying this same model today I'd be frustrated too if I received the load of he did.
Getting off my tangent, I hope his watch can be serviced, and hope that the dealers change their listing to show more of the truth... I mean if the feature listing isn't accurate, the movement is broken or is easily prone to breaking, and the customer service is as KingBach described, what's the difference between Trusty Time and all the other POS replica sites out there? I understand the men who sell these watches are only the man in the middle, they don't make the reps or supervise design, but the false advertising doesn't help.
Seems like the BP factory is on a discouraging trend... increasing prices and decreasing quality.
Good news though, I heard Angus at PureTime is making a rep of this.... I hope it's better considering it's apparently from a different factory.
original interest/request thread, original review by GR85: rwgforum.net/topic/160189-anyone-interested-in-getting-an-aqua-terra-repped/
exact listing on TT (note false AR advertising in description): ttw888.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=35_66&products_id=11482
Video for different angles of a different-colored, but identical model: player.vimeo.com/video/78978193
Original model from 2011 for comparison (note the difference- what $200 buys you): ttw888.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=35_66&products_id=8663
Sorry about the adresses.
Technically I can't post links yet so you'll have to copy them.
I don't want to start trouble with any dealers or members considering I'm still new to this, but I think other people of this community would agree when I say the false advertising and increasingly careless QC should change. Not that they will, or this post will do anything about the quality control and procedures for what I assume is kids working in china, but we've got to start somewhere.