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Everything posted by KB

  1. Put it on a chopping block and give it one good might wack from a tomahawk, no wait better put on a blindfold and give it 20 or 30 wacks. Oh sorry do you like this watch Ken
  2. No they all read this forum, however Jay is willing to become involved. Ken
  3. Now Rico and Andrew you have both been told to cut the crap, your call from here on in guys. Ken
  4. Rico you are a conceited fool and I'm calling BS on your whole little story... Thomas has never pulled me up about anything regarding you because quite frankly he thinks you're a horrid little troll. Ken Edit; As stated above PW had took no part in what transpired against him, other than trying to defend himself.
  5. KB


    Ahh sucks, you know guys the thought has only just struck me.............and it's too late now.........with POTR's financial probs it was most likely going to be a very lean Easter for his little girl, we should have done a quick whip around at the start to see she got the biggest Easter egg going. Still I'm sure she only needs Daddies love. Ken
  6. KB


    I can in no way speak on behalf of the entire team but I will say this, we couldn't have done it without the quality people that make up RWG. Thanks one and all. Ken
  7. Ok TT has said enough is enough so I wont leave this open to an answer, but yes I am talking of PW as that is where he was at odds with the mods. Ken
  8. So you believe Neil's total character assignation of a very prominent senior member of all the boards, was actually an attack on him then? Ken Edit; I've known Neil for longer, he and I have share chats and PM's, he has stated clearly that he sees me as a good friend....but that hasn't stopped him on a number of occasions when we have disagreed, so what makes your friendship special? Edit 2; Thats just utter rubbish!
  9. Andrew if there is one thing I and anyone should have learnt by now is that you are Neils friend just as long as you agree with him. Do you really think you have won any affection with him? The first time you go up against him he is going to rip you to shreds, I have seen him do this far too many times now so stop playing the holier than thou card please. Ken
  10. That is the facts as every Admin team member knows them, only Neil claims it happened more than once. Maybe it's you guys that aren't all that unified. And Neil told you the threats so you are willing to call T a F**king liar? Ken
  11. The real problem I am having here Andrew and Rico, is that you guys are not here to argue the facts as they are but the facts as according to Neil. Lets be honest besides what Neil has told you you guys are just not in the loop. Ken
  12. Don't know where you get your info from Andrew but the mod team is totally unified, ask anyone of them. Also TTK was a friend of mine right up to the point where he dished out the threats, I can easily have a constructive argument with someone with out any ill feeling, threats however are the deal breaker. Neil was never harassed by the mod team if he was pushing an issue we disagreed with then that was his call not ours. Ken
  13. I would add more but I see TT is about to have a say. Ken Edit; Question for you Andrew, what does it matter if (and I am not convinced of this) Neils account did jump around while the decision process was being made when ultimately Our Admin stated in that post above that he will not tolerate threats and that is the reason for the banning?
  14. Exactly where is the conceit in this comment, I am saying the team will help in any way to see he gets any of his info needed to meet his commitments. Why is that you guys that openly support Neil POV have totally glossed over our Admin's post where he clearly states that Neil was banned for making threats? Ken Edit to add; this is what our Admin wrote in the TTK banned thread... What part of that do you guys fail to understand?
  15. Andrew I thought you had a bit more intelligence that this, or have you just thrown your lot in with Neil regardless.. 1, Everyone knows that Neil did not deal with customers through his PM system 2, If you truly believe T did not consent on Neils banning send him a mail and ask him, the guy does have executive powers and we can do nothing that goes against his wishes. 3, At no point did I even remotely suggest that the Admin team will take credit for Neil delivering watches, please do not try and take what i say out of context our members are not stupid enough to fall for that. 4, To my knowledge when Neils dealership was suspended he still had access to his PM account And finally to answer your previous question about this thread staying open, every dealer has to put up with these threads when deals hit snags, why should we make an exception for Neil? Ken
  16. Undoubtedly but speaking as a dealer I can tell you many make this same mistake. Ken
  17. Neil had every chance to access his PM's when his collectors account was suspended, he chose instead to sully his own name and bring on the ban when he started handing out threats instead of looking after business. There is not one member of our Admin team who has called TTK a scammer, I know I have posted on a couple of occasions that I did not think he would ever do that, the whole team has also been more than willing to help to get this GB cleared up. If one member does not receive his GB watch because of some perceived interference by our Admin team then that member would have been scammed by TTK! Ken
  18. Looks like the balls back in your court musicale, that's a pretty comprehensive answer given there. @ Andreww you want us to prohibit these members from discussing the group Buy? Ken
  19. Don't know OS, we might not have Sheedy but neither has the Tigers Ken
  20. Rico it is no secret that TTK has been banned, I am also sure I have pointed that out along the way somewhere. However the members posting here are breaking no rules, so what would you have us do? Stop them from saying their bit? Sound like censorship to you?? Ken
  21. Ok first up this is going very off topic but worse than that if it turns into a religious debate... I'll close it down Ken
  22. Oh I love this time of the year. What Offshore has neglected to say is that we have been starved of our footy for 6 Months, so yeah the first real game was always going to be a blockbuster. The fact that Carlton and Richmond have always played for sheep stations when they meet helps too. Carn the Bombers Ken
  23. Rico try and understand it is one thing to openly support Neil (Many members of this board still do) but it is a totally different story when you start being condescending to members who express genuine grievances. Please try and keep that under control from now on. Ken
  24. Who's guarding their bodies Ken
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