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Everything posted by KB

  1. You are indeed scamming you have started a PP dispute despite there being no fault of any kind on my part, I can very easily show all our correspondence here that shows very clearly that you are in the wrong. It guys like you that think you can use PP like a gun to the head of dealers who is ruining the whole hobby for others. And no you wont be able to simply turn your back on this forum and run with your dispute, if it continues you you will find yourself out of all the forums. Ken
  2. Seems to me that Nanqu's way would be hard to beat. Ken
  3. Here..... http://www.rwg.cc/topic/150021-another-short-shut-down/ Ken
  4. So I reached out to the OP I explained that the bag he received is in fact identical to the genuine, I did a lot of checking on this the genuine is a shiny bag. I explained the factory will not accept a return of a bag that is not faulty but due to bad service of my not answering whilst shut I offered him a $50 credit. So no reply from the OP just a PP dispute. Maybe the OP would like to return to his own thread and explain his actions? Ken
  5. Our doctor cries every time he see's our daughter because she is so healthy. Which of course only highlights to me how lucky we are, and I admit to getting misty eyed when I hear of other kids suffering like this, it always makes me wonder how I would have coped in the same position. Stay strong K, prayers coming from Australia. Ken
  6. @Carl this is the second time you have posted this, like the first time I will again ask you to draw my attention to exactly what you are talking about either on the board or by PM. However I also stated last time that it is very possible that the post you are referring to was not deleted by me but by another mod, it is also very possible that if it was deleted it could have been for a reason other than self profit...or whatever you are trying to accuse me of! If you go to my review section you will see every review written, even the bad ones because I have no intention of trying to cover anything up. So lay it out or stop trolling. Ken
  7. I keep telling you Nanqu is a scammer....he has a bag of gooseberries...... Ken
  8. Thanks guys. Yes Cathy has worked for me for 7 years so I do feel a responsibility towards her. One reason why I can't knock out my backlog quickly is that there was some minor complications which means she can only work for short periods before needing to rest. Ken
  9. Ok everyone I haven't read the whole thread simply because I am sure there is a lot that has been said that is probably unfortunate. Yes I did shut down, the reason was (and I was hoping not to have to share personal stuff) that my sales rep just gave birth to a baby girl. It basically caught us off guard because the baby arrived early. This morning I have started working again but as I usually do I work from the first received mail and I assure you there are very many mails so it will take days to catch up. Please be patient and everyone will be looked after. Ken
  10. Of course if you really want to save money you could look here.... http://www.rwg.cc/topic/120376-watch-cases/ Ken
  11. Ok first I am the mod that was contacted, second I am much better looking than Andy...ask my wife Basically I told the op that if the tracking number had (i) been given and (ii) was working then there was no real reason to expect a scam at this stage. There is also the fact that it is a low dollar item, so I said it is quite possible that the Olympic's are playing havoc on the mail system at this time. I also pointed out that there was nothing the mod team could do outside of banning the seller after it was proved that he has in fact scammed so advised him to start this thread. Ken
  12. Of course that is not to mention that Suburb costs are far below inner city living and that any local pub is full to the brim of the laconic, larrikin easy going Aussies. Taxi's? Why would you take a taxi if you were planning to live here? I personally see the inside of a taxi maybe once a year. @ACSIWhite funnel webs are NSW, we have Redbacks, plus Tiger snakes, brown snakes, copperheads, red belly blacks etc etc... Ken
  13. I'm a Melbourne boy. First question is where are you moving from? If it is the states then financially there wont be a whole lot of difference, in fact the AUD is still a tad stronger the USD, so you should be able to look at your earnings at home compared with what has been offered here basically on a one to one ratio. Melbourne has always ranked very well in the worlds most liveable cities surveys too so there is much to see and do. Which suburb would you be relocating too or do you get a fair bit of choice on that? Hit me up with any questions via PM if you want and I will do my best to answer them. Ken
  14. Yet the consensus was that the Sydney Olympic's opening ceremony was well done and we had Victa lawn mowers, Hills Hoists and the man from snowy river.... Ken
  15. I can't understand how people can criticize an Olympic opening ceremony, surely it is obvious that what they are seeing is the best show they have seen in 4 years and the best show they will see for another 4 years. There is really no point in comparing them with past ceremonies. Ken
  16. KB

    My Dad

    I'm sorry I took so long to get to this but I do wish you the very best it is so very hard when it's a loved one. My wife and I only recently nursed my father back to health after his second by pass operation, this time he was a complete invalid for a few months, but with mum gone 3 years now we were willing to do anything it took to care for dad. Ken
  17. I loved it! But then I love most of these ceremonies, the planning needed to pull these things together is simple awe inspiring. Paul Mac was a highlight for me, he never puts a foot wrong. Ken
  18. NSTNS send the Pm with pic's and I will do my best for you, I'm not actually working today (Sunday) but will look at what you send in the morning. Ken
  19. So what you are saying is that the above that I posted (which I borrowed off an American friend) is rubbish and I am just trying to provoke, is that what you call an explanation? 4.8% per 100,000 is an unacceptable figure if you ask me. Ken
  20. Personally I would love to hear how these figures can be explained away.... It's not that I want to get into the whole gun lobby argument but seriously when access is so easy then these mass shooting and other murders must always be a possibility. Ken
  21. @NSTNS why? Lets understand from the start I am not chasing your business, there are in fact many dealers both on this board and the others that can meet your needs. All have a long standing history and therefore are sure to deal with after sales issues, I also know that my own (and pretty sure all approved dealers) prices are not only competitive with off board dealers but in most cases cheaper. Add to that what kind of service you believe you will get from an off board dealer if your goods fail to arrive, why then do members keep chasing these other sites? A lot of things get said in threads like this and a lot of it is bunk, unfortunately people get impressed with their powers of google searching and want to show everyone that they are some kind of guru. The fact is I have had 7 continuous years as a soft goods dealer before setting up I spent a year tracking down factories in China to find the best, people talk of DHG Gate.com, that site is a gateway to hundreds of chinese sellers but it is far from the only one before I found the right factory I had 48 of these gateways leading to thousands of Chinese resalers, I spent hours each day tracing back through these seller to find their source and yes I hit a lot of bad ones that cost me a great deal of money but in the end I found the girl who I have now paid a full time wage to for 6 years. How well can this girl be trusted? A few years back I set up an urgent 3 way email conference with a senior member here (docblackrock) the advise he gave may very well have saved my sales rep's baby boys life. So why shop elsewhere? What is there to be saved? Ken
  22. My opinion of guns can be condensed down to 2 words.....Trayvon Martin Remember also many of these mass shootings are done with the guns of very responsible, sane people...their kids do them. Ken
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